The honey bee is usually thought of as a key pollinator in cultural landscapes. Our results evidence that although it may be the most abundant, its importance is lower compared to hoverflies and bumblebees both in terms of the pollinated plant species number and the spectrum of vegetation types covered. The broad spectrum of hoverfly diets suggests the cause of their high importance as pollinators. and Zdeněk Janovský.
This review article describes the phylogeny of sheep in genus Ovis. Individual species of sheep, their geographic distribu tion and nomenclature are presented in the light of the latest taxonomic revision. The current understanding of sheep domestication process is also described. Numerous gaps in our knowledge of this important and only seemingly well-known group of ruminants are mentioned. and Josef Suchomel.
Boj o záchranu jednoho z nejvzácnějších a nejunikátnějších ptačích druhů - Kakapa sovího (Strigops habroptilus) - trvá už několik desítek let. Veškeré snahy dlouhou dobu selhávaly, než vědci odhalili, jak úzce záhadné rozmnožování tohoto druhu souvisí s jeho výživou. Od roku 2000 se tak podařilo populaci více než zdvojnásobit. Za zachráněný však druh bude považován až ve chvíli, kdy dokáže přežít a rozmnožovat se bez pomoci člověka. Záchrana kakapa sovího je běh na dlouhou trať, čím víc ale o jeho biologii víme, tím větší máme naději, že se to podaří., The endeavour to save one of the rarest and most unique species of birds - Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) - has been going on for decades. All efforts were unsuccessful until the scientists discovered how closely is the reproduction of this species related to its diet. Since the year of 2000 the population has doubled its original. However, the recovery of Kakapo populations is a long process, the species can only be considered salvaged when it is able to reproduce without human assistance., and Petra Tumová.