On 28th February 2010 at 22:24:46 UT a bright bolide lit up the night sky over Central Europe. Despite the late hour many people were watching the Olympics ice hockey finals on TV and witnessed this astonishing celestial spectacle. The glare of the bolide illuminated streets and the interior of apartments, and in some parts of Eastern Slovakia a cannon-like burst or series of low frequency blasts were heard. Trajectory specialists calculated the impact area to be near the town of Kosice in Eastern Slovakia. The first meteorite was discovered by Juraj Tóth on 20th March 2010. Preliminary analysis reveals that the recovered meteorite is classified as an ordinary HS chondrite. Ongoing data analysis will reveal also other parameters of this bolide such as the meteorite atmospheric velocity, pre-atmospheric mass and initial orbit in the Solar System., Ján Svoreň, Juraj Tóth., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Inflácia je kozmologický model zavedený kvôli tomu, aby riešil nezrovnalosti štandardného FLRW modelu. V prvej časti článku napísanej na základe kníh [1, 2] si objasníme, ako ich rieši. Potom si na jednoduchom inflačnom modeli vysvetlíme základnú teóriu kozmologických perturbácií. Túto teóriu je možné porovnávať s pozorovaniami anizotropií reliktového žiarenia [3-5]., Inflation is a cosmology model introduced in order to solve problems of the ACDM model. In the first part of this article we explain how they are solved. Then we demonstrate the basic perturbation theory on a simple model of inflation. This theory can be compared with observations of cosmic microwave background anisotropies by the Planck project., Peter Mészáros., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Exploitation of quantum physics for information processing offers solutions to some tasks which cannot be solved in classical information science. An important example is the secure distribution of a cryptographic key via a quantum channel. Modern quantum-optic technologies find significant use in quantum communication and quantum information processing. In this paper we will review the principle of quantum key distribution, briefly mention security of real quantum cryptographic devices, side channels, and give examples of particular applications., Miloslav Dušek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Tento článek představuje stručný vhled do současného stavu dostupných laserových systémů, které v rámci centra HiLASE slouží ke studiu základních i pokročilých aspektů interakce laserového záření s látkou. Výzkum v této oblasti je organizován především v rámci projektu BIATRI ("Pokročilá tvorba funkčních materiálů: Od mono- k