This program enables the user to visualize f0 contours, to plot vowels in the F1/F2 space for multiple points in the vowel interval, e.g. at 20%, 50% and 80%, and to visualize vowel durations.
(The tool is implemented in R. We used the following packages: phonR, gplots, plotrix, lattice, readxl, WriteXLS, DT,
psych and pracma. We thank the developers of these packages.)
The Visibase corpus is the outcome of a NWO Investment Grant (1996-2001), which aimed to digitise and describe all sign language video material that was present in the late 1990s at the sign language research groups at the University of Amsterdam and at Leiden University. In the course of the project, all analogue video tapes were copied to professional digital video tapes (DVCAM). Fragments of the 300+ hour corpus have been converted to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 files.
Poet Vítězslav Nezval giving a speech at the 2nd International Film Festival in Mariánské Lázně in a segment from Československé filmové noviny (Czechoslovak Film News) 1947, issue no. 33. The poet and his mother playing the piano in his parents´ flat in Brno in 1950. Nezval with French poet Jean Marcenac in the courtyard of Hrzán Palace in 1953.
Composer Vítězslav Novák walking along Masaryk Waterfront in Prague. Vítězslav Novák working in his flat. Novák with conductor Erich Kleiber by the Beethoven Memorial Plaque in Lázeňská Street in Lesser Town and on Křižovnické Square while visiting Prague during the International Prague Spring Music Festival in a fragment from the documentary Kamenný orchestr (The Stone Orchestra, dir. Hugo Hruška, 1949).
Group scene including film director Vladimír Slavínský with his colleague Přemysl Pražský and others. Slavínský with actress Zdena Kavková in Děvče ze Stříbrné Hranice (The Girl from the Silver Frontier, dir. Vladimír Slavínský, 1921). Slavínský with his colleague Mary Jansová in the unfinished film Cikán Jura (Jura the Gypsy, dir. Vladimír Slavínský, 1922). Slavínský at a ball organised at Lucerna Palace in Prague by the Committee of the Union of Cinema Owners in 1926. Slavínský in raw footage from various film sets.