In this paper, for complete Riemannian manifolds with radial Ricci or sectional curvature bounded from below or above, respectively, with respect to some point, we prove several volume comparison theorems, which can be seen as extensions of already existing results. In fact, under this radial curvature assumption, the model space is the spherically symmetric manifold, which is also called the generalized space form, determined by the bound of the radial curvature, and moreover, volume comparisons are made between annulus or geodesic balls on the original manifold and those on the model space., Jing Mao., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cíl: Cílem naší práce bylo rozšířit a zobecnit výsledky resekcí inzulárních gliomů. Navazujeme na náš pilotní již publikovaný soubor (2009 – osm pacientů), jenž jsme rozšířili na 20 operací. <p align="">Soubor a metodika: V období 2007–2013 jsme provedli 20 operací gliomů se signifikantním objemem nádoru v inzule. Operace byly prováděny v celkové anestezii při monitorování motorických evokovaných potenciálů. Radikalita operací byla hodnocena pomocí manuální počítačové volumetrie prostřednictvím software StealthDTI (Medtronic, Minneaopolis, USA). <p align="">Výsledky: U jedné pacientky po resekci multiformního glioblastomu došlo po operaci k prokrvácení rezidua s následnou hemiplegií, míra závažných komplikací činí 5 %. Během 19 operací jsme dosáhli průměrné 83% radikality resekce (43–100 %). V průběhu 15 operací neenhancujících nádorů (LGG a AA) jsme dosáhli v T2 vážení průměrné 80% redukce objemu nádoru. <p align="">Závěr: Gliomy inzulární oblasti jsou indikovány k chirurgickému odstranění za podobných indikačních kritérií jako gliomy v jiných oblastech mozku. Nezbytná je detailní znalost anatomie inzulární oblasti včetně schopnosti manipulace s vitálními cévními strukturami., Aim: We present the results of surgical resection in a group of patients with insular gliomas, we refer to our pilot study (2009 – eight patients) and include 20 surgeries performed until 2013. <p align="">Groups and methods: From 2007 to 2013 we performed 20 surgeries for gliomas with a significant invasion of the insular region; all the surgeries were conducted under general anaesthesia with motor evoked potential monitoring. The extent of resection was evaluated by means of manual computerized volumetry (software Stealth DTI, Medtronic, Minneapolis, USA). <p align="">Results: In one patient after glioblastoma multiforme resection, we observed postoperative hematoma in the tumour remnant with consequent hemiplegia, the rate of major complications was 5%. The mean extent of resection in 19 surgeries was 83% (43–100%). In 15 non-enhancing tumours (LGG and AA), we obtained the mean tumour volumetric reduction of 80%. <p align="">Conclusions: The same indication criteria for surgical resection apply to insular gliomas as to gliomas in other regions. Detailed knowledge of insular anatomy, including ability to handle vital vascular structures, is necessary for performing insular surgery with good results., and R. Bartoš, A. Malucelli, T. Radovnický, A. Hejčl, J. Ceé, P. Bartoš, M. Sameš
The contribution explores the Prague origines of the first Prague and Austrian female author of the Enlightenment, Maria Anna Sager, born Rosskoschny (1719-1805). The reconstruction of the carreer of her father Anton Ferdinand Rosskoschny (1679-1734) at the Böhmische Statthalterei - he ended as "Registrator" and "Expeditor" - proves his social ambitions. On the other hand egodocuments of him conserved in the National Archives at Prague reveal the sorrows and the "stress" of the wellestablished fonctioner, not only his fear in front of the people, but also for his reputation, his family and his soul., Helga Meise., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The study offers the exposition of the persecution of heretics and witches and sorcerers in the region of Fribourg in the first half of the 14th century. The progress from persecution of heretics to the ensuing witch trials in the town of Fribourg and its surroundings was not strictly linear. In fact, for some time the persecution of heretics coincided with the persecution of witches and sorcerers, particularly in the years of the trial against Waldensians in 1430. After 1442, there were no more trials with heretics, and the persecution of witches and sorcerers alone ensued. The fundamental difference between the persecution of heretics and the persecution of witches lied in their point of focus. Persecution of heretics was aimed at towns, whereas the persecution of witches was directed at village populations. In the case of Waldensians, mainly men were persecuted; the persecution of witches was aimed primarily at women. With one exception, all trials were held before the same court, i.e. the inquisition court, where members of the Fribourg Municipal Council acted as observers. The unceasing inquisition and the employed inquisition procedure became the link between heresy and witchcraft; naturally, this statement is not exclusively applicable to Fribourg. and Kathrin Utz Tremp.
Von Meyenburgovy komplexy jsou benigní jaterní léze složené obvykle z dilatovaných žlučových kanálků obklopených fibrózním stromatem. Jejich nález je většinou incidentální v rámci nečekaného intraoperačního nálezu. Předoperačním vyšetřením nebývají tyto drobné hamartomy většinou zachyceny. Suverénní diagnostickou metodou je peroperační kryohistologické vyšetření. Von Meyenburgovy komplexy nejsou ve většině případů patologicky či funkčně klinicky významné, ale u pacientů s ložiskovým jaterním postižením mohou představovat důležitou možnost, kterou je třeba mít na zřeteli v rámci diferenciální diagnostiky metastatických jaterních patologií., Von Meyenburg complexes are benign liver lesions usually consisting of dilated bile ducts surrounded by fibrous stroma. Their discovery is usually incidental and unsuspected during the early phase of the operative procedure. The sovereign diagnostic method is intraoperative frozen section examination. The complexes are not important as regards their clinical or functional significance. However, this uncommon entity should be taken into consideration in the framework of differential diagnosis of metastatic liver lesions., and R. Šefr, J. Silák, P. Fabian, M. Ondrák, L. Fiala, O. Zapletal
In the War of the Austrian Succession one of the major turning points was when Maria Theresa was crowned Queen of Bohemia, because this step strengthened the power of the Houseof Habsburg in Central Europe. For people who belonged to the Reformed Church in the Kingdom of Hungary, this meant that they had to live their lives under the rule of a Catholic monarch. Debrecen was the centre of the Reformed Church and the city prepared for this political situation: pastor Mihály Komáromi H. delivered a special sermon to celebrate the coronation. In this sermon he acknowledged the fact that the Habsburgs had right to the Hungarian throne and tried to use this political advantage to improve the situation of the Reformed Church. This sermon became so popular that a manuscript was made from it and it was a popular reading in the Reformed congregations of the countryside., Ádám Hegyi., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy