In this article the author deals with the essentiality of corruption.
This text is intended to be a contribution to the debate on the
definition of corruption and clientelism. The author focuses on distinction between public and private sphere and tries to explain why corruption and clientelism are phenomena related only to the public one. In the other words: why “bribery” within private sphere
(for example within interaction between two employees of two private companies) cannot be considered as corruption in its meaning used in social sciences.
The decision-making autonomy is an essential precondition for the performance of health services, both on the part of the provider and the patient. The specialist determines what treatment and related procedures he will propose to the patient. Based on proper instruction and informed consent, the patient either accepts or rejects. Both the provider and the specific healthcare professional often conflict between their legal obligations, the ethics of the profession and the requirements for medical procedure lege artis. The crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic has brought entirely new issues that affect the very foundations of the autonomy of the medical profession and the autonomy of the Abstract: patient. The protection of the profession's independence and the respect for patients' right to self-determination form legal fundaments of health law within the rule of law. The paper deals with public law aspects of limiting the autonomy of both parties during a pandemic. The article examines how the requirements of healthcare crisis management constrain both health care providers and patients. The lack of human, financial and material resources limits healthcare providers. and Autonomie rozhodování je základním předpokladem výkonu zdravotních služeb, jak na straně poskytovatele, tak na straně pacienta. Odborník určuje, jaké léčebné a související postupy budou pacientovi navrženy. Pacient, na základě řádného poučení a informovaného souhlasu, tyto návrhy buď přijme, nebo odmítne. Poskytovatel i konkrétní zdravotnický pracovník se často dostávají do konfliktu mezi svými právními povinnostmi, etikou výkonu povolání a požadavky na lékařský postup lege artis. Krize, způsobená pandemií SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) přinesla a přináší zcela nové otázky, které se dotýkají samotných základů autonomie lékařského povolání i autonomie pacienta. Z pohledu práva jsou ochrana nezávislosti při výkonu povolání a respekt k právu pacienta na sebeurčení základním institutem zdravotnického práva v rámci právního státu. Příspěvek se zabývá veřejnoprávními aspekty omezení autonomie obou stran v době pandemie, kdy poskytovatelé zdravotních služeb i pacienti jsou omezeni požadavky krizového řízení zdravotnictví. Poskytovatelé jsou limitováni nedostatkem lidských, finančních i materiálních zdrojů při poskytnutí zdravotní péče. Z uvedených důvodů je také svoboda rozhodování příjemce služby výrazně omezena. Příspěvek vychází z multidisciplinárního pojetí zdravotnického práva a zohledňuje rovněž manažerskou problematiku pandemie.
The article presents results of the verification calculation of the method for the calculation of natural frequencies and mode shapes of a linear undamped rotationally periodic systems considering the possibility of the elimination of degrees of freedom. As the test example a thin circular plate was chosen. The method can be applied e.g. for the calculation of the natural vibration characteristics of the steam turbine bladed disks. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
At the modernization of the ŠKODA 22 Tr low-floor articulated trolleybus a different type of an articulated joint and a different type of driving axles were used in its construction besides other changes. During test drives with the modernized trolleybus, which were focused on the driving stability of the vehicle, a large roll of the rear section appeared. A suitable structural solution for reducing the rear section roll angle of the modernized trolleybus was the using of a rear section stabilizer bar. The stabilizer effect on dynamic properties of the vehicle and a suitable bar diameter were determined on the basis of the results of the computer simulations with the trolleybus multibody models. The text drives focused on the vehicle driving stability were performed again with the loaded real trolleybus, in the structure of which the designed rear section stabilizer bar was applied. On the basis of computer simulations of the test drives with the trolleybus multibody models the correctness of the experimantal-simulation approach used for the stabilizer bar structural design was verified. and Obsahuje seznam literatury