The effects of drought oř salinity (NaCl) stress in combination wifh high irradiance (HI) were studied under the laboratory conditions, using young plants of a drought- resistant cultivar of Sorghum bicolor in order to understand leaf observed effects at the chloroplast level. Water potential and net photosynthetic rate (P^j) in leaves were analyzed in parallel with photosynthetic electron transport, electron spin resonance and chlorophyll-protein (CP) composition in chloroplasts isolated from these stressed leaves. The H1 slightly increased and electron transport activities of the irrigated plants, whereas drougbt and salinity stresses (leaf water potential lower than -1 MPa) decreased these activities. Under the combined effects of drought or salinity stress (200 mM NaCl) with HI the leaf Pjj was severely inhibited, as were photosystem (PS) 2 chloroplast electron transport activities (but not PS 1 activity). NaCl concentrations lower than 100 mM stimulated the electron transport activities in non-photoinhibited plants. A degradation of the PS 2 CFs and a decrease of ESR signál n were seen in the drought and salinity stressed plants afler HI.
To date, a single report has appeared on the use of salivary cortisol for adrenal function testing with a low dose ACTH, although 1 μg has become preferred as a more physiological stimulus than the commonly used 250 μg ACTH test. Our present study was aimed to obtain physiological data on changes of free salivary cortisol after 1 μg ACTH stimulation. This approach was compared with the common method based on the changes of total serum cortisol. Intravenous, low-dose ACTH test was performed in 15 healthy women (aged 22-40 years) with normal body weight, not using hormonal contraceptives, in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Blood and saliva for determination of cortisol were collected before ACTH administration and 30 and 60 min after ACTH administration. Basal concentration of salivary cortisol (mean ± S.E.M., 15.9±1.96 nmol/l) increased after 1 μg ACTH to 29.1±2.01 nmol/l after 30 min, and to 27.4±2.15 nmol/l after 60 min. The differences between basal and stimulated values were highly significant (p<0.0001). The values of salivary cortisol displayed very little interindividual variability (p<0.04) in contrast to total serum cortisol values (p<0.0001) A comparison of areas under the curve (AUC) related to initial values indicated significantly higher AUC values for salivary cortisol than for total serum cortisol (1.89±0.88 vs. 1.22±0.19, p<0.01). Correlation analysis of serum and salivary cortisol levels showed a borderline relationship between basal levels (r=0.5183, p=0.0525); correlations after stimulation were not significant. Low-dose ACTH administration appeared as a sufficient stimulus for increasing salivary cortisol to a range considered as a normal adrenal functional reserve., K. Šimůnková, R. Hampl, M. Hill, J. Doucha, L. Stárka, K. Vondra., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Recenzentka analyzuje přínos publikace českého překladu knihy v kontextu současné světové diskuse o sovětských dějinách. Oceňuje přehlednou strukturu knihy, stručnost a srozumitelnost pro vysokoškolské studenty. Její vědecká hodnota však podle ní ustrnula v polovině devadesátých let minulého století, kdy kniha vyšla poprvé, protože český překlad nezohlednil výsledky patnáctiletého rozvoje zkoumání tohoto tématu a spokojil se s pouhým zpřehledněním názorů panujících koncem minulého století. Za jediné části knihy, které vyzývají dnešní historiky k hlubšímu zamyšlení, recenzentka považuje úvodní, blíže nevysvětlenou výtku britských autorů domnělému českému antikomunismu a závěrečnou současnou úvahu Víta Sommera o poměru československých komunistů ke Kominterně., The reviewer asks what contribution the Czech translation of McDermott and Agnew’s The Comintern: A History of International Communism from Lenin to Stalin makes in the context of contemporary international discussions of Soviet history. Although she appreciates the straightforward structure of the book, its concision, and its clarity for university students, she argues that its scholarship is stuck in the mid-1990s when the work was first published, because the Czech translation does not take into account the results of the fifteen years of research on the topic since then, and is satisfied to present a mere overview of the opinions that were dominant at the end of the last century. According to the reviewer, the only parts of the book that might provoke today’s historians to deeper thought are the introduction, the British authors’ reproaches, unexplained, of alleged Czech anti-Communism, and the conclusion, recently written by the Czech historian Vít Sommer, about the Czechoslovak Communists’ relationship with the Comintern., [autor recenze] Daniela Kolenovská., and Obsahuje bibliografii
U pavouků se často setkáváme se sexuálním kanibalismem, tedy situací, kdy je samec zabit a zkonzumován samicí při páření. U mikárie pospolité (Micaria sociabilis) se však role vyměnily a jsou to samice, které se ocitají při páření v ohrožení a často padají za oběť samcům. Tento tzv. reverzní sexuální kanibalismus je u studovaného druhu ovlivněn hned několika faktory, jako například stářím samice či dostupností potravy., In spiders, sexual cannibalism is a common phenomenon. While normally a male becomes a victim of the female during mating, in the spider Micaria sociabilis females are in danger as they are often killed during sexual interaction by males. In Micaria this so-called reversed sexual cannibalism is affected by several factors such as the age of the female and food availability., and Lenka Sentenská.
III. Teil, Strassenbau, and mit einer Einleitung, einem chronologischen Register der giltigen und ausser Kraft gesetzten Vorschriften sowie mit einem Sachregister und Tabellen von Karl Petráček
IV. Teil, Indexe und Tabellen, and mit einem Einleitung, einem chronologischen Register der giltigen und ausser Kraft gesetzten Vorschriften sowie mit einem Sachregister und Tabellen zusammengestellt von Karl Petráček
II. Teil, Hochbau, and mit einer Einleitung, einem chronologischen Register der giltigen und ausser Kraft gesetzten Vorschriften sowie mit einem Sachregister und Tabellen zusammengestellt von Karl Petráček