The aim of this study was to examine the influence of unilateral dorsal root section at the cervicothoracic level of the spinal cord on the spontaneous neuronal activity of medial thalamic nuclei in the rat. Single unit extracellular recordings from thalamic nuclei, nc. parafascicularis and nc. centralis lateralis, were obtained with glass micropipettes. The abnormal bursting activity of these nuclei following deafferentation was registered, although a correlation between the occurrence of this activity and the degree of autotomy behavior was not found. Such bursts were never observed in the studied thalamic nuclei of control rats., Š. Vaculín, M. Franěk, R. Rokyta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The female Geometridae are characterized by the presence of saccular pheromone glands. They are paired structures, invaginated anteriorly and located dorso-laterally to the rectum. The opening of dorsal saccular glands varies from wide to narrow and opens up on the 9th abdominal segment. These saccular glands are widely distributed in the family. Morphological variability of these glands can be observed. In certain species of Geometridae, the paired glands vary from short to long. Pheromone production is an established function of these glands, in the case of Rheumaptera hastata.
The reservoirs of dorso-abdominal scent glands and the occurrence of the metapleural scent gland evaporatoria in the adults of nine central European and one North American species in the family Rhopalidae (Hemiptera) were studied. All published data about the persistence of the dorso-abdominal scent glands in rhopalid adults are reviewed, and systematic and phylogenetic implications are derived from the patterns of variation.
A highly significant negative correlation (r= -0.981, p< 0.001) between the amount of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in the diet and cholesterol levels in the serum has been found in male Wistar rats fed shortly after weaning by a a diet with 0.3 % cholesterol. The addition of 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 % of oyster mushroom to the diet reduced the levels of serum cholesterol by 11, 31 and 46 %, respectively. The diet containing 5 % of oyster mushroom suppressed cholesterol accumulation in the liver and increased the fraction of cholesterol carried by high-density lipoproteins.
Táto štúdia prináša poznatky z oblasti subjektívnej pohody so zameraním na hodnoty a ciele. Na vzorke 234 vysokoškoláčok (89.7%) a vysokoškolákov (10.3%) z Pedagogickej fakulty PU v Prešove bol overovaný vzťah kongruencie a inkongruencie hodnôt a cieľov k subjektívnej pohode. Priemerný vek respondentov bol 21.1 rokov, so štandardnou odchýlkou 1.23. Výskumnými nástrojmi boli Dotazník hodnotových orientácií (PVQ 40), pre účely výskumu zostavený dotazník na zisťovanie cieľov, Škála emocionálnej habituálnej subjektívnej pohody (SEHP) a Škála celkovej životnej spokojnosti (CZS). Z analýzy výsledkov vyplýva, že osoby s kongruentnými hodnotami a cieľmi prežívali väčšiu subjektívnu pohodu ako osoby s inkongruentnými hodnotami a cieľmi, pričom rozdiely boli vysoko signifikantné pre afektívnu oblasť (pozitívne prežívanie a negatívne prežívanie), ako aj pre kognitívnu oblasť subjektívnej pohody (spokojnosť so životom).