This xml file describes the Arabic phonetic constraints are to be applied on Arabic root. The first rule category lists the letters that may not occur in the same root, regardless of their order. The second category lists the letters that may not be used together in a root word with a specific order. The third and fourth categories show that each contiguous letters must not be redundant
ISLRN: 991-445-325-823-5
This program enables the user to visualize f0 contours, to plot vowels in the F1/F2 space for multiple points in the vowel interval, e.g. at 20%, 50% and 80%, and to visualize vowel durations.
(The tool is implemented in R. We used the following packages: phonR, gplots, plotrix, lattice, readxl, WriteXLS, DT,
psych and pracma. We thank the developers of these packages.)
In the article the essence of phonetic and phonematic principles is expounded and the author comes to the conclusion that the principles differ. On several examples from the history of the Proto-Slavic phonematic system their different functioning is shown.