TECAT is a command-line tool for multi-label text categorization and evaluation. It is capable of combining multiple bases binary classifiers (built-in and external ones).
TextGrid has purchased the Zeno.org online library (literary, historical, scientific, ... texts) and successively converts it to TEI. TextGrid hat die Online-Bibliothek von Zeno.org (literarische, naturwissenschaftliche, historische, ... Texte) erworben und konvertiert diese sukzessive in ein gültiges TEI-Format.
i.a. collection of old herbal books, old cookery books and texts on the history of German language in print media; u.a. eine Sammlung von alten Kräuterbüchern, alten Kochbüchern und Texten zur Geschichte der deutschen Pressesprache
It calculates the Term Frequency and the Inverse Document Frequency of a word in a given corpus (a statistical measure used to evaluate how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus).