Correspondence was the “information superhighway” for s scholars and researchers during the early modern world. The Department of Comenius Studies of the Institute of Philosophy AS CR is one of the closest partners in a project based at the University of Oxford titled Cultures of Knowledge. Between 1550 and 1750, regular exchanges of letters encouraged the formation of virtual communities of people worldwide with shared interests in various kinds of knowledge. Included were classical scholars, philologists, antiquaries, patristic scholars, orientalists, theologians, astronomers, botanists, experimental natural philosophers, emissaries’, ‘free-thinkers,’ and many other denizens of the “Republic of Letters.” Since 2009, the Cultures of Knowledge project at Oxford University has been using a variety of research methods to reassemble and understand these networks. Supporting this effort is the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. As well as co-organizing the inaugural series of workshops in Prague, Cracow and Budapest, and the 2010 Universal Reformation conference in Oxford, both Institutes have also been active throughout the project in preparing the Comenius catalogue for Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO). and Vladimír Urbánek.
An essay by the contemporary Portuguese philosopher José Gil addresses the prominent American choreographer and dancer Merce Cunningham’s conception of dance. Gil emphasizes that Cunningham approaches dance in a way that is fundamentally different from the traditional mimetic and expressive paradigm. With the help of Giles Deleuze’s observations, Gil proves that even in the case of dance shorn of the faculty to represent and express emotional contents, we can talk about units of dance, about their meaning and unity, and thus about the language of dance. Gil spells out this idea by showing a parallel between dance, in Cunningham’s conception of it, and modern painting. and Esej současného portugalského filosofa Josého Gila se zabývá pojetím tance u významného amerického choreografa a tanečníka Merce Cunninghama. Gil zdůrazňuje, že Cunningham pojímá tanec způsobem, který se zásadně odlišuje od tradičního mimetického a expresivního paradigmatu. Za pomoci úvah Gilese Deleuze Gil dokazuje, že i v případě tance zbaveného schopnosti reprezentovat a vyjadřovat emocionální obsahy můžeme hovořit o jednotkách tance, o jejich významu a jednotě, tedy o jazyku tance. Tuto myšlenku Gil upřesňuje pomocí paralely mezi tancem v Cunninghamově pojetí a moderním malířstvím.
Autonomy of science and art is an ideal of every civilized society. The distance between a certain society and this ideal depends on a large number of parameters, among which cultural enlightenment and consciousness of the main protagonists in realization of these two areas seem to be most important. Unfortunately, Serbia cannot boast with a high level of independency of creative processes. Nowadays, in formal sense, they enjoy a higher level of autonomy in terms of the state ideology; however, at the same time, they are essentially and basically restricted by it. The very notion of autonomy here is related to financial and, more than this, to ideological independence of free and creative thought, that is to the question to which extent scientific creativity manage to transcend current cultural-historical-social context and to find universal regularities of human civilization in it. Intensity of social changes and postmodern market ideologies are reflected both at official scientific policy and at internal determination of context and concept of ethnological/anthropological researching which quite often become trapped in the shallow of topicality.
The aim of this paper is to present the results of an investigation of induced seismic events which occurred during mining in the coalfields of Plants Paskov and Staříč of the Paskov Mine which belong to the southern part of the Ostrava-Karviná coal mines. Some results obtained in the time period January 1992 - December 2002 have already been published, and therefore, are mentioned here only briefly. The paper is based on new results of seismological observations at the OKC, KLOK, STEB seismic stations operated by the Institute of Geonics AS CR and stations of the Green Gas DPB, a.s., Paskov. A total of 26 seismic events were monitored from January 2008 to February 2012, most of them were localized into the area under study. As for the energy span of individual events according to the energetic classification of the Geophysical Centre of the Green Gas DPB, a.s., Paskov, all seismic events in Table 1 were estimated within the limits E(J) <5.0 ×102 ÷ 2.0 × 104>., Karel Holub, Jana Rušajová and Josef Holečko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Jako dobový dokument zde nejdříve přinášíme podstatné části Šafránkova vlastního životopisu, jež vydal vlastním nákladem v roce 1936. Tato, dnes naprosto běžná sebeprezentace vyvolala u starší generace univerzitních fyziků podrážděnou reakci. Důkaz o tom nalezeneme v příslušné (zde rovněž přetištěné) autobiografie Vladimíra Nováka. Je velmi pravděpodobné, že Novák na Šafránka přenesl svou averzi k některým fyzikům starší generace, jmenovitě profesorům Felixovi a Posejpalovi. Třetím dokumentem je ukázka z knihy právě vydané nakladatelstvím Academia, v niž autorka líčí události provázející Šafránkovy přednášky ve Společnosti pro šíření vědeckých a politických znalostí v padesátých letech., Jaroslav Šafránek ; úvod redakce společný dalším dvěma článkům je uveden na straně 318., and Části Šafránkova vlastního životopisu [Curriculum vitae. Vlastním nákladem, Praha 1935, s. 5-8, 13-28]
After having given the general variational formula for the functionals indicated in the title, the critical points of the integral of the equi-affine curvature under area constraint and the critical points of the full-affine arc-length are studied in greater detail. Notice. An extended version of this article is available on arXiv:0912.4075.
We give a complete characterization of those $f\colon [0,1] \to X$ (where $X$ is a Banach space) which allow an equivalent $C^{1,\rm BV}$ parametrization (i.e., a $C^1$ parametrization whose derivative has bounded variation) or a parametrization with bounded convexity. Our results are new also for $X= \mathbb R^n$. We present examples which show applicability of our characterizations. For example, we show that the $C^{1,\rm BV}$ and $C^2$ parametrization problems are equivalent for $X=\mathbb R$ but are not equivalent for $X = \mathbb R^2$.