Berneška rudokrká (Branta ruficollis) patří mezi ohrožené druhy euroasijské avifauny. Její hlavní tahová cesta vede mezi hnízdišti v sibiřské tundře (poloostrovy Jamal a Tajmyr) a zimovišti na břehu černého moře. Článek se věnuje aktuální situaci na významném zimovišti v Durankulaku (Bulharsko). and The Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) is one of the most endangered species of Euroasian avifauna. Every year, most of the population of the red-breasted goose migrates from its summer breeding grounds in the Siberian tundra (Yamal and Taymyr Peninsulas) to its wintering grounds along the Black Sea coast. The article deals with the latest situation at the important wintering site of Durankulak in Bulgaria.
Microsomes were prepared from placentas of normotensive women and of patients suffering from pregnancy- induced hypertension (PIH). Activity of Na,K-ATPase (estimated as ATP hydrolysis) from the hypertensive tissue was lower than from tissue of normotensive women, even if the number of Na,K-ATPase molecules (monitored by anthroyl ouabain binding) was actually greater in the hypertensive tissue. The affinity of Na,K-ATPase for anthroyl ouabain was about four times higher in plasma membranes of hypertensives, indicating some structural change in the Na,K-ATPase or in its vicinity. Assuming the presence of an endogenous digitalis-like factor, the results suggest a simple way of explaining not only the lower Ma,K-ATPase activity in the placental membranes of hypertensives but also the different extent of enzyme inhibition in different tissues of PIH patients.
The study examines religious motivation in the believers’ attitudes. It seeks to identify contexts in which religious motivation is present or accentuated by the influence of believers’ other social characteristics (religion, locality, age, gender). Social aspect of religion determines, to some extent, social relations, ethical norms, and life goals (intentional strategies, unconscious actions). Study seeks to answer the question to what extent a person’s life is determined by his or her religious preferences and to what extent the faith is involved in the of everyday life. The issue has been studied in traditional and new Christian groups present in the Czech Republic and in South Moravian localities with different historical, cultural, and social development. The research shows that several influences play a role in shaping the views and choices of believers.