Apolipoproteins E and CI are the predominant components of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. The genes are located in one gene cluster and both are polymorphic. Three allelic (ε2, ε3 and ε4) polymorphisms of the APOE gene influence plasma cholesterol levels. The distribution of these alleles differ between ethnic groups. PCR genotyping was used to determine the APOE and APOCI allele incidence in a representative group of 653 probands (302 men and 351 women) of Czech origin. The observed relative frequencies for the ε2, ε3 and ε4 alleles were 7.1 %, 82.0 % and 10.9 %, respectively, and are similar to other middle European populations. APO ε4 carriers have the highest and APO ε2 carriers the lowest levels of plasma total cholesterol (p<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (p<0.0001). The frequency of the insertion (I) allele (HpaI restriction site present) of the APOCI polymorphism was 18.5 %. APOCI I/I homozygotes have the highest level of triglycerides (p<0.003). An almost complete linkage disequilibrium of the insertion allele of APOCI with the APOE alleles ε2 and ε4 has been detected and suggests that the deletion in the APOCI gene probably follows the deriving of all three APOE alleles on the APO ε3 allele background., J. A. Hubáček, J. Piťha, V. Adámková, Z. Škodová, V. Lánská, R. Poledne., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The inconsistency of data regarding intrauterine programming of cardiovascular risk factors may be largely caused by genetic predisposition and later lifestyle. We analyzed whether low birth weight and apolipoprotein E (Apo E) polymorphism participate in the onset of hypercholesterolemia in children. Our approach was based on hypothesis that genetically enhanced susceptibility of different individuals might influence the effects of intrauterine programming. Two groups were selected from 2000 children at the beginning of an ongoing study: high-cholesterol group (HCG, n=67) and low-cholesterol group as a control (LCG, n=72). Both groups were divided into tertilles according to birth weight and we compared birth weight and apo E gene polymorphism between and within groups. The birth weight in HCG was 0.3 kg lower than the controls (p<0. 001). The frequency of apoE4 was 31 % in HCG and only 10 % in LCG. The frequency of apoE4+ genotypes was not significantly different between tertilles based on birth weight in HCG. We suppose that intrauterine undernutrition, demonstrated by a lower birth weight, participates in the development of hypercholesterolemia already in childhood. The effects of low birth weight and the candidate gene - apoE, are synergic., P. Szitányi, H. Pistulková, J. A. Hubáček, H. Stuchlíková, R. Poledne., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Vysněného cíle nakonec dosáhlo šest výprav. Dvě posádky testovaly mateřskou loď i lunární modul na oběžné dráze Země, jiné dvě na oběžné dráze Měsíce. Apollo 13 zažilo nejúspěšnější neúspěch. Dvanáct lidí - výpravy Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 a 17 - na povrchu Měsíce chodilo, skákalo, padalo, jezdilo i tak trochu bouralo. Zpět na Zemi přivezli kosmonauti na čtyři sta kilogramů hornin. Jimi prováděné experimenty, z nichž jeden stále běží, si vzaly na paškál studium mechanických vlastností půdy, měsícotřesení, vlastností slunečního větru... Jedinou vadou na kráse je, že se tak stalo už před padesáti roky. and Jiří Dušek.
První družice světa, první živý tvor ve vesmíru, první sondy k Měsíci, první člověk na oběžné dráze... Sovětský svaz sbíral v počátcích kosmické éry lidstva prvenství jako na běžícím pásu. Spojené státy nástup věku kosmických letů podcenily a najednou nemohly chytit dech. and Tomáš Přibyl.
The effect of phagocytosis of living bacteria on apoptotic DNA changes was examined in pig leukocytes in relation to immune system maturation. Blood samples of pigs (aged 6, 12 and 18 weeks) were cultivated with a suspension of bacterial cells Salmonella typhimurium LB 5000 at 37 °C. In the experimental groups, killed bacteria and microspheric particles were used to detect the influence of the phagocytic process. Phagocytic activity and index were determined in each sample by means of microspheric particles. The ability to kill engulfed microbes (bactericidal capacity) was estimated from the decrease in bacterial colony-forming units (CFU). Samples of cultured cells were taken for DNA analysis at given intervals. DNA ladder assay was used for qualitative apoptotic DNA break detection and the TUNEL AP test was employed for quantification of apoptosis. In 18-week-old animals, spontaneous DNA degradation was observed in the control group without phagocytosis after 8 h. In contrast, cells cultivated with microspheric particles or killed bacteria became apoptotic after 4 h. The rate of apoptotic DNA degradation was decreased in the group exposed to living bacteria. This prolonged survival of phagocytes was also detected in 12-week-old animals, but not at 6 weeks of age. These findings were supported by the ability of phagocytes in 6-week-old animals to engulf microbes, but their killing (bactericidal) ability was significantly decreased in comparison with other stages of immune system maturation. These results suggest that the process of phagocytosis itself is accompanied by activation of the apoptotic program in phagocytic cells of the pig immune system, but the presence of phagocyted living bacteria can delay this activation. The prolonged survival of short-lived cells was only observed in later phases of immune system maturation., E. Matalová, A. Španová, F. Kovářů., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Apostasioideae jsou nejmenší, vývojově nejpůvodnější a současně nejméně prozkoumanou podčeledí vstavačovitých (Orchidaceae). Vyskytují se ve dvou rodech a 17 druzích v podrostu tropických lesů v jihovýchodní Asii. Od ostatních orchidejí se liší mj. specifickou květní morfologii a pylovými zrny nespojenými v brylky. Studium jaderného genomu ukázalo, že Apostasioideae mají jedny z nejmenších genomů mezi orchidejemi a jejich DNA je velice bohatá na adenin a thymin. Skupina je mimo svoji domovinu prakticky nepěstovatelná a chybí proto i ve velkých specializovaných sbírkách., Apostasioideae is the smallest, least specialized orchid subfamily, which is still largely unexplored. It encompasses 17 terrestrial species in two genera native to tropical rain forests of SE Asia. They differ from other orchids in their unique floral morphology and pollen shed in monads. Our flow cytometric analyses showed that apostasioids possess very small genomes with a considerable proportion of adenine and thymine. The lack of information stems at least partly from their extremely difficult cultivation outside native areas., and Jana Jersáková, Jan Ponert, Pavel Trávníček, Jan Suda.
Pot experiments were conducted with Hordeum distichon L. (mutant of the cultivar Plena) and Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. hexastichon (cv. Certina). At two stages of development (5 and 20 d after the end of flowering), the assimilate demand of the sink organs (ears) was increased by daikening them for 5 d. The influence of this treatment on the apparent CO2 assimilation (P^), the *'*C02 incorporation of source leaves (flag leaves) and the suhsequent distrihution in the plants were investigated using a combination of gas exchange measurements by IRGA and exposure of the plants to ^'^002. Darkening of the ear 5 d after the end of flowering produced no change in incorporation of the source (flag leáf), or subsequent distrihution to the individual organ fractions in either of the cultivars. Darkening of the ear of cv. Certina 20 d after the end of flowering caused an increased orientation of the translocation to the ear, while of the flag leaf was not significantly influenced. In the Plena cultivar, the loss of ear photosynthesis caused by the darkening could not be compensated by the increased translocation, which was already very high in the control plants; of the flag leaf was enhanced. In the course of grain filling (5 d -> 20 d after the end of flowering), the absolute P^, and protein and chlorophyll contents of the flag leaves strongly decreased in both cultivars. Darkening pf the ear delayed this process in cv. Plena and partly also in cv. Certina. In the čase of an increased assimilate demand of the sink (ear), the CO2 assimilation of the source leaves was reduced only if the saccharide reserves of the plant were depleted. Differences in source-sink interactions observed between cultivars and developmental stages could be explained by this result.