Sazná nemoc kůry je méně známé onemocnění způsobené houbou Cryptostroma corticale (Ascomycota), s ostrůvkovitým výskytem v Evropě. Postihuje zejména javory kleny (Acer pseudoplatanus) a jejich hromadná vymírání byla zaznamenána u stromů oslabených stresem, především po nadprůměrně suchých a horkých letních měsících. Nedávný výskyt onemocnění v České republice podnítil studium druhu C. corticale a jeho rozšíření v Praze. Výsledek naší čtyřleté studie prokázal, že napadena je minimálně čtvrtina klenů v pražských parcích., Sooty bark disease is a less known disease caused by fungal species Cryptostroma corticale (Ascomycota), with patchy incidence in Europe. It mainly affects Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), and its mass dieback was observed in trees weakened by stress, especially after the exceptionally dry and hot summer months. Recent record of the disease in the Czech Republic prompted the research of C. corticale and its occurrence in Prague. The results of our four-year study showed that at least 25 % of Sycamore trees in Prague parks are infected., and Ivana Kelnarová, Ondřej Koukol, Karel Černý.
The article introduces the Czech broadside ballad as one of the genres of semi-popular production. It outlines its development, formal characteristics and specific features and, at the same time, points out its integration into the broader Central European cultural context. It mentions the interest of the Czech public at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century in this song genre and concerns more dosely with the collection of broadside ballads in the Museum of the Prostějov Region in Prostějov. It presents the extent of the collection, its physical State and the stage of scientific scrutiny. It specifies the chronological and genre aspects of the collection and mentions the minor curiosities. The aim of the article was not the content analysis of the individual prints, but rather the specification of their provenance. The enclosed provenance register lists the individual printers as well as printing families dedicated to the broadside production from the end of the eighteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. The concluding part of the article accentuates the importance of broadside prints and the need of their preservation for future generations.
The article presents the unique collection of Quaker literature in the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It comprises 209 books printed between 1648 and 1946, acquired by the married couple Libuše Ambrosová and Miloš Vejchoda-Ambros during their stay in England in 1940-1946., Markéta Kučerová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy