The character of modern pedogenesis in the territory of the Brdská and Křivoklátská vrchovina Highlands was studied on silicate rocks such as Paleozoic granite and Proterozoic mudstone and greywacke. The parent materials were evaluated on the basis of petrography, X-ray diffractometry of powder samples of rock forming and heavy minerals. The soils were described as for their macromorphological characterics and the results of a variety of analyses of organic and anorganic components. Pedogenesis proceeded in acid conditions. The values of base saturation are mostly below 50 % for the Ah horizons. The intensity of soil development on individual parent material decreases in the order: mudstone (Ah-AhBw-Bw-C)granite (Oi-Oe-Oa-Ah-Bw-C)greywacke 1 (Oi-Oe-Oa-Ah-AhC-C)greywacke 2 (Oi-Oe-Oa-Ah-C). The process of humification was documented at all study sites. Evidence of pedogenetic alteration is present in soils developed on granite and mudstone. High amounts of chlorite and elevated contents of illite are characteristic for Cambic Leptosols (Dystric, Skeletic) on mudstone. Weddellite and whewellite were found in relatively large amounts in O horizons of soils except for the Červený kríž site. The predominant from of calcium oxalate minerals at these sites is whewellite. Weddellite occurs in small amount, which is probably due to its lower stability., Anna Žigová, Martin Šťastný, Petr Mikysek., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
A field trial was conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen-enriched biochar on soil water content, plant’s photosynthetic parameters, and grain yield of spring wheat at the Dingxi Experimental Station during the 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons. Results showed that biochar applied with nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 50 kg ha-1 of N (BN50) increased soil water content in the 0-30 cm depth range by approximately 40, 32, and 53% on average at anthesis, milking, and maturity, respectively, compared with
zero-amendment (CN0). Stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate after the BN50 treatment increased by approximately 40 to 50% compared to CN0. Soil water content and photosynthetic traits also increased in other treatments using straw plus nitrogen fertilizer, but to lesser extent than that of BN50. Grain yields were highest (1905 and 2133 kg ha-1 in 2014 and 2015, respectively) under BN50. From this, biochar appears to have a potential for its use with N-fertilizer as a cost-effective amendment for crop production in semiarid environments., S. Yeboah, R. Zhang, L. Cai, L. Li, J. Xie, Z. Luo, J. Wu, D. L. Antille., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Knihovna Národního muzea Praha CZ 46 C 39 adl. 21, Knihovna Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ TF 347 adl. 19, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BC III 139 adl. 25, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BE VI 98 adl. 17, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BU II 132 adl. 36, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BU II 133 adl. 17, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 65 E 2847, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 46 C 181 adl. 9, Klášter dominikánů - knihovna Praha CZ E III 134, Klášter Rytířského řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou - knihovna Praha CZ XV G 1 vol. I. adl. 28, Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci Olomouc CZ 602.271 adl. 1, Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje Plzeň CZ N 155378 adl. 18, Metropolitní kapitula u sv. Víta v Praze Praha CZ C. d. beta 75 adl. 11, and BCBT41360
The bicentennial varia tions of the Earth rotation consist of several oscill ations with most known periods 178.7a (Jose cycle), 210a and 230a (de Vries cycle); they are driven by the solar cycles which affect climatic variations, followed by global environmental changes. These periods are close to the higher harmonics of millennial Hallstatt cycle (2300a), so the proper separation between the indi vidual bicentennial cycles needs time series longer than 2300a. The bicentennial variations of the Universal Time (UT1) in relation to the Terrestrial Time (TT) are investigated using reconstructed time series of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) for the last 9300a. A linear regression model of TSI influe nce on the UT1 and the Mean Sea Level (MSL) bicentennial variations are created. The parameters and time series of the bicentennial UT1-TT oscillations for the last 9300a are determined., Cyril Ron, Yavor Chapanov and Jan Vondrák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy