Kolorektální karcinom v těhotenství je vzácné, ale velmi závažné onemocnění. Autoři prezentují kazuistiku pacientky s časným karcinomem sigmoidea v těhotenství a problematiku diskutují ve světle současných literárních poznatků. Klíčová slova: kolorektální karcinom – těhotenství – diagnostika – terapie – prognóza, Colorectal cancer in pregnancy is a rare but life-threatening disease. The authors present a case of early-stage sigmoid colon cancer in pregnancy, discussing the issue in the light of the current literature. Key words: colorectal cancer – pregnancy – diagnosis – treatment – prognosis, and P. Kocián, J. Hoch, M. Halaska
A number of clinical neurological pathologies are associated with increased permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Induced changes of the homeostatic mechanisms in the brain microenvironment lead among others to cellular changes in the CNS. The question was whether some of these changes can be induced by osmotic opening of BBB in an in vivo experiment and whether they can be detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF was taken via the suboccipital puncture from 10 healthy rats and six rats after the osmotic opening of the BBB. In all 16 animals, concentration of myelin basic protein (MBP ng/ml), Neuron-specific enolase (NSE ng/ml) and Tau-protein (Tau pg/ml) were determined in CSF by ELISA. Values in both groups were statistically evaluated. Significant difference between the control and experimental group was revealed only for the concentration of myelin basic protein (p<0.01). The presented results indicate that osmotic opening of the BBB in vivo experiment without the presence of other pathological conditions of the brain leads to a damage of myelin, without impairment of neurons or their axons., P. Kozler, O. Sobek, J. Pokorný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Boj proti nádorům, archeologické nálezy, kulturní dědictví, astrofyzika, pivo, vltavíny či ekologie - zdálo by se, že takto vzdálené oblasti a pojmy mohou mit sotva co shodného. Přesto: jejich společným jemnovatelem jsou jaderné reakce, které k jejich výzkumu vypracovali a využili v Ústavu jaderné fyziky v Řeži. and Jana Olivová, Jan Kučer, Tomaš Hellebrand.
In some patients, heart failure (HF) is associated with increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). The magnitude and the reversibility of PVR elevation affect the HF management. Sildenafil has been recently recognized as potent PVR-lowering drug in HF. The aim of the study was to compare hemodynamic effects and pulmonary selectivity of sildenafil to prostaglandin E1(PGE1). Right-heart catheterization was performed in 13 euvolemic advanced HF patien ts with elevated PVR (6.3±2 Wood's units). Hemodynamic parameters were measured at the baseline, during i.v. infusion of PGE1 (alprostadil 200 ng·kg-1·min-1 ) and after 40 mg oral do se of sildenafil. Both drugs similarly reduced systemic vascular resistance (SVR), but sildenafil had higher effect on PVR (-28 % vs. -49 %, p=0.05) and transpulmonary pressu re gradient than PGE1. The PVR/SVR ratio - an index of pulmonary se lectivity, did not change after PGE1(p=0.7) but it decreased by -32 % (p=0.004) after sildenafil. Both drugs similarly reduced pulmonary artery mean and wedge pressures and increa sed cardiac index (+27 % and +28 %). Sildenafil led more often to transplant-acceptable PVR while causing smaller drop of mean systemic pressure than PGE1. In conclusion, vasodilatatory effects of sildenafil in patients with heart failure are more pronounced in pulmonary than in systemic circulation., H. Al-Hiti ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy