International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray-Optics (AXRO) organized by the Institute of Astronomy of the CAS was focused on presentation and discussion of recent and future technologies for future X-ray astronomy missions. One session was aimed on astrophysical aspects of X-ray telescopes/satellites, in which some review talks were given from leading scientists in this field plus some presentations of relevant Czech scientists. The goal of the workshop was to present and to discuss recent and future technologies for X-ray astronomy missions. These missions require development of mostly inovative technologies, and discussed the possibilities, the results obtained so farm and new ideas in detail. It is obvious that the requirements of future large space X-ray optics based on Si wafers, advanced glass forming for precise X-ray optics, but also other possible technologies and alternatives, as well as related advanced metrology, measurements and tests. and Martin Blažek.
Na jedinečnou vzdělávací akci, která se konala od 3. do 10. července 2017 v prostorách Matematicko-fyzikální fakulty v Troji, přijely čtyři desítky nejlepších řešitelů astronomických olympiád z České republiky, Estonska, Maďarska, Polska a Slovenska. Na programu byly vedle výpočetníích seminářů také zvané přednášky přístupné široké veřejnosti, večerní pozorování, výjezd do planetária v Hradci Králové, exkurze na odřejovskou observatoř a komentovaná procházka po pražských astronomických památkách. Účastnící si rovzněž vyzkoušeli atmosféru mezinárodní olympiády při simulované souteži. and Jakub Vošmera, Jan Kožuško, Václav Pavlík.
The DØ Experiment consists of a worldwide collaboration of scientists conducting research of the fundamental nature of matter. The experiment is located at the world´s premier high-energy accelerator, the Tevatron Collider, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, USA. The research is focused on precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies. It involves and intense search for subatomic clues that reveal the character of the building blocks of the universe. and Alexander Kupčo, Miloš Lokajíček.
The purpose of the workshop, which took place in 8-15 June 2008, was to train scientists to manage and exploit large EST datasets as well as compare whole genome sequences, with the aim of faciliting the application of genomic technologies to ticks and tickbornepathogens. The course provided an overview of the mehods used to sequence, assemble, and annotate tick borne disease related genomes and EST datasets. and Libor Grubhoffer.
Liberalization of political and ideological barriers after the fall of Communistic regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989 has led to intensification of research of period 1918-1948. Although it presents relatively short historical period, it involved some milestones like first Czechoslovak Republic, after-Munich fall of democratic parliamentary, the Second World War and transformation after the war, that altogether resulted in start of Communistic regime in February 1948. and Jaroslav Šebek.
This year´s summer school, held in Brno in September 1-11, 2015 attended by advanced MSc´s, PhD students, Postdocs and senior astronomers presented modern instruments available for observations in the Optical and IR domains, together with their scientific tasks and performances. Primarily, the ESO instruments (ESO - European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere), as well as those available through the Opticon Access Program were features. and Petr Kabáth, Vladimír Karas, Ernst Paunzen.
The Institute of Art History of the CAS held the third workshop in a series of annual two-week workshops from 13 to 24 July, 2015 that focused on specific topics relating to the conservation and preservation of photographic materials. The workshop took place at the facilities of the Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU), Department of Photography. It examined the environment of photographic materials at several levels, starting from an overview of the building and its systems and progressing to specific exhibition and storage conditions, and the selection of appropriate housing and enclosure materials and techniques. Strategies for determining appropriate and sustainable environmental conditions were discussed throughout the workshop. and Cíglerová, Tereza.