The half-popular compositions traditionally referred to as broadside ballads are a specific type of source. Some of them reflect Biblical, legendary and historical events in Egypt and the Near East. Although the factual importance of such ballads in not great, they have some informative value, because their texts mirror the attitudes and opinions of the lower social classes, in this case clearly influenced by the antithesis of Christianity and Islam, or also Judaism. They show that the authors of broadside ballads kept alive deep-rooted stereotypes, mainly the stereotype of Turks as pagans and tyrants.
The half-popular compositions traditionally referred to as broadside ballads are a specific type of source. Some of them reflect Biblical, legendary and historical events in Egypt and the Near East. Although the factual importance of such ballads in not great, they have some informative value, because their texts mirror the attitudes and opinions of the lower social classes, in this case clearly influenced by the antithesis of Christianity and Islam, or also Judaism. They show that the authors of broadside ballads kept alive deep-rooted stereotypes, mainly the stereotype of Turks as pagans and tyrants. and Michal Klacek.
We feature an interview with Prof. Miroslav Verner, who is a world-known Czech Egyptologist. His book The Pyramids was translated into several languages. For seventeen years, he was the director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology and led Czech excavations at Abusir. He has also been associated with the Universities of Vienna and Hamburg as well as Charles University in Prague and the American University in Cairo. and Sylva Daníčková.
We feature an interview with Prof. Miroslav Verner, who is a world-known Czech Egyptologist. His book The Pyramids was translated into several languages. For seventeen years, he was the director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology and led Czech excavations at Abusir. He has also been associated with the Universities of Vienna and Hamburg as well as Charles University in Prague and the American University in Cairo. and Sylva Daníčková.
Nově objevený předchůdce současných sépií - egyptosépie (Aegyptosaepia lugeri) spojuje křídové linie dvoužábrých hlavonožců, zastoupených rodem Ceratisepia a třetihorní přímé předchůdce řazené k rodu Belosaepia. Přítomnost znaků křídových předků a pozdějších eocénních zástupců vytváří pozoruhodnou mozaiku, ve které můžeme spatřovat analogii např. se slavným jurským archeopteryxem. Nálezy z paleocénu Egypta poskytly řadu odpovědí na různé otázky evoluce sépiidů, mj. na období a způsob vzniku „rostra“ sépií, jejich paleogeografický původ a biotopy, ve kterých tito hlavonožci vznikali. Nálezy egyptosépií výrazně posouvají vznik přímé linie sépií dále do minulosti, k blízkosti hranice křída/terciér, proslavené velkým vymíráním suchozemských i mořských organismů., Aegyptosaepia (Aegyptosaepia lugeri) - a newly discovered direct ancestor of recent Sepia stock constitutes a link between the Cretaceous coleoid cephalopod Ceratisaepia and the Tertiary Belosaepia. The mixture of morphological features of both, the Cretaceous ancestors and the Eocene descendents creates an interesting mosaic. The Paleocene fossil records from Egypt have provided a lot of answers concerning the sepiid evolution, the period of sepiid “rostrum” origin, palaeobiogeography and the original habitat of these coleoids. The Aegyptosaepia record significantly extended the stratigraphic range of direct Sepia ancestors towards the Cretaceous / Tertiary boundary, an important mass extinction event for marine and non-marine biotas., Martin Košťák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury