The study aims to present the main theoretical foundation of a new type of Cold War historiography, so-called New Cold War History, the origin of which was significantly contributed to by the work of the Norwegian historian Odd A. Westad. The subject of interest is the analysis of the starting points of this type of research and its comparison with the traditional methods of the history of the Cold War. There is also an outline of its basic development trends and inspirations in the field of cultural and transnational history. In the conclusion, the most important objects of research are described, for which the use of theoretical knowledge of New Cold War History seems appropriate, and there is a basic typology of the primary feature of this new way of researching the Cold War, i.e., the contact of actors through the Iron Curtain.
Studie Karla Veverky se zabývá osobností varhaníka Franitška Josefa Dollhopfa, který působil na významném hudebním kůru kostela sv. Františka u pražských křižovníků na Starém Městě, a podstatně doplňuje novými informacemi pohled na jeho životní osudy., Karel Veverka., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 158.
Ryegrasses (Lolium sp.) and fescues (Festuca sp.) play a key role in many grass ecosystems, such as meadows and pastures. Moreover, they are widely used for forage production and as amenity grasses. The intergeneric hybrids called Festulolium possess agronomically beneficial characteristics from both parents and could reflect climatic changes in the near future. our article delivers new insights into the generics of these hybrids. and Štěpán Stočes, David Kopecký.
Bukač velký (Botaurus stellaris) patří mezi ptáky, o kterých stále mnoho nevíme, a to kvůli skrytému způsobu života, velmi nízké hnízdní početnosti a sporadickému rozšíření. Proto je složité bukače velké v našich podmínkách lokalizovat a obtížné je pak standardním způsobem monitorovat. and The bionomics of the Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) has not been well known, because of its hidden life-history patterns, very low breeding density and sporadic distribution. Hence it is difficult to localize the bird species and to monitor it.