Mean development rates under cycling temperature regimes (both alternating and sinusoidal regimes) have been found to be either accelerated, decelerated or unaffected when compared to development at constant temperature regimes with equivalent means. It is generally accepted that this phenomenon is a consequence of the non-linearity inherent in the temperature-rate relationship of insect development and is known as the rate summation, or Kaufmann, effect. Some researchers invoke an additional physiological mechanism or specific adaptation to cycling temperatures resulting in a genuine alteration of development rate. Differences in development rates at constant and cycling temperatures may have important implications for degree-day (linear) population models, which are used in bath pest management and ecological studies.
Larvae of Aglais urticae L. (small tortoiseshell), Inachis io L. (peacock), Polygonia c-album L. (comma) and Vanessa atalanta L. (red admiral) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) were reared at constant (10, 15, 20, 25, 30°C) and alternating (20/10, 25/15, 30/10, 30/20°C) regimes. Development rates under the alternating regimes used were found to differ from those under equivalent constant temperatures in a pattern suggestive of the Kaufmann effect: in all species development at 20/10°C was faster than at 15°C, and for three species development at 30/20°C was slower than at 25°C. The exception was A. urticae. A similar pattern was found for growth rate and pupal weight. The results are discussed with respect to cycling temperature theory and degree-day modelling., Simon R. Bryant, Jeffrey S. Bale, Chris D. Thomas, and Lit
Pankreatoduodenektomie (PD) je výkonem volby v léčbě resekabilních periampulárních a pankreatických karcinomů a u některých pacientů s chronickou pankreatitidou. PD je jedním z nejnáročnějších GI/ HPB chirurgických výkonů, který zahrnuje resekci několika orgánů a rekonstrukci s několika anastomózami. Přestože mortalita se snížila na méně než 5 %, morbidita je neustále vysoká. Pacienti podstupující PD jsou většinou starší s přidruženými komorbiditami– všeobecné komplikace po takto náročném výkonu, např. ranné, hrudní, kardiální a venózní trombembolické jsou časté. Hlavní peroperační morbiditou PD je krvácení, které může být z vícero míst, jako například z lůžka žlučníku, choledochálních žil, gastrokolického trunku, pankreatoduodenálních žil, jejunálních žil, uncinátních žil a z resekované plochy pankreatu. Při preparaci ductus choledochus může dojít k poranění aberantní arteria hepatica dextra (z arteria mesenterica superior). Pankreatický únik je definován jako přítomnost tekutiny bohaté na amylázu (>3x sérová amyláza) ve drénech po dobu delší než 3 dny. Rozděluje se na typy A (bez klinického dopadu), B (perzistující, infikovaná) a C (systémová sepse, reoperace). Vyšetřením volby je počítačová tomografie; lokalizovaná kolekce se může perkutánně zadrénovat. Velký únik si vyžaduje revizi s provedením laváže a drenáže; neměla by se pokoušet korekce či předělání anastomózy. Měkký pankreas a nedilatovaný vývod jsou dva nejdůležitější rizikové faktory pro únik z pankreatické anastomózy; role oktreotidu v prevenci úniku je diskutabilní. Předoperační drenáž žlučových cest použitím endoskopicky zavedeného stentu může snížit krvácivé komplikace regulací koagulopatie, ale zvyšuje riziko infekčních komplikací. Pooperační krvácení může být časné nebo pozdní a intraluminální nebo intraabdominální. Časné intraabdominální krvácení má chirurgickou příčinu – buď jde o uvolněnou ligaturu např. z gastroduodenální arterie, nebo jedné z žil, nebo pankreatoduodenálního lůžka; měla by se provést revize a ošetření krvácení pokud je závažné. Časné intraluminální krvácení bývá z jedné z anastomóz- nejčastěji pankreatické. UGIE vylučuje krvácení z gastroduodenální anastomózy (pokud se vyskytne, lze řešit endoskopicky). Krvácení z pankreatického pahýlu se řeší reoperací − snesením přední vrstvy anastomózy nebo provedením jejunotomie. Pozdní intraabdominální krvácení bývá z pseudoaneuryzmatu tepny, obvykle gastroduodenální, způsobeného erozí abscesem sekundárně z úniku; léčbou volby je angioembolizace. Pozdní intraluminální krvácení bývá způsobené stresovým vředem při systémové sepsi, většinou sekundárně po úniku a intraabdominální sepsi. Opožděné vyprazdňování žaludku a akutní pankreatitida jsou dalšími častými komplikacemi. Reoperace po PD jsou četné, nejčastější příčinou je krvácení, poté únik; mortalita po revizi je vysoká. Mezi dlouhodobé komplikace patří stenóza anastomózy (PJ/ HJ), endokrinní a exokrinní nedostatečnost, neschopnost přibrat na váze a špatná kvalita života. Klíčová slova: pankreatoduodenektomie – komplikace, Pancreato-duodenectomy (PD) is the procedure of choice for management of resectable periampullary and pancreatic cancers and some patients with chronic pancreatitis. PD is one of the most major GI/ HPB surgical procedures performed involving resection of multiple organs and reconstruction with multiple anastomoses. While mortality of PD has been brought down to less than 5% morbidity still remains high. Patients undergoing PD are usually elderly with comorbidities – general complications of a major operation e.g. wound, chest, cardiac and venous thrombo-embolism, are common. The major intra-operative morbidity of PD is bleeding which can be from multiple sites viz. gall bladder bed, choledochal veins, gastro-colic trunk, pancreato-duodenal veins, jejunal veins, uncinate veins and cut surface of pancreas. An aberrant right hepatic artery (from the superior mesenteric artery) can be injured while dissecting the common bile duct. Pancreatic leak is defined as presence of amylase rich (>3x serum amylase) fluid in drain beyond 3 days. It is graded as A (no clinical impact), B (persists, infected) or C (systemic sepsis, reoperation). Investigation of choice is computed tomography; a localized collection can be drained percutaneously. Major leak requires reexploration at which lavage and drainage should be performed; no attempt should