Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. Co 4] seedlings were subjected to a weighted irradiance of 3.2 W m-2 s-1 of biologically effective ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-320 nm) and the changes in the kinetic and other characteristics of nitrite reductase (NiR) were recorded. The activity of NiR was hampered by 19 % under UV-B irradiation compared to the control. The UV-B treated plants required higher concentrations of nitrate for the induction of NiR synthesis than the controls. The NiR activity decay kinetics showed that the UV-B treatment significantly lowers the t1/2 of the enzyme, thereby indicating a reduced rate of enzyme turnover. The comparison of kinetic characteristics of nitrate reductase (NR) and NiR under UV-B treatment showed that NiR was not so sensitive to UV-B radiation as NR. As shown by enzyme turnover rates, NiR extracted from plants irradiated by UV-B in situ was less sensitive to UV-B radiation than the enzyme extract subjected to in vitro UV-B irradiation. Though NiR was less damaged by UV-B treatment than NR, subtle changes occurred in its kinetic characteristics. and T. Balakumar ... [et al.].
Observations of stellar spectra in the UV-region during twenty years are briefly reviewed. Basic achievements have been made in the investigation of interstellar absorption, effective temperatures scale, mass loss, stellar chromospheres and non-stationary stars.
My experience from interdisciplinary research is based on the exploitation of studies of related branches of science that serve as auxiliary sciences to the major branch of science. In the course of study of more complex phenomena of folk culture one needs to research into their origin (not their typological development). The most limiting factor, from my point of view, is ethnographical regionalisation and the established borderlines of regions and countries. Another limiting factor is a close cohesion with the established understanding of branch-specific sources of information and methods, particularly physical preservation of
ethnographic artefacts. The significance of training in auxiliary sciences for multiaspect studies is described via six examples from the author’s own study of wooden multi-aspect in Europe. Having combined aspects from several disciplines, the author managed to come up with new perspectives with respect to various issues of origins of well-known phenomena. The result was an attempt to synthesise a phenomenon the genetics of which can be examined in broad interethnic contexts only. Each and every synthesis does indeed answer the research questions, but it also asks new questions for further researches to answer. It is therefore necessary to prepare accordingly, with respect to these researches. interdisciplinary studies require familiarisation with analytical methods in related branches of science. Education of experts in ethnology could be extended to include the study of auxiliary sciences, as is the case of the auxiliary sciences of history.
Cílem zprávy je především otevření diskuse o metodologickém odkazu Viktora Kotrby (7. 5. 1906 Günzburg – 3. 9. 1973 Praha), jenž je ve srovnání například se svým generačním vrstevníkem Václavem Menclem (1905–1978) opomíjen. Východiskem jsou materiály v části Kotrbovy pozůstalosti, uložené v Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR v Praze, včetně dosud neznámého rukopisu Kotrbovy disertace, jejíž definitivní podoba je ztracena. Práce je inspirativním přínosem ke středoevropskému bádání o pozdně gotické architektuře. Důležitou součástí práce je stať o architektuře z katalogu výstavy Jihočeská pozdní gotika 1450–1530 z roku 1965. Výpisky z literatury a poznámek z terénního výzkumu poskytují vhled do Kotrbovy každodenní badatelské praxe a umožňují rekonstrukci jeho záměrů a metod. Jedním z příkladů je zájem o učence a faráře Václava Fabriho, jenž na základě zkušeností ze saského prostředí podnítil na počátku 16. století ambiciózní přestavbu farního chrámu sv. Mikuláše v Českých Budějovicích. Kotrba v tomto případě nahlížel nezachovanou stavbu nikoliv z hlediska jejích forem, ale na základě rekonstruovatelné vizuální zkušenosti jejího objednavatele. Podobně Kotrba předznamenal určité trendy v současné uměleckohistorické medievistice zájmem o recepci středověkých uměleckých děl jejich současnými konzumenty, když se zaměřil na vybrané pasáže z Kroniky české Eneáše Silvia Piccolominiho. Převážná část disertace je s přehledem napsanou syntézou, jež vychází z tehdejšího zcela aktuálního stavu poznání o vývoji a klíčových osobnostech pozdně gotické architektury v relevantních oblastech Svaté říše římské. Důraz na problematiku konstrukcí a stavebních postupů oproti sledování stylových proměn umělecké stránky kleneb řadí jinak neznámý Kotrbův text mezi standardní středoevropské uměleckohistorické práce o pozdně gotické architektuře. Text navíc místy vyniká jak bohatostí detailních poznatků, tak předznamenáním výše naznačených progresivnějších tendencí. Knižní vydání Kotrbovy disertace s komentáři k dodnes diskutovaným otázkám by se mohlo po šestačtyřiceti letech stát důstojným českým protějškem slavné monografie o Benediktu Riedovi z pera Götze Fehra, v jistém smyslu Kotrbova protějšku v Německu. and The aim of this account is to stimulate discussion of the methodological legacy of Viktor Kotrba (7. 5. 1906 Günzburg – 3. 9. 1973 Prague), who has been neglected, for example, in comparison with his contemporary Václav Mencl (1905–1978). The article is based on materials in Kotrba’s papers, deposited at the Institute for Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in Prague,
including a hitherto unknown manuscript of Kotrba’s dissertation. Although the final form of this work has been lost, the manuscript makes an inspiring contribution to Central European research on late Gothic architecture. An article on architecture, from the exhibition catalogue South Bohemian Late Gothic 1450–1530 (1965) is an important component of the work. Excerpts from the literature and notes on the field research offer insight into Kotrba’s standard research practices and help one to reconstruct his intentions and methods. One example is his interest in the scholar and priest Václav Fabri, who, inspired by his knowledge of the Saxon milieu, initiated
the ambitious renovation of the parish Church of St Nicholas in České Budějovice at the beginning of the 16th century. In this instance, rather than looking at form, Kotrba considered the building, no longer extant, from the perspective of the reconstructible visual experience of the patron. Similarly, Kotrba’s interest in the reception
of medieval artworks by their contemporary consumers—evident in his attention to selected passages from Silvio Piccolomini’s Historia Bohemica—prefigured certain trends in current art history studies of the medieval period. With a broad overview, the dissertation focuses on the contemporaneous body of knowledge of the development and key figures of late Gothic architecture in the relevant regions of the Holy Roman Empire. On account of the emphasis on the issue of construction and building approaches, as opposed to tracing stylistic transformations of the art of vaulting, Kotrba’s text can be included
among the standard Central European art history works on late Gothic architecture. In addition, in places the text provides a wealth of detailed observations, as well as prefiguring the abovementioned progressive trends. A book edition of Kotrba’s dissertation, with commentary on questions still relevant today, would be, after forty-six
years, a dignified Czech counterpart to the famous monograph on Benedikt Ried written by Götz Fehr, who was, in a certain sense, Kotrba’s counterpart in Germany.
Wood is a useful, durable but flexible, hard or soft (depending on its source and the way of processing) and and the only re-newable material widely used throughout human history. We are living with it. Let us enter wood through science and in particular physics. Wood grows and lives because of the existence of capillarity, according to the Hagen-Poiseuille‘s law. The acoustic performance of wood is based on the Newton‘s second and Hooke‘s laws. The interaction of wood and moisture is full of physics following laws, e. g. Fick‘s and Fourier‘s, Naviére-Sokes equation and so on. Without physics it is impossible to get an exact knowledge of the behavior of wood in the human surroundings, wood based construction, using the wood as fuel, making fire protection and so on. The study of wood is mainly based, of course, on numerous fundamental and applied scientific disciplines, but a kind of art and handcraat is in action there as well., Vladimír Bahýl, Tibor Mészáros., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Je obecně známo, že bublinky plynu v kapalině mohou přeměňovat energii ultrazvukových vln ve světlo. Detailní měření provedená na jedné bublince ukázalo, že ve skutečnosti se větší část této energie uplatní při chemických reakcích probíhajících v tomto "mikroreaktoru" a pouze menší část je vyzářena. and Detlef Lohse ; přeložil a poznámkami opatřil Libor Juha.
The end of the century was the cause to publish this anniversary ethnographic Yearbook. The yearbook informs about the history of the Ethnographic Society that was founded in Prague in 1891. Its development was a mirror of the development of all social sciences in the troubled waters of the twentieth century. After the report on the Ethnographic Society comes the chapter on ethnographic university departments and research centres. It is followed by informations about ethnographic periodicals, bibliography, and the preservation of monuments. The user can also find * informations about museums with ethnographic collections. The address of the museum is always concluded. An individual person can be found in the Register of Czech Ethnographers and Folklorists. It informs you about the date and place of birth, education, address of work and home, specialization. The Ethnographic Society has a netwok of correspondence. Although they change, some of them remain for a long time, and send the outcome of their research to the archives of the society, so that they enrich the professional quarters. The yearbook gives you the names and addresses of the current correspondents The yearbook is closed with the picture appendix that contains the works awarded in the Most-Important-Deed-in-the-Field Survey. Since it was not possible to get the informations from all institutions or individuals that were wanted, we apologize for possible incompleteness. It is not our fault. We hope that this anniversary yearbook is the first step of the future tradition of regular evaluating yearbooks. and Anglický abstrakt s šifrou (lv) uveden na str. 192.