A ring R is called a right PS-ring if its socle, Soc(RR), is projective. Nicholson and Watters have shown that if R is a right PS-ring, then so are the polynomial ring R[x] and power series ring R[[x]]. In this paper, it is proved that, under suitable conditions, if R has a (flat) projective socle, then so does the skew inverse power series ring R[[x−1; alfa, delta]] and the skew polynomial ring R[x; alfa, delta], where R is an associative ring equipped with an automorphism and an alfa-derivation delta. Our results extend and unify many existing results. Examples to illustrate and delimit the theory are provided., Kamal Paykan., and Seznam literatury
Fourier spectral analysis of fore arm skin laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) signal was performed in fifteen hypercholesterolemic patients (HP), without clinically manifest arterial diseases, and in fifteen age-matched healthy control subjects (CS), in order to investigate skin blood flowmotion (SBF). The LDF frequency intervals studied were: 0.01-1.6 Hz total spectrum, as well as 0.01-0.02 Hz (endothelial), 0.02-0. 06 Hz (sympathetic), 0.06-0.2 Hz (myogenic), 0.2-0.6 Hz (respiratory) and 0.6-1.6 Hz (cardiac). Skin microvascular reactivity (MVR ) to acetylcholine (ACh) and to sodium nitroprusside (SNP) iontophoresis was also investigated. HP showed a lower post-ACh increase in power spectral density (PSD) of the 0.01-0.02 Hz SBF subinterval compared to CS (1.80±1.73 PU 2 /Hz vs 3.59±1.78 PU 2 /Hz, respectively; p<0.005), while they did not differ in MVR from CS. In eleven HP the 0.01-0.02 Hz SBF subinterval showed a higher post-ACh PSD increase near to the statistical significance after 10 weeks of rosuvastatin therapy (10 mg/day) compared to pretreatment test (3.04±2.95 PU 2 /Hz vs 1.91±1.94 PU 2 /Hz; p=0.07). The blunted post-ACh increase in PSD of the 0.01-0.02 Hz SBF subinterval in HP suggests a skin endothelial dysfunction in these patients. This SBF abnormality showed a tendency to improve after rosuvastatin therapy in eleven treated patients., M. Rossi ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury