The contemporary ethnic movement of the Seri has been little pronounced up to now. It is evident that in the community Punta Chueca a fundamental cultural change is taking place. Even though it is a long-term process, only in the 1970's the community had opened up to the surrounding world, in the first place because of the building of better infrastrueture between Punta Chueca and the Mexican village Bahia de Kino. The no madic culture radically changed because of the settled life-style and many aspects of the culture lost its function in the present world. For preservation of the cultural identity it is necessary to substitute such aspects with new ones, or to accentuate the existing aspects. The substitution and advocacy of certain cultural aspects is connected with different reflection of the state of things by different generations. The young are more inclined to accept the new life forms and the future of the ethnic group they see in its drawing nearer to the surrounding Mexican society. They don't want to stay isolated any more and to resign on the possibilities of the modern world. Within this group there are some individuals who feel that for maintaining the peculiarity of the Seri culture it is necessary to turn back to the culture of the forefathers and to develop it. However, in their interpretation these aspects acquire other functional value, because the smooth continuity to the life of the forefathers is missing. The making of new functional forms is apparent also in other areas of life of the Seri youth, in their endeavour to use traditional dress and decoration, their return to the declaration of sacred places etc. In their behavior the young Seri have been influenced by their knowledge of the image of the „traditional Indian“ of Mexicans or turists and they try to fulfill this perception. So, many aspects serve to the young generation to create an all-compassing cathegory of an „Indian without a deep concern for the peculiarities of their own culture. The older generation, on the other hand, tends to preserve the isolated State of the ethnic group and to keep and fortify the ,,traditional" life of the forefathers. Thanks to their dominance of the key offices in the Elder Council because of the age hierarchy the older persons can with more ease make decisions on the cultural life of the community. The future life of the community depends mainly on the attitudes of its pr esent-day young people. and They are at the down of crucial changes and its up to them if they allow the assimilation of their community in the process of its coming closer to the Mexican society, or if they will be able to find such social model that would preserve visible, characteristie cultural aspects. But its also up to the slowly dying-out older generation to know and to have strength to pass the experiences and knowledge to the coming generations.
The article outlines the book culture of the Rudolphine period on the examples of several works by Tycho Brahe (Instruments of the Renewed Astronomy), Johannes Kepler (Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy; Conversation with the Starry Messenger) and Galileo Galilei (The Starry Messenger). It is based on both research outcomes that have already been published and those that are being prepared for printing. and Alena Hadravová.
Nemoci ledvin mohou graviditě předcházet nebo se manifestují až v jejím průběhu. V prvním trimestru vzniká akutní poškození ledvin nejčastěji následkem hyperemesis gravidarum, ektopické gravidity nebo potratu. Ve druhém a třetím trimestru jsou nejčastějšími příčinami akutního poškození ledvin těžké formy preeklampsie, HELLP syndrom, akutní těhotenská steatóza a trombotická mikroangiopatie. Stanovení diagnózy u těchto stavů je často problematické. Kortikální nekróza a obstrukční uropatie mohou též vést k akutnímu poškození ledvin. Včasné rozpoznání těchto poruch je nezbytnou podmínkou včasného zahájení léčby a zlepšení prognózy těhotné ženy i plodu. U žen s preexistujícím onemocněním ledvin, zejména chronickou glomerulonefritidou, diabetickou nefropatií a lupusovou nefritidou, závisí výsledky těhotenství i na stupni stupni poškození ledvin, tíži proteinurie a závažnosti hypertenze. U většiny pacientek s mírnou poruchou funkce ledvin a dobrou korekcí hypertenze je prognóza těhotenství i renálních funkcí pacientky dobrá. U nemocných se středně těžkou nebo těžkou poruchou funkce ledvin jsou však výsledky těhotenství horší. V posledních letech naše znalosti v problematice interakce renálních funkcí a gravidity výrazně pokročily, což umožnilo zlepšení výsledků těhotenství u nefrologických pacientek. Přibývají případy úspěšných těhotenství u pacientek v konečném stadiu selhání ledvin, na dialyzační léčbě a po transplantaci ledviny. U těhotných pacientek po transplantaci ledviny je nutné speciální plánování farmakoterapie., Kidney disease and pregnancy may exist in two general settings: acute kidney injury that develops during pregnancy, and chronic kidney disease that predates conception. In the first trimester of pregnancy, acute kidney injury is most often the result of hyperemesis gravidarum, ectopic pregnancy, or miscarriage. In the second and third trimesters, the common causes of acute kidney injury are severe preeclampsia; haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome; acute fatty liver of pregnancy; and thrombotic microangiopathies, which may pose diagnostic challenges to the clinician. Cortical necrosis and obstructive uropathy are other conditions that may lead to acute kidney injury in these trimesters. Early recognition of these disorders is essential to timely treatment and can improve both maternal and foetal outcomes. In women with preexisting kidney disease, mainly including chronic glomerulonephritis diabetic nephropathy and lupus nephritis, pregnancy‑related outcomes depend upon the degree of renal impairment, the amount of proteinuria, and the severity of hypertension. In the majority of patients with mild renal function impairment, and well‑controlled blood pressure, pregnancy is usually successful and does not alter the natural course of maternal renal disease. Conversely, fetal outcome and long‑term maternal renal function might be seriously threatened by pregnancy in women with moderate or severe renal function impairment. During the last few years, advances in our knowledge about the interaction of pregnancy and renal function has resulted in the improvement of foetal outcome in patients with chronic renal failure and also in the management of pregnant women with end‑stage renal disease (ESRD) maintained on dialysis. Neonatal and maternal outcomes in pregnancies among renal transplant patients are generally good if the mother has normal baseline allograft function. Common renally active drugs and immunosuppressant medications must be prescribed, with special considerations in pregnant patients., and Zakiyanov O., Vachek J., Tesař V.
Článek se zabývá kožními změnami asociovanými s diabetes mellitus, podává přehled o mykotických onemocněních kůže a sliznic u diabetiků a jednotce necrobiosis lipoidica, Article reviews some skin and mucosal lesions associated with diabetes mellitus with focus on skin fungal infections and necrobiosis lipoidica., and Miloslav Salavec, Marie Šimková
Advances in the statistical analysis of longitudinal data has been so rapid, that it has been difficult for empirically oriented social scientists to remain informed of all new developments in this important area of social methodology. This article offers some guidance on the use of various types of panel data analysis techniques, paying particular attention to the analysis of longitudinal panel data. The aim of this article is to describe in a succinct manner the logic underpinning a number of panel analysis techniques; outlining the types of inferences that can be drawn from employing specific techniques, and providing the reader with references to the literature associated with particular forms of panel data analysis. Five types of panel data analysis are discussed: Event history analysis, Sequential analysis, Hierarchical linear (or multi-level) modeling (with application to longitudinal data analysis), Structural equation modeling with longitudinal data, and use of Log- linear and Markov chain models for longitudinal data with categorical variables., Petr Pakosta, Petr Fučík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy