A major reform in the reign of Joseph II was the establishment in 1786 of the provincial building directorates, through which the court aimed to regulate all public building works in the monarchy. Although the original aim of unifying building regulations throughout the realm was never achieved, the reform was a success and remained in force, with a few minor amendments, until the revolutionary year of 1848. One reason for its success was the elite corps of civil engineers who staffed these institutions. This study looks at advances in technical education, especially engineering, in the Habsburg monarchy from the beginning of the 18th century and the emergence of the Collegia Nobilia, or elite colleges, where graduates were prepared for a career in the Imperial Army. Besides military architecture, the colleges also taught the fundamentals of civil engineering, turning out some of the best‐trained creators of early modern architecture. The development and nature of this elite engineering training is examined with reference to the engineering academies of Prague, Vienna and Olomouc. In all three cases we stress the colleges’ status within the state framework, and their evolution in the light of changing official doctrine and methods of instruction. In all three cases it is clear that during the latter half of the 18th century the original ‘aristocratic’ colleges began to decline and were slowly replaced by similar state‐controlled establishments. As a first step, the court of Joseph II introduced a specialized course in practical architecture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. From around 1800 this model was gradually superseded by the progressive French‐style polytechnic, a modified version of which remains the standard model for technical education to this day., Michal Konečný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The Institute of Ethnology of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague
The institute responded to the political and social changes in 1990s. It follows the modern European and world directions in research activities. Several foreign lecturers (Yale, the Northern Arizona University, the University o Basel) as well as the prominent specialists from the Academy of Sciences and the Náprstek Museum started to participate in the teaching programme. - The aim of the new curriculum is the theoretical and practical preparation for the master´s (in future also bachelor´s). The students gain knowledge of the cultural areas and the ability to work and act in various ethnic and cultural environments. The study consists of two cycles, the second of which is specialized. - The institute is devided into three seminars (general ethnology, European and Czech ethnology, and folklore studies). - Talented students can take part in research felowships abroad. The graduates gain ground as scienific and specialized researchers, in cultural facilities, museums, state bureaucracy, media and in humanity organizations. In present, the institute has for about 150 students, 20 new students are accepted every year. Besides the internal study, combined study is organized in some years.The post-graduate study includes several special courses, the final examination and the viva voce. Post-graduates are methodically tead by supervisors. - The research activities are aimed mainly at the ethnic and athno-cultural problems in Czech lands and in Europe. The institute cooperates with several European institutions. It is also specialized in the Hispanic and American studies, as well theoretical and trans-cultural studies. - The institute publishes the collections of papers Studia Ethnographica. - The director of the institute is doc. František Vrhel, CSc., The Institute of European Ethnography and Ethnology, the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University, Brno
Seminář pro etnologii a etnografii/Seminar of Ethnography and Ethnology at the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University was founded by Professor A. Václavík (1891-1951) in 1946. The formerly independent department changed as well as its name. Since 1964 it was Katedra etnografie a folkloristiky/The Department of Ethnography and Folklore Studies. After 1968 it was a part of historical departments and on 1.1.1991 it regained independence. Now it is called Ústav evropské etnologie/The Institute of European Ethnology. The institute provides five-year MA stude programme with combination of a second subject. There is also a three-year internal and five-year external Ph.D. study programme. The lectures and seminars are complemented by other educative activities. Every year since 1992 has been arranging visits to the regions of the Czech Republic or countries mostly of southern or western Europe. Some of these travels were thematic, e.g. Rhetoromans´ foosteps, Semana santa in Spain, Almatrieb in Alps. All these travels are documented on the videotape and slides, so that this material can be used for teaching purposes later. The departmental library serves for studens as well for teachers. It contains more than 13,000 volumes of the basic ethnographical literature. The outcomes of the student and teacher research can be found in the departmental archives. The scholars of he department took part in the Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska/ Ethnographic Encyclopaedia of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The second important work is Vlastivěda moravská/The History and Geography of Moravia, volume 10 Lidová kultura na Moravě/The Folk Culture in Moravia.(2000). The head of the department is Professor PhDr. Richard Jeřábek, DrSc., The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities, Plzeň
The department belongs to the newest university departments in the Czech Republic. It originally worked as a part of the Centre of Humanities of the Faculty of Law of the West-Bohemian University. Since 1997 it is a part of the Faculty of Humanities. - This pedagogical and research institution organizes a three-years bachelor course and a continuing two-year master course. The curriculum is based on the credit system and it is complementary with the offer of other university programmes. A part of the department is formed by the seminar of physical anthropology and of the anthropology of the Near East. Social anthropology is understood as a bio-social discipline, inspired especially by the Anglo-American approach. The department cooperates with several scientific institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The research activities are aimed at the problems of rural and urban communities, multiculturalism, applied social anthropology, museum studies, and some topics of religious studies and symbolical anthropology. - The department director is RNDr. Ivo Budil, Ph.D., and Anglické abstrakty s šiframi (št) - abstrakt 1 a 3 a (lv) - abstrakt 2 jsou uvedeny na str. 193-195.
The work deals with the possibility of extending the analysis of classical scratch test based on simultaneous detection of acoustic emissions during scratch. Scratch test is frequently used for testing the adhesive-cohesive properties of coating-substrate. However, the very first onset of the coating cannot be often detected by visual inspection after the test or from the depth change record. Here is the potential for the detection of acoustic emissions that accompany the formation or propagation of cracks in the coating, thereby exposing otherwise undetectable events in the sample. For recording and subsequent analysis we have developed a novel system for detection of acoustic emissions, which can easily be used alongside existing techniques of the scratch test. Due to the sensitive piezoelectric sensor and the transducer sampling frequency of 2 MHz failure events can be monitored with microsecond resolution. Advanced analysis software then allows performing the spectral analysis of acoustic emissions events. Possibilities of the system are demonstrated on three coated samples of different hardness. Comparison of acoustic emission records with electron micrographs of residual scratches and depth change records shows a great sensitivity of our detection system. Frequency spectra of individual acoustic emission events are unique for specific samples and allow the introduction of advanced methods for their detection and analysis. and Článek se zabývá možnostmi rozšířené analýzy klasické vrypové zkoušky založené na detekci akustických emisí během vrypu. Vrypová zkouška se nejčastěji využívá pro testování adhezně-kohezních vlastností systému vrstva-substrát. Mnohdy jsou však první vznikající porušení systému taková, že je nelze odhalit vizuální kontrolou po testu ani ze změny hloubky taženého hrotu v průběhu testu. Zde je právě místo pro detekci akustických emisí, které doprovází vznik či šíření prasklin v měřeném vzorku, čímž odhalí jinak nedetekovatelné události ve vzorku. Pro snímání a následnou analýzu jsme vyvinuli vlastní systém detekce akustických emisí, který lze jednoduše použít vedle stávající techniky vrypové zkoušky. Díky citlivému piezoelektrickému senzoru a vzorkovací frekvenci převodníku 2 MHz lze sledovat porušení vrstev s mikrosekundovým rozlišením. Pokročilý analyzační software pak umožňuje provádět spektrální analýzu akustických emisí vyvolaných při mechanickém porušení vzorku. Možnosti detekčního systému jsou demonstrovány na třech vzorcích vrstev odlišného stupně tvrdosti. Porovnání záznamů akustických emisí s mikrofotografiemi reziduálních vrypů a záznamy hloubky vrypů prokazuje velkou citlivost naší detekční soustavy. Frekvenční spektra jednotlivých událostí akustických emisí jsou pro dané vzorky specifické a umožňují zavedení pokročilých metod detekce a analýzy událostí.
This article deals with an application of a common high-resolution camera Cannon 350D together with a tensile tester Instron 4464 for determination of some sample material characteristics. From photo records of a deformation test there can be determined the volume sample compressibility and its Poisson ratio. The range of the measurement possibilities were tested on the potatoe segment. Some results of compressibility and a volume of extruded liquid during the relaxation process are presented. and Článek se zabývá nasazením běžné kamery s vysokým rozlišením Canon 350D spolu s trhačkou Instron 4464 pro určení některých materiálových charakteristik vzorku. Z fotozáznamu deformační zkoušky je určena jednak objemová stlačitelnost vzorku a jeho Poissonův poměrε, jednak množství tekutiny ze vzorku deformací vytlačené. Testování možností zjištění těchto veličin bylo prováděno na části brambory. V textu jsou uvedeny některé výsledky stlačitelnosti a množství vytlačené tekutiny při relaxačním procesu.