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16102. Nušlova cena 2008
- Creator:
- Luděk Svoboda
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, zprávy, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Věda. Všeobecnosti. Základy vědy a kultury. Vědecká práce, Hubený, Ivan, 1948-, Česká astronomická společnost, astronomie, osobnosti, ceny a vyznamenání, astronomy, celebrities, awards, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- [Luděk Svoboda]. and Autor užívá šifru lsd
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16103. Nušlova cena 2008 pro Dr. Ivana Hubeného
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Hubený, Ivan, 1948-, Nušl, František, 1867-1951, astronomie, astronomové, ceny a vyznamenání, astronomy, astronomers, awards, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16104. Nutná reforma pokračovacího školství
- Creator:
- Černý, Eduard
- Publisher:
- Nákladem "Dědictví Komenského"
- Format:
- print, svazek, and 39 stran.
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Úkoly veřejné správy, správní opatření, legislativa, školství, vzdělávací reformy, 15, and 351
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- přednesl v Obchodní a živnostenské komoře pražské dne 29. října 1906 Ed. Černý.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16105. Nutrient loading on the eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) from the Russian catchment area
- Creator:
- Kondratyev, Sergey and Trumbull, Nathaniel
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- external loading, phosphorus, nitrogen, point and non-point sources, wastewater treatment plants, Baltic Sea Action plan, vonkajšia záťaž živinami, fosfor, sodík, bodové a nebodové zdroje, čistiarne odpadových vôd, and Akčný plán Baltického mora
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The identification and examination of sources of external loading are important pressure indicators for studying the nutrient balance and eutrophication of water bodies. Focusing on the eastern Gulf of Finland, this paper investigates and decomposes the sources of phosphorus, a limiting factor of eutrophication of the Gulf and its accompanying Neva Bay, and of nitrogen as pressure indicators. The eastern Gulf of Finland’s catchment basin represents Europe’s largest freshwater basin. Both point and non-point sources of pollution, as well as their current and possible withdrawals from the watershed’s nutrient loading, are considered. The investigation identifies poultry plants and animal husbandry enterprises in the coastal watershed as critical contributing sources to eutrophication in the eastern Gulf of Finland. Analyses based on such pressure indicators can help to contribute directly to future policy-making as concerns environmental protection measures and water resources planning in the eastern Gulf of Finland and other regions. and Identifikácia zdrojov externej záťaže živinami je významným indikátorom pre štúdium bilancie živín a eutrofizácie vôd. Tento príspevok prezentuje výsledky výskumu zdrojov fosforu a sodíka východnej časti Fínskeho zálivu a delty rieky Nevy, ako limitujúcich faktorov eutrofizácie. Povodie východnej časti Fínskeho zálivu je najväčším európskym zdrojom sladkej vody. V analýze sú uvažované bodové a plošné zdroje znečistenia a tiež súčasné, ale aj možné odbery vody a znečisťujúcich látok z povodia. Výskumom sa podarilo identifikovať hydinárske farmy a veľkochovy zvierat v pobrežnej zóne povodia ako kritické vzhľadom na eutrofizáciu východnej časti Fínskeho zálivu. Výsledky analýzy môžu priamo prispieť k tvorbe legislatívy týkajúcej sa ochrany životného prostredia a plánovania využitia zdrojov vody vo východnej časti Fínskeho zálivu, ale aj v iných regiónoch.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16106. Nutrients uptake by maize roots: vertical distribution of uptake rates during the vegetation period
- Creator:
- Novák, Viliam
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- plant nutrients, soil, uptake rate function, transpiration, water and solute distribution, živiny rastlín, pôda, funkcia odberu živín, transpirácia, and rozdelenie vody a rozpustených látok
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- This contribution presents a proposal of semiempirical method to estimate vertical profiles of nutrients uptake rate by plant roots, based on results of field measurements of soil - plant - atmosphere continuum (SPAC). The transport of chemicals in porous media can be described by convection-dispersion equation, containing sink term, characterising the solute (nutrients) uptake by roots. To determine this sink term was the aim of presented study. The data - necessary for determination of nutrients uptake rate profiles - during plants ontogenesis were acquired by measurement in the field site with maize canopy, near Trnava locality, South Slovakia. The proposed method of vertical profiles of nutrients uptake calculation is based on the estimated direct proportionality between nutrients uptake rate (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and transpiration intensity during ten days time intervals. Shorter time interval is not recommended to be utilised, because estimation errors are comparable to the changes of estimated values of nutrients concentration in plants. A nutrient uptake rates profiles can be determined using the Eq. (9), knowing water uptake rate profiles and the ratio of transpiration flux and particular nutrient uptake rate. The nutrient uptake rate profile calculated by the proposed method can be incorporated into the convection-dispersion equation and is used to model nutrient transport in the soil, taking into account uptake of particular nutrients by plants, during the vegetation period. Comparison of nitrogen uptake rates estimated from field measurements and those, calculated by the presented method shows significant differences in some cases, but seems to be applicable for mathematical modelling of nutrients uptake by plants. and Príspevok obsahuje návrh poloempirickj metódy výpočtu vertikálneho rozdelenia intenzít odberu rozpustených látok (najdôležitejších živín) porastom poľnohospodárskych plodín. Súbor údajov (chodov intenzít transpirácie počas ontogenézy rastlín a sezónnych chodov obsahu vybraných živín v pôde a v rastlinách), umožňujúcich výpočet, bol získaný z výsledkov komplexných meraní charakteristík systému pôda - rastlina - atmosféra (SPAC) v pôde s porastom kukurice v objekte bývalého Výskumného ústavu kukurice v Trnave. Predpokladajúc platnosť zistenej priamej úmernosti medzi intenzitami odberu živín (dusík, fosfor, draslík) rastlinami z pôdy a intenzitou transpirácie porastu, navrhnutá bola metóda výpočtu vertikálneho rozdelenia intenzít odberu rozpustených látok (najdôležitejších živín) porastom poľnohospodárskych plodín. Jej aplikácia umožňuje určenie odberového člena v rov. (1) a riešením tejto rovnice môžeme vypočítať zmeny koncentrácie vybraných živín v pôde, berúc do úvahy ich odber koreňmi rastlín. Odberový člen možno vypočítať pomocou rov. (9), ak poznáme vertikálne rozdelenie intenzít odberu vody koreňmi rastlín a pomer medzi transpiračným tokom a celkovou intenzitou odberu príslušného iónu porastom v danom časovom intervale. Porovnanie celkových intenzít odberu dusíka porastom kukurice, ktoré bolo určené z výsledkov poľných meraní a intenzít, vypočítaných predloženou metódou síce v niektorých prípadoch ukazuje na značné rozdiely (obr. 4), avšak v prvom priblížení je metóda vhodná na modelovanie pohybu žívín v pôde.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16107. Nutritional intervention as an essential part of multiple sclerosis treatment?
- Creator:
- Adela Penesová, Dean, Z., Branislav Kollár, Havranová, A., Richard Imrich, Vlček, M., and Rádiková, Ž.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- roztroušená skleróza, nenasycené mastné kyseliny, multiple sclerosis, unsaturated fatty acids, neuroinflammation, diet, saturated fatty acids, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. In addition to the genetic, epigenetic and immunological components, various other factors, e.g. unhealthy dietary habits, play a role in the MS pathogenesis. Dietary intervention is a highly appealing approach, as it presents a simple and relatively low risk method to potentially improve outcomes in patients with brain disorders in order to achieve remission and improvement of clinical status, well-being and life expectancy of patients with MS. The importance of saturated fat intake restriction for the clinical status improvement of MS patients was pointed for the first time in 1950s. Recently, decreased risk of first clinical diagnosis of CNS demyelination associated with higher intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids particularly originating from fish was reported. Only few clinical trials have been performed to address the question of the role of dietary intervention, such is e.g. low saturated fat diet in MS treatment. This review summarizes current knowledge about the effect of different dietary approaches (diets low in saturated fat and dietary supplements such as fish oil, lipoic acid, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, seeds oils, high fiber diet, vitamin D, etc.) on neurological signs, patient’s well-being, physical and inflammatory status. So far the results are not conclusive, therefore much more research is needed to confirm and to understand the effectiveness of these dietary interventions in the long term and well defined studies., A. Penesová, Z. Dean, B. Kollár, A. Havranová, R. Imrich, M. Vlček, Ž. Rádiková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16108. Nymphal diapause and its photoperiodic control in the tick Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae)
- Creator:
- Belozerov, Valentin N. and Naumov, Rudolf L.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- developmental diapause, photoperiodic response, nymphal stage, ixodid ticks, and Ixodes scapularis
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- It is shown experimentally that the option between developmental diapause and non-diapause development in nymphs of Ixodes scapularis Say, 1821 (Middle Atlantic population) is determined by photoperiodic conditions according to a two-step photoperiodic reaction of short-day long-day type. Diapause arrest of development is induced by an impact of either long day upon unfed nymphs, or short day upon engorged nymphs, while non-diapause development completed in 2-2.5 months at 20°C needs the change from short-day to long-day conditions. Some ecophysiological aspects of mechanisms controlling seasonal development of ticks belonging to Ixodes ricinus complex are discussed.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16109. O ,,bez''
- Creator:
- Gahér, František
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- if not, meaning, modality, operator, variable, without, pokud ne, význam, modalita, operátor, proměnná, and bez
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The paper deals with the word without and its role in those kinds of collocations in which it has a meaning-carrying function. It is assumed that the meaning of without in the kinds of collocations under scrutiny is context independent in that it can be explicated by a singles cheme: For every ξ,ξ ...ξ holds, that Π(ξ,ξ ...ξ) if not Θ(ξ , ξ ... ξ ), where Π, Θ are propositions or propositional functions (predicates) and ξ , ξ ... ξ are relevant variables, whose range is determined by that following after the word without. The scheme varies with the variable type to which without is applied purely as a certain kind of operator. The concatenations without + expression are, typically, equivalent to more prolix without-free collocations; thus, without is a suitable device for text compression., Příspěvek se zabývá slovem bez a jeho úlohou v těch druzích kolokací, ve kterých má významovou funkci. Předpokládá se, že význam bez v druzích zkoumaných kolokací je nezávislý na kontextu v tom, že může být vysvětlen chémií singlů: Pro každý ξ, ξ ... ξ platí, že Π (ξ, ξ ... ξ ) pokud ne Θ (ξ, ξ ... ξ), kde Π, Θ jsou propozice nebo propoziční funkce (predikáty) a ξ, ξ ... ξ jsou relevantní proměnné, jejichž rozsah je určen následujícím po slovu bez . Tento režim se mění s proměnnou typu, který , aniž by se aplikuje brát jako určitý druh subjektu. Zřetězení bez výrazu + jsou typicky ekvivalentní více prolixubez neomezených kolokací; tak, bez je vhodné zařízení pro kompresi textu., and František Gahér
- Rights:
- and policy:public
16110. O antice u nás. Řecko a Řím v českém pojetí a zobrazování: Daniela Čadková: Oslněni hellénským sluncem. Recepce antiky v české literatuře v letech 1880-1914
- Creator:
- Hrbata, Zdeněk
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public