The expression of sexually dimorphic phenotypes from a shared genome between males and females is a longstanding puzzle in evolutionary biology. Increasingly, research has made use of transcriptomic technology to examine the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism through gene expression studies, but even this level of detail misses the metabolic processes that ultimately link gene expression with the whole organism phenotype. We use metabolic profiling in Drosophila melanogaster to complete this missing step, with a view to examining variation in male and female metabolic profiles, or metabolomes, throughout development. We show that the metabolome varies considerably throughout larval, pupal and adult stages. We also find significant sexual dimorphism in the metabolome, although only in pupae and adults, and the extent of dimorphism increases throughout development. We compare this to transcriptomic data from the same population and find that the general pattern of increasing sex differences throughout development is mirrored in RNA expression. We discuss our results in terms of the usefulness of metabolic profiling in linking genotype and phenotype to more fully understand the basis of sexually dimorphic phenotypes., Fiona C. Ingleby, Edward H. Morrow., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Sexually dimorphic features of adult males and females of Soricidex dimorphus, a species unparalleled in its dimorphism by any described representative of the family Demodecidae, are compared by scanning electron microscopy. The account of sexual dimorphism in S. dimorphus is preceded by a review of sexually dimorphic features in other demodecid genera. Minute constituents of general morphology of demodecid mites such as claws, solenidia and spines of legs or palps, dorsal podosomal tubercles, and integumental slits and pores, part of which are reported and/or shown in scanning electron micrographs for the first time, are also receiving detailed attention.
Benigní hyperplazie prostaty patří mezi časté nemoci stárnoucích mužů. Často se prezentuje jako symptomy dolních močových cest v důsledku potíží při močení a iritaci močového měchýře. Nedávné důkazy z klinických studií popsaly souvislost mezi benigní hyperplazií prostaty/symptomy dolních močových cest a erektilní funkcí. Standardní léčbu benigní hyperplazie prostaty za posledních 30 let představuje transuretrální resekce prostaty. Nicméně byl popsán jak výskyt erektilní dysfunkce po transuretrální resekci prostaty, tak zlepšení erektilní funkce u některých pacientů s dříve existující erektilní dysfunkcí. Cílem této studie bylo zhodnotit erektilní funkci po transuretrální resekci prostaty provedené na našem pracovišti použitím dotazníku mezinárodního indexu erektilní funkce. Klíčová slova: erektilní dysfunkcebenigní hyperplazie prostaty IIEF dotazník, Benign prostatic hyperplasia is commonly seen in elderly men. Benign prostatic hyperplasia often presents as lower urinary tract symptoms due to difficulties in voiding and irritability of the bladder. Recent evidence from clinical trials has suggested a link between benign prostatic hyperplasia/lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile function. Transurethral resection of the prostate has been considered the standart treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia for the past 30 years. However, it is reported to cause erectile dysfunction, although some patients with preexisting erectile dysfunction reported improved erectile function after transurethral resection of the prostate. The aim of this study was to evaluate erectile function after transurethral resection of the prostate institution using the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire. Key words: erectile dysfunctionbenign prostatic hyperplasia IIEF questionnaire, and Ghazal M.
Despite the fact that the problem of sexual harassment at universities has been broadly explored in western and mainly American sociology since the mid-1970s, the first sociological survey to focus on this topic in the Czech Republic was conducted in late 2008 and early 2009. This quantitative survey covered 700 students and was carried out at a faculty of a university in Prague. The paper presents the main findings from this survey, such as the student’s experiences with sexual harassment from their teachers and their attitudes towards sexual harassment. The author found that the prevalence of sexual harassment in the particular faculty was relatively high and that students are extremely tolerant of ‘soft’ forms of harassment, especially gender harassment., Marta Vohlídalová., 3 grafy, 1 tab., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The problem of sexual harassment at universities has been explored in western and mainly American sociology since the mid-1970s. Since then, anti-harassment policies and procedures (including follow-up victim care) have been introduced at most Anglo-Saxon universities designing how to deal with ‘harassers’ and ‘victims’. In the Czech Republic, empirical research on this issue and on university anti-harassment policies is still lacking. The aim of this article is to introduce the methods and procedures employed at Anglo-American universities in an effort to tackle sexual harassment. The experiences of these academic institutions represent an indispensable source of information and inspiration for the Czech higher education environment., Kateřina Šaldová, Barbora Tupá, Marta Vohlídalová., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé