The author of this article reacts to a discussion study by Radim Šíp “How to Revive ‘Frozen’ Evolutionary Ontology” (Filosofický časopis, 62, 2014, No. 3). He argues that Šíp’s critique is unacceptable, as is his proposal for a radical reform of the doctrine of Josef Šmajs. He draws attention to Šíp’s misinterpretation of the evolutionary-ontological theory of information and to the consequences of this misinterpretation for the other arguments in Šíp’s text. Šmajs‘ diagnosis of the problematic relation of culture and nature consists in a cleavage between natural information (structural and semantic) and socio-cultural information (semantic and structural). Šíp, however, mistakenly supposes that in evolutionary ontology there is an opposition between semantic, experiential information (natural and cultural) on the one hand and structural, genetic information (natural) on the other. It is only because of this misinterpretation that Šíp can treat the conflict between culture and nature as a conflict between man and nature, subject and object. Only thus can he treat evolutionary ontology as early-modern metaphysics and call for the recognition of a greater continuity between nature and culture – for the “appreciation” of allegedly unappreciated socio-cultural information.
Die "vergessenen" Breviere aus dem Kloster der Benediktinerinnen bei St. Georg auf der Prager Burg und ihre Kalender. Handschriften der Nationalbibliothek der Tschechischen Republik XXIII D 156, XXIII D 142, XXIII D 155 und XXIII D 138.
The study is a computer-assisted text analysis of corpora obtained from the web pages of nine volunteer, non-governmental organisations and interest groups. The analysis encompasses three areas of justice claims: trade unions (the relationship between employers and employees), feminism (the relationship between men and women), and human rights (the relationship between citizens, foreign nationals, and the state). The aim of the study, based on Foucaultian concepts, is to determine whether media communications are structured by the formative impact of the discourse of claim-making or justice. The main findings relate both to the content and the structure of textual production. First, the organisations examined do not make frequent use of normatively loaded words in their statements. The matter of justice is implicit in their texts. Second, the structure of the statements, represented by the thirty most frequently used words, exhibits a common pattern in all three areas studied. At the one end of the 'statement spectrum', there are words referring to the social situation of the contesting actors ('background'), while at the opposite end, words used in reference to their 'battlefield' (claim-making, bargaining and decision making) appear. This polar structure supports the hypothesis that the media communications of selected activist groups are influenced by the discourse of claim-making or justice.
Približne každý piaty Slovák je obézny a každý druhý má nadváhu. Z tohto dôvodu bol realizovaný projekt Diateens – projekt pre mládež na prevenciu diabetes mellitus. Záštitu nad projektom prevzala Slovenská diabetologická spoločnosť a slovenská kancelária WHO ako jeden z edukačných programov v rámci Národného diabetologického programu. Cieľom projektu bolo zlepšiť informovanosť mladých ľudí o ochorení diabetes mellitus, zmapovať ich zdravotný stav a podporiť zdravý životný štýl (zdravé správanie) ako významný komponent v prevencii proti uvedenému ochoreniu. Kľúčové slova: diabetes mellitus – Diateens – nadváha – obezita – prevencia – zdravie podporujúce správanie, Približne každý piaty Slovák je obézny a každý druhý má nadváhu. Z tohto dôvodu bol realizovaný projekt Diateens – projekt pre mládež na prevenciu diabetes mellitus. Záštitu nad projektom prevzala Slovenská diabetologická spoločnosť a slovenská kancelária WHO ako jeden z edukačných programov v rámci Národného diabetologického programu. Cieľom projektu bolo zlepšiť informovanosť mladých ľudí o ochorení diabetes mellitus, zmapovať ich zdravotný stav a podporiť zdravý životný štýl (zdravé správanie) ako významný komponent v prevencii proti uvedenému ochoreniu. Kľúčové slova: diabetes mellitus – Diateens – nadváha – obezita – prevencia – zdravie podporujúce správanie, and Viera Cviková, Adriana Ilavská