A petition for a referendum (called: "Schluss mit Gendersprache in Verwaltung und Bildung" / eng.: "abolition of gender language in administration and education") was formed in Hamburg in February 2023. The project "Empirical Gender Linguistics" at the "Leibniz Institute for the German Language" took this as an opportunity to completely scrap the "https://www.hamburg.de" website (except the list of ships in the Port of Hamburg and the yellow page). The Hamburg.de website is the central digital contact point for citizens. The scraped texts were cleaned, processed and annotated using http://www.CorpusExplorer.de (TreeTagger - POS/Lemma information).
We use the corpus to analyze the use of words with gender signs.
Segment from Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) issue no. 3B from 1944 was shot during the Youth Ice Sports Championship organised by the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth. The winning teams from the district championships competed in regional rounds held in twelve towns between 2 and 12 January. The Aktualita newsreel cinematographers recorded a part of an ice hockey game in Lázně Bělohrad.
IDENTIC is an Indonesian-English parallel corpus for research purposes. The corpus is a bilingual corpus paired with English. The aim of this work is to build and provide researchers a proper Indonesian-English textual data set and also to promote research in this language pair. The corpus contains texts coming from different sources with different genres. and The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program under grant agreement no 238405 (CLARA) and by the grant LC536 Centrum Komputacni Lingvistiky of the Czech Ministry of Education.