The clinical outcome of 153 Graves' disease patients treated with a wide dose range of radioactive iodine-131 (RAI) was analyzed retrospectively. Six to nine months after the first dose of RAI 60 patients (39%) were hypothyroid (or rather thyroxine-substituted) and 26 (17%) were euthyroid, while 67 patients (44%) did not respond properly: in 32 (21%) their antithyroid drug (ATD) dose could be reduced but not withdrawn (partial response) and 35 (23%) remained hyperthyroid or the same dose of ATD was necessary (no response). The outcome did not correspond significantly to the administered activity of RAI (medians 259, 259, 222, and 259 MBq for hypothyroid, euthyroid, partial, and no response subgroups, respectively), or the activity retained in the gland at 24 h (medians 127, 105, 143, and 152 MBq). The effect was, however, clearly, and in a stepwise pattern, dependent on initial thyroid volume (17, 26, 33 and 35 ml, P < 0.001) or activity per gram tissue retained at 24 h (6.02, 4.95, 4.75, and 4.44 MBq/g, P = 0.002). Also, higher residual level of thyrotoxicosis at the time of RAI treatment was connected with worse outcome. The dose-dependency of outcome was further analyzed. When our sample was divided into tertiles, according to the adjusted dose, the same modest success rates (47%) were seen in the lower and middle tertiles. However, doses higher than 5.88 MBq/g (the upper tertile) resulted in success rate of 75%. Finer division into decils has shown a threshold-like increase in cure rate between the 7th and the 8th decil. In the first 7 decils (doses ≤ 6 MBq/g) the complete response rate was 45 to 50%, in the 8th decil (6.0 to 7.8~MBq/g) it rose to 80% and was not further increased with increasing dose. Direct comparison of higher (> 6 MBq/g, cure rate 80%) and lower (≤ 6 MBq/g, cure rate 46%) doses gave highly significant difference (P < 0.001). With our dosing range we found a dose-dependent clinical outcome that suggests an optimum delivered dose near 6.5 MBq/g, resulting in successful treatment of ca 80% patients. and J. Čepková, J. Horáček, J. Vižďa, J. Doležal
Autoři na základě zkušenosti, literárního review a doporučení mezinárodních společností podávají evidence based přehled této problematiky., Based on their experience, literature review and recommendations of international organizations, the authors provide an evidencebased review of this issue., Pavel Lovas, Zuzana Lovasová, Jana Garčicová, and Lit.: 33
Solitární extramedulární plazmocytom (SEP) je velmi vzácné maligní onemocnění. Osmdesát procent SEP se objevuje v oblasti hlavy a krku. V dalších lokalitách se jedná často o náhodný histopatologický nález. Hlavní léčebnou modalitou SEP v oblasti hlavy a krku je radioterapie, která umožňuje dosáhnout lokální kontroly v 80–100 % případů. Diskutována je dávka radioterapie a klinický cílový objem, především potřeba ozařování spádových lymfatických uzlin s ohledem na toxicitu léčby. Radioterapie s modulovanou intenzitou je novým léčebným přístupem, umožnujícím snížení toxicity léčby., Solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma (SEP) is a very uncommon malignant disease. Eighty percent of SEP occurs in head and neck region. Other localizations of the disease are often accidental histopathological findings. The main therapeutic modality in SEP of head and neck region is radiotherapy, which enables to achieve local control in 80–100% cases. The dose of radiotherapy and clinical target volume are discussed, mainly the necessity of lymph node irradiation considering the treatment toxicity. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy is a new radiotherapy approach which offers a treatment toxicity reduction., Milan Vošmik, Vladimír Maisnar, and Lit. 17
Solitární kostní plazmocytom je vzácná maligní monoklonální gamapatie s relativně indolentním průběhem. V kazuistice prezentujeme případ 50letého muže s tímto onemocněním. Onemocnění se prezentovalo jako neurologický deficit s poruchou hybnosti dolních končetin společně se subfebriliemi a pocením, byl přítomen sérový paraprotein. V úvodu byla provedena chirurgická stabilizace obratlů, následovala cílená radioterapie celkovou dávkou 40 Gy. V průběhu dalších 4 měsíců došlo k úplnému vymizení známek onemocnění (negativní imunofixace). Nemocný je proto dále jen dlouhodobě sledován., Solitary bone plasmacytoma is a rare malignant monoclonal gammopathy with relatively indolent course. We present a case of a 50-years-old man. The disease first presented by neurological impairment with loss of lower limb mobility, sweats and fever. In the first place the surgical treatment was done with subsequent radiotherapy (40 Gy) of the spine. In the following 4 months signs of the disease disappeared (negative immunofixation). Only long term regular follow-up was indicated., Jakub Radocha, Vladimír Maisnar, and Lit. 5
Adjuvantná rádioterapia prispieva k lepším výsledkom u pacientov s karcinómom prsníka po prsník zachovávajúcej operácii. Ožarovanie celého prsníka je spojené s poškodením srdca a pľúc, zvýšením kardiovaskulárných ochorení a mortality, a vývojom karcinómu pľúc, teda s rizikami, ktoré sa môžu objaviť 15–20 rokov po liečbe. Ožarovanie prsníka v pronačnej polohe pacientky je jednou z možností ako redukovať radiačne podmienenú toxicitu u pacientiek s veľkými prsníkmi podstupujúcimi adjuvantnú liečbu. V kazuistikách poukážeme na rozdiely v objeme srdca a pľúc pri oboch polohách, porovnáme dozimetrické parametre pri ožarovaní prsníka v oboch pozíciách a poukážeme na rozdiely pri ich plánovaní. Tieto techniky nie je možné kombinovať s ožiarením lymfatických uzlín, ale môžu byť použité pri liečbe obojstranných nádorov., Adjuvant radiotherapy contributes to better outcomes in patients with breast cancer after breast conserving surgery. Whole breast irradiation is associated with damage to the heart and lungs, increased cardiovascular mortality, and the development of lung cancer, that is, with the risks that may occur 15–20 years after treatment. Breast irradiation in the prone position, is one of the way to reduce radiation toxicity in patients conditioned with large breasts undergoing adjuvant therapy. In case reports point out the differences in the volume of the heart and lungs at both locations, we compare the dosimetric parameters in breast irradiation in both positions and point out the differences in their planning. These techniques can not be combined with irradiation of the lymph nodes, but they can be used in the treatment of bilateral tumors., Andrea Masaryková, David Lederleitner, and Literatura