be made to repair or redo the anastomosis. Soft pancreas and undilated duct are the two most important risk factors for pancreatic anastomotic leak; role of octreotide to prevent the leak is debatable. Preoperative biliary drainage in the form of endoscopic stenting may reduce bleeding complications by controlling coagulopathy but increases the risk of infective complications. Postoperative bleed can be early or delayed and intra-luminal or intra-abdominal. Early intra-abdominal bleed is surgical – either a slipped ligature e.g. of the gastro-duodenal artery or one of the veins or from the pancreato-duodenal bed; reexploration should be done to control it if it is severe. Early intra-luminal bleed is from one of the anastomoses – commonest being the pancreatic. UGIE rules out bleed from the gastro/duodenal anastomosis (which if present, can be controlled endoscopically). Control of pancreatic stump bleed requires reoperation - taking down anterior layer of the anastomosis or a jejunotomy. Delayed intra-abdominal bleed is from a pseudo-aneurysm of an artery, usually gastro-duodenal caused by erosion by an abscess secondary to a leak; treatment of choice is angio-embolization. Delayed intra-luminal bleed is because of stress ulcers caused by systemic sepsis usually secondary to a leak and intra-abdominal sepsis. Other common complications include delayed gastric emptying and acute pancreatitis. Reoperations after PD are frequent – commonest cause is bleed, followed by leak; mortality of reexploration is high. Long term complications include anastomotic (PJ/ HJ) stricture, endocrine and exocrine insufficiency and inability to regain weight and poor quality of life. Key words: pancreato-duodenectomy − complications, and V. K. Kapoor
Concha bullosa (CB) is among the most common anatomic variations of sinonasal anatomy. Although usually asymptomatic, CB can occasionally cause nasal obstruction or headache. Obstructions within the mucociliary transport system can develop into a mucocele or mucopyocele. A 48-year-old female, with a history of progressive headache and nasal obstruction, was referred to our department. Paranasal sinus tomography revealed a nasal mass in the left nasal cavity resembling a mucopyocele in the middle turbinate. Under general anesthesia, the purulent material was aspirated, and the lateral part of the left turbinate was resected. Mucopyoceles are common within the paranasal sinuses, but uncommon with CB; thus, they should be considered in patients with a large hyperemic nasal mass. and K. Sari, Z. K. Gencer, Y. Kantekin
Emp-AKH is a member of the large adipokinetic hormone (AKH) family of peptides. This peptide family appears to occur in the corpora cardiaca of all insect species and its members are involved in regulating substrate mobilisation. The secondary structure of Emp-AKH has been studied in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles by comparing data obtained from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and molecular dynamics simulations. The lowest energy conformer obtained in this study has a turn consisting of residues 5-8 and a tail consisting of the first five residues., Igor Z. Zubrzycki, Gerd Gäde, and Lit
Anderer Theil, In welchem gehandelt wird von der Gestalt, Natur, Kraft und Würckung aller Bäume, Kräuter, vierfüssigen, and durch Andream Glorez von Mährn
The efficiency of Monte-Carlo procedures to test some hypotheses about the spatial patterns of larvae and damages of Lobesia botrana was studied. Two hypotheses were tested to detect spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence. The most practical implication is to provide an efficient sampling scheme. The study of the relationship between spatial patterns and grape availability was required to explain scales of spatial heterogeneity and population dynamics studies were needed to relate it to oviposition behavior. It was tested through a third hypothesis. We adapted Monte-Carlo simulation procedures for the analysis of exhaustive count data obtained from regular grids delimited within each of two vineyards. Statistical analyses were based on count permutations and on count redistributions according to the hypotheses which were tested. Indices of aggregation and autocorrelation statistics were used. The hypotheses that we tested at different scales were random distribution of the infestations (HR), independence of vine stock (or groups of k vine stocks) infestation (HI) and independence between vine stock infestation and grape availability (HG). Monte-Carlo tests revealed the same spatial patterns for larvae and damages. We detected different spatial patterns. The implications for sampling were that sample unit could be an individual stock and that sampling along a row could not be used to estimate population density in the vineyard. Results showed that infestation of a given stock depended on grape availability on this stock and on neighboring vine stocks., Isabelle Badenhausser, Patrice Lecharpentier, Lionel Delbac, Pascale Pracros, and Lit
The authors demonstrate the possibility of improving surgical results by the reduction of perioperative bleeding in thoracic surgery associated with extended resection procedures. We focused on patients in whom the expected perioperative blood loss was greater than 500 ml. The first group consisted of patients with lung cancer stage III A after neoadjuvant chemotherapy had been indicated to extend the resection procedure. The second group consisted of patients with chest wall and mediastinum tumors of various etiologies. The third group consisted of patients with post-inflammatory thoracic complications in whom combined decortication and pleurectomy was necessary. By the using the local hemostyptic Traumastem TAF on the basis of oxidized cellulose, it is possible to minimize the perioperative blood loss, thus sparing the blood derivative requirement and enabling surgeons to provide the desired treatment even to high-risk patients., Petr Habal, Nedal Omran, Jiří Manďák, Jiří Šimek, Milan Štětina, and Literatura 16