Pro populaci pacientů s diabetem 2. typu nejsou v současnosti v České republice dostupná data o distribuci hodnot glykovaného hemoglobinu. Plnému uplatnění výhod nových skupin antidiabetik pro časnou intervenci brání v současnosti indikační omezení, které omezuje úhradu této terapie pro nedostatečně kompenzované pacienty s hranicí definovanou hodnotou 60 mmol/mol (6 % IFCC). Analýza distribuce hodnot glykovaného hemoglobinu v náhodně vybrané populaci pacientů s diabetem 2. typu ve studii Valetudo ukazuje, že v rozmezí kritického intervalu od 43 mmol/mol do 80 mmol/mol je průměrná četnost pacientů z celé populace 1,88 %/1 mmol/mol glykovaného hemoglobinu. Interpretace dat z průřezových studií je velmi obtížná, jelikož zahrnuje pacienty před léčbou (případně před intenzifikací léčby) i pacienty úspěšně léčené., Currently, there are no available data on distribution of the values of glycated haemoglobin in patients with type 2 diabetes in the Czech Republic. More frequent, efficacy and early application of new antidiabetic agents is limited by indication criterion which restricts the payment of this therapy for patients with poorly compensated diabetes defined by threshold value of 60 mmol/mol (6% IFCC). The study Valetudo analyzed distribution of glycated haemoglobin values in the random population of patients with type 2 diabetes and showed that within the critical range from 43 mmol/mol to 80 mmol/mol is the average frequency of patients from the whole population of 1.88%/1 mmol/mol glycated haemoglobin. Interpretation of data from cross-sectional studies is very difficult as they involve patients before treatment (possibly before the intensification of therapy) and also patients successfully treated., and Milan Kvapil
The aim of the present paper is to examine certain philosophical issues which have set the tone of the philosophical reflection in eighteenth century France in relation to a specific case study: that of the "wild child" known as Victor of Aveyron. Found in 1800 in central France, Victor was later transferred to the Parisian Institute of the DeafMutes, where he became the object of educational activities of JeanMarc Itard, a medical expert known for his works on the problem of hearing loss. Through a brief critical examination of the most notorious philosophical texts dealing both with the question of wild children and deafness (namely by Rousseau, Diderot and Condillac), we attempt to show that the specificity of Itard’s educational method consists in an application of the sensualist approach towards the human individual (as it is exemplified especially in the work of Condillac) on a concrete human subject, considered as a tangible proof of the inexistence of innate ideas. On this basis, we sketch several broader questions concerning the status of anomaly in the eighteenth century philosophical thought (namely, wild children and deafness), as well as some hypotheses on education and its fantasmatic aspects in general., Josef Fulka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy