Text preprocess (this preprocess service requires that the input text be in plain text format (file .txt) and UTF-8).
Basically, it carries out: (i) text segmentation into minor structural units (titles, paragraphs, sentences, etc.); (ii) detection of entities not found in dictionaries (numbers, abbreviations, URLs, emails, proper nouns, etc.); and (iii) the keeping of sequences of two or more words in a single block (dates, phrases, proper nouns, etc.).
POS tagger. (The input file must be in plain text format (file.txt) and UTF-8 encoded. The disambiguation process is done by a TreeTagger instance trained by the IULA.)
An image of writer Ivan Olbracht from an unidentified newsreel segment. Ivan Olbracht with his father, writer Antal Stašek, and his wife, writer Helena Malířová, in the garden of the villa in Prague-Krč.
36 hours of speech recordings of nine urban varieties of UK English, collected among 16-year-olds in secondary schools. Part of the corpus has been prosodically transcribed.
This package contains data used in the IWPT 2020 shared task. It contains training, development and test (evaluation) datasets. The data is based on a subset of Universal Dependencies release 2.5 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3105) but some treebanks contain additional enhanced annotations. Moreover, not all of these additions became part of Universal Dependencies release 2.6 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3226), which makes the shared task data unique and worth a separate release to enable later comparison with new parsing algorithms. The package also contains a number of Perl and Python scripts that have been used to process the data during preparation and during the shared task. Finally, the package includes the official primary submission of each team participating in the shared task.
This package contains data used in the IWPT 2021 shared task. It contains training, development and test (evaluation) datasets. The data is based on a subset of Universal Dependencies release 2.7 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3424) but some treebanks contain additional enhanced annotations. Moreover, not all of these additions became part of Universal Dependencies release 2.8 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3687), which makes the shared task data unique and worth a separate release to enable later comparison with new parsing algorithms. The package also contains a number of Perl and Python scripts that have been used to process the data during preparation and during the shared task. Finally, the package includes the official primary submission of each team participating in the shared task.