We used a model of tibial lengthening in rabbits to study the postoperative pain pattern during limb-lengthening and morphological changes in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), including alteration of substance P (SP) expression. Four groups of animals (naïve; OG: osteotomized only group; SDG/FDG: slow/fast distraction groups, with 1 mm/3 mm lengthening a day, respectively) were used. Signs of increasing postoperative pain were detected until the 10th postoperative day in OG/SDG/FDG, then they decreased in OG but remained higher in SDG/FDG until the distraction finished, suggesting that the pain response is based mainly on surgical trauma until the 10th day, while the lengthening extended its duration and increased its intensity. The only morphological change observed in the DRGs was the presence of large vacuoles in some large neurons of OG/SDG/FDG. Cell size analysis of the S1 DRGs showed no cell loss in any of the three groups; a significant increase in the number of SP-positive large DRG cells in the OG; and a significant decrease in the number of SP-immunoreactive small DRG neurons in the SDG/FDG. Faster and larger distraction resulted in more severe signs of pain sensation, and further reduced the number of SP-positive small cells, compared to slow distraction., K. Pap, Á. Berta, G. Szöke, M. Dunay, T. Németh, K. Hornok, L. Marosföi, M. Réthelyi, M. Kozsurek, Z. Puskár., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The essay will focalise on main topics of the literary, aesthetical and philosophical exploration of the so called "Wiener Moderne", that means on the erosion of the idea of certainty about the I (E. Mach) and of the wide territory of the Other. Working out parallelisms and differences between German and Austrian Modernism texts of Andrian, Hoffmannsthal, Beer-Hofmann and Schnitzler will be discussed giving space to Slavic components too as well as to intricate relationships between corporality, violence and urban, capitalistic contexts. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Osobní přesvědčení, hodnoty a profesní etika jsou nedílnou součástí práce psychologů/ psychoterapeutů. Při řešení etických dilemat si nevystačíme s pouhou aplikací etických principů a zásad, ale je nutné vzít v úvahu psychologické pozadí etických postojů psychologa/psychoterapeuta. V textu se autor snaţí zdůraznit, ţe etické uvaţování, principy a rozhodování jsou ovlivňovány jak osobnostními faktory, tak dynamikou vědomých i nevědomých procesů. Jako nezbytnost vidí vlastní výcvikovou zkušenost psychologů/psychoterapeutů. and Personal conviction, values and professional ethics are an inseparable part of psychologists´/psychotherapists´ work. At solving ethical dilemmas, a mere application of ethical principles and standards is not sufficient and the psychological background of ethical stances of the psychologist/psychotherapist must be taken into consideration. In the text, the author tries to accentuate, that ethical consideration, principles and decision-making are influenced by personality factors as well as by the dynamics of conscious and unconscious processes. In his view, the psychologists´/psychotherapists´ own training experience is necessary.