Integrated tool for corpus linguists built on Eclipse, Vex, Subversive, etc. for creating and editing transcriptions and annotations, querying, managing version controlled data, and building a shippable corpus.
System for querying annotated treebanks in PML format. The querying uses it own query language with graphical representation. It has two different implementations (SQL and Perl) and several clients (TrEd, browser-based, command line interface).
The segment of Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel), 1938, issue no. 42B shows the town of Polička before the German annexation on 10 October 1938. The footage shows a munitions factory, the main square with the town hall, a cemetery, and the removal of chronicles from the local archive on the square. Images of street traffic are combined with shots showing Czech refugees
This package contains polysemy graphs constructed on the basis of different sense chaining algorithms (representing different polysemy theories: prototype, exemplar and radial). The detailed description of all files is contained in the file.
Model trained for Czech POS Tagging and Lemmatization using Czech version of BERT model, RobeCzech. Model is trained on data from Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5. Model is a part of Czech NLP with Contextualized Embeddings master thesis and presented a state-of-the-art performance on the date of submission of the work.
Demo jupyter notebook is available on the project GitHub.