The subject of the presented article is the processing of archaeozoological finds from the Early Middle Age settlement in Brno-Medlánky. This relatively small set consists of two different groups of osteological material. The first represents fragments of bones and teeth coming from the so-called kitchen waste. This set was processed by standard methods consisting in determining the anatomical affiliation, species, age, or sex, and the evidence of traces of manipulation (cutting, chopping, biting). The second group of finds representing several complete skeletons of animals is quite significant, as some of the animals were not consumed. Within the three features, 3 canine (2× a dog, 1× a wolf?), a horse and a pig skeleton in the secondary position were captured. Even in these cases, the basic characteristics of the animals were recorded, including age, sex, height, and post-mortem manipulation. The presence of preserved animal bodies from the settlement in Medlánky was compared with other documented finds of skeletons of animals from this period.
In 2018, during a rescue archaeological excavation taking place in one of the gardens of Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště, 23 early medieval graves containing skeletal remains of 26 individuals were detected. The site is situated on the northern border of the well-known Great Moravian burial ground ‘Na Valách’. In a large number of the newly excavated graves, greater or lesser deviations from the usual funeral rite were recorded. While the established burial rite in Great Moravian society means the deceased lies on their back in the supine position with extended extremities and head towards the west, here we found skeletons in very different orientations, lying in a prone or crouched position, or, at least, with unusual positions of their upper or lower limbs. Additionally, some of the graves contained incomplete or no skeletons. There is also one double burial and a triple burial, and several graves in superpositions. In nine graves, objects of material culture were found, the most important of them come from the rider’s grave 20/2018. The presented study aims to interpret the burial contexts using the bioarchaeological approach, which is, however, affected by the quality of the preserved finds, especially skeletal remains.
Nedávno jsme v tomto časopise (JMO 4/2009) v článku nazvaném''Před pořízením systému vojáka pro AČR'', popsali náš názor na projekt tzv. systému vojáka, v AČR tehdy pojmenovaný jako ''Voják 21.století''. Nyní je tento projekt veden v Armádě České republiky (AČR) pod názvem modulární bojový komplet (MBK). I náš pohled doznal za uplynulé dva roky určitého posunu, který se odrazil i v návrhu řešení, jež označujeme zkratkou BIG-OŠ, tedy Battlefield Integrated Groups - organizace a školení. Kombinací anglického a českého názvu chceme vyjádřit jak naše národní specifikace a požadavky, tak i skutečnost, že je tento systém připraven na použití v rámci vojenských struktur NATO. Tomuto přístupu odpovídá i systémové složení kompletu, jež vhodně kombinuje národní a alianční prvky a technologie. Tento přístup zde chceme stručně představit. and Recently we described in the JMO journal article, called ''Before acquisition of the soldier system for the Czech Army'', our estimation of so-called the soldier system project, in the Czech Army known like ''Soldier 21st century''. Nowadays, this project is registered under the designation Modular Combat Set (MBK) in the Czech Army. Our view has reached certain shift for last two years and that reflected the proposal of solution, which we have marked like BIG-OŠ - Battlefield Integrated Groups - the organization and training. By the combination English and Czech appellation we want to expresses both our national specification and requirements and the fact that this system is ready for use within the scope of the NATO military configuration. The attitude corresponds to the systematic structure of the set, which combines appropriately not only the national and alliance factors but also the technologies. We would like to introduce the above mentioned attitude briefly in the following text.
The broadening of the photospheric lines in ζ Ophiuchu by very rapid rotation allows not ony mapping of its surface velocities and temperature distribution, but makes the star an excellent probe for a profusion of sharp interstellar lines. Being bright, it is a good object for smaller telescopes. Apart from discovering nonradial oscillations in its atmosphere over twenty years ago and a significant temperature differential between pole and equator (the von Zeipel effect), I have recently assisted in the discovery of some 30 lines of interstellar C3 near 405 nm - the first carbon chain to have been found in a diffuse interstellar cloud and at a much higher concentration than expected.