Česká republika se jako jeden z významných partnerů projektu nejvýkonnějšího laseru na světě ELI (The Extreme Light Infrastructure) snaží uspět ve výběrovém řízení na vybudování infrastruktury ELI a stát se tak hostitelskou zemí mezinárodního centra pro nejpokročilejší laserový výzkum svého druhu. Rozhodnutí o hostitelské zemi by mělo padnout v létě 2009 a šance České republiky se zdají být skutečně vysoké. and Andrea Cejnarová.
Josef Basl, Daniel Münich, Oleg Sidorkin., České resumé, Projekt je financován Evropským sociálním fondem, rozpočtem hl. města Prahy a státním rozpočtem, and born digital
Taphonomic, paleopathological, and paleodemographic analyses of human remains from the Mid Upper Paleolithic of western Eurasia are increasingly documenting a diversity of mortuary behaviors among these successful Late Pleistocene foragers. These considerations are joined by three associated pairs of otherwise isolated appendicular remains from the site of Pavlov I (the Pavlov 31 partial hands and the Pavlov 37 and 38 tarsometatarsal skeletons), previously described morphologically but not assessed in terms of their taphonomy. They are described here with respect to their contexts and patterns of preservation to assess possible taphonomic and/or mortuary implications of these sets of antimeres. Subchondral articular bone that is free of carbonate encrustation on at least the Pavlov 37 pedal remains suggests some degree of articulation in situ. Although root etched, the elements lack carnivore or other vertebrate damage, as well as cut marks. Even though associated unilateral hand or foot remains are unexceptional among the fur-bearing faunal remains, the bilateral presence of these human remains raises questions concerning the taphonomic and behavioral/ mortuary processes responsible for their preservation: do they represent portions of abandoned human bodies, remains of naturally disturbed burials, extremities left from secondary burials, and/or intentionally manipulated human body portions? Any combination of these processes expands current perceptions of the mortuary diversity among these early modern humans., Sandra Sázelová, Jarosław Wilczyński, Piotr Wojtal, Jiří Svoboda, Erik Trinkaus., and Obsahuje seznam literatury