Trápení pana profesora Schrödingera s jeho kočkou se stalo slavným a příslovečným. Ta kočka byla nějaká divná a nikdo si s ní nevěděl rady. Pan profesor se ji tedy rozhodl utratit, ale protože byl fyzik, tak ji neutopil, nýbrž připravil pro její konec památné uspořádání., Zdeněk Kratochvíl., and Součástí stručný životopis doc. Kratochvíla
Studie Vojtěcha Kyase se analyticky zabývá originálním zpracováním částí mešního textu Gloria, konkrétně Domine Deus a Agnus Dei, v mši Es dur, D 950, hudebního skladatele Franze Schuberta, This study focuses on the question of Schubert’s handling of the Mass text in the Gloria of his Mass in E-Flat Major, D 950. Schubert adapts the text of the Mass to his compositional and conceptual intent. Contrary to usual practice during that period, he joins the section Domine Deus, Agnus Dei together with the qui tollis peccata mundi into a single unit, attempts to make it sound as dramatic as possible, and understands it as a breaking point. This extensive musical passage of 86 measures differs from the surrounding music with its own tempo, meter, and tonal center. At the conclusion of the article, the author also makes reference to the importance of so-called historical concerts held at the home of the music historian R. G. Kiesewetter, which Schubert appears to have attended already before the year 1820., Vojtěch Kyas., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 138, anglický abstrakt 131.
Sciadicleithrum meekii sp. n. is described from the gills of the cichlid fish Cichlasoma meeki (Brind) from cenotes (= sinkholes) of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mcxico.The new species differs from congeners by having a dorsal hamuli with a prominent superficial root articulated with a straight shaft and curved point, and a vagina with a coiled tube comprised of one ring.