The Velvet Revolution was a non-violent uprising in Czechoslovakia that saw the overthrow of the Communist government. On November 17, 1989, police suppressed a peaceful student demonstration in Prague. Among the protesters were many young employees of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Based on the November events, civil forums were created at worksplaces. In consequences of the political evolvement, some of the compromised directors from institutes left their positions and during the following six months all directors had to be evaluated. Scientific committies began to form. On November 6, 1989, the entire presidium of ČSAV resigned and December 12, the Chamber of elected representatives of ČSAV was established. This organ became a carrier of fundamental changes, for example the first Czech science foundation was set up and proposals for evaluation of the institutes formed. The new organization structures of Academy were created. and Antonín Kostlán.
V dňoch 4. 9. - 7. 9. 2017 sa na pôde Fakulty humanitných a prirodných vied Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove stretlo sto fyzikov na 19. konferencii českých a slovenských fyzikov. Konferencia bola rozdelená do viacerých sekcií, kde mali účastníci možnosť prezentovať výsledky svojej práce. and Andrea Džubinská.