This article deals with a brief historical reveal of the research and development base in Meopta-optika, s.r.o., celebrating this year a 75th anniversary of its foundation, allows to look in detail into its present professional concentration and refers also about its future intentions. and Článek v krátkosti poodkryje historii vývojové základny společnosti Meopta-optika, s.r.o., která v letošním roce slaví 75 let od svého založení, nechá podrobněji nahlédnout do jejího současného procesního zaměření a zmíní se i o dalších záměrech v čase budoucím.
Tradice každoročního setkávání držitelů Nobelovy ceny s mladými vědci a studenty z celého světa pokračovala letos 58. ročníkem, kdy setkání v oboru fyziky proběhlo v Lindau na břehu Bodamského jezera ve dnech 28. června až 4. července 2008. and Zpracovala Andrea Cejnarová.
The Be star 59 Cyg was directly confirmed to be an evolved Be binary with a sdO companion (Be + sdO) by a weak HeII 4686 absorption. Orbital elements and stellar masses were determined. The orbital period was found to be 28.192 ± 0.004 d with a slightly eccentric orbit of e = 0.11 ± 0.005. The mass of the secondary is located in the range between 1.56 and 2.3 M Ø. Thus, 59 Cyg most likely resembles the well known Be + sdO binary φ Per in an earlier stage. Characteristic features for Be binaries with sdO or white dwarf companions were identified. They can be used for an easier identification of further evolved Be binaries or candidate systems.
The largest international research centre for particle physics, the construction of which the Czech scientific community played a very important role, is celebrating the 60th year since its foundation in September 1954. It operates the 17-mile long Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest accelerator in the world. Its official name is the “European Organization for Nuclear Research”, but it is known internationally known by the acronym CERN (from the French, Conseil Européen pour la recherche nucléaire). A noteworthy interactive exhibition took place at ASCR headquarters from September 2 to October 12, 2014 was open to the public without charge. In an “interactive tunnel,” ASCR President Prof. Jiří Drahoš opened the exhibition with a ceremonial “kick-off of the protons.” CERN is the prototype of programmes for European cooperation through which a number of European projects have been built,” Professor Drahoš said. He cited the Czech scientific community for its involvement in experimental and scientific work there. Membership in CERN is important for the Czech Republic not only in terms of participation in top experiments, but significantly in providing young scientists and engineers an invaluable opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills for application in their nations. This issue of Academic bulletin features an interview with dr. Daniel Krasnický from CERN and Universitá di Genova and interview with dr. Jan Blaha from Stanford University who cooperates with CERN. and Jiří Chýla.