Jak se zformovaly velké struktury galaxií, které pozorujeme dnes, a jak se utvořily superhmotné černé díry v centrech galaxií? To jsou dvě základní vědecké otázky, na které by v budoucnu mohla najít odpověď mise Evropské kosmické agentury (ESA) Athena., How did galaxies form the large structures seen today in the Universe, and how did supermassive black holes in centres of galaxies originate? These are two basic scientific questions that will be addressed in the future by the space mission Athena, of the European Space Agency (ESA)., Jiří Svoboda, Jan Souček., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article deals with some key arguments in Pavel Machonin's book Czech Society and Sociological Knowledge, but does not review the whole book. Critical comments focus on four themes. Machonin's conception of sociology as a discipline and a tradition does not do full justice to the inherent pluralism of the sociological imagination. It is useful to link sociological debates to the ideological contest between socialism (more particularly Marxism) and liberalism, but this problematic is more complex than Machonin's analyses tend to suggest; that applies, in particular, to the interpretations of freedom and equality as fundamental modern values. Machonin's attempt to reconstruct modernization theory is open to some criticisms, especially with regard to the debate on „multiple modernities." Finally, the concept of state socialism does not help to grasp the complex patterns of modernity that developed under Communist rule.
In July 2015, the 46th International Physics Olympiad was held in Mumbai, the capital city of the Indian state, Maharashtra. Members of the Czech team obtained three silver medals and two bronze medals. In addition, the Slovak team won one silver and three bronze medals. In this article a theoretical task set during the competition is presented, which deals with calculations of a nuclear fission reactor. and Filip Studnička, Jan Kříž, Ľubomír Konrád, Bohumil Vybíral.
CZELO (Czech Liaison Office for Development and Research), the Technology Center AS CR and the Czech Biotechnology Association Biotrin organized a one-day seminar entitled Czech Republic - Your Partner in Agrobiotechnology Research in Brussels on November 22. This seminar brought an overview of selected biotechnology activities and food biotechnology sector in the Czech Republic. and [Táňa Perglová].
The project Czech Mobility Centre was established to expand a flourishing European Research Area (ERA), designed to be one of the pillars helping Europe to become one of the most competitive economies in the world by 2010. The Czech Services Centre (CSC) was established during the years 2005-2007 and it is a part of the European Services Network (EURAXESS) consisting of more than 200 Services Centres in 35 countries in Europe CSC offers, for example, information about jobs and funding opportunities in the Czech Republic, advice on "reintegration"' of researchers in their home country, help with entry conditions, family support, practical and legal assistance, etc. and Viktória Bodnárová, Markéta Doležalová.
V nakladatelství Oxford university Press vyšlo letos - snad vůbec poprvé - dílo českých badatelů v historických vědách, a to konkrétně v oblasti orální historie. Nabídku od nakladatelství ke knižnímu zpracování náhledu na naši současnost po roce 1968 dostal Miroslav Vaněk v roce 2011 na konferenci v Denveru a jak, říká, kdyby tušil, co ho čeká, nekývl by. Naštěstí přizval kolegu Pavla Mückeho, aby spolu podnikli martyrium přípravy anglickojazyčné publikace pro zámořského nakladatele. Když anglicky psaná kniha Velvet Revolutions: An Oral History of Czech Society vyšla, dostala se ke čtenářům nejprve v elektronické verzi na Novém Zélandu., The Velvet Revolution in November 1989 brought about the collapse of the authoritarian communist regime in what was then Czechoslovakia. It also marks the beginning of the country's journey towards democracy. This book examines what the values in so-called real socialism were, as well as how citizens’ values changed after the 1989 collapse. In Velvet Revolutions (published in Oxford Oral History Series, Oxford University Press, 2016), Miroslav Vanek and Pavel Mücke of the Institute for Contemporary History of the CAS analyse and interpret 300 interviews on citizens’ experience of freedom and its absence, the value of work, family and friends, education, relations to public sphere and politics, the experience of free time, and the perception of foreigners and foreign countries. The interviewees are drawn from a wide range of professions, including manual workers, service workers, farmers, members of the armed forces, managers, and marketing personnel. All of the interviewees were at working age during the last twenty years of the communist regime and during the post-revolutionary transformation. From this rich foundation, the book builds a multi-layered view of the Czech history before 1989 and during the subsequent period of democratic transformation., and Marina Hužvárová.
Je tomu již 15 let, kdy se zrodila česká účast v evropské dějepisné soutěži pro středoškoláky EUSTORY, respektive bylo u nás v roce 2000 uspořádáno její první kolo. Mezinárodní projekt organizuje nadace Körber Foundation; v Německu má tradici od roku 1973, a i když se do ní během let zapojilo zhruba 25 evropských zemí, v současné době se účastní 15 států v národních, samostatných soutěžích. and Marina Hužvárová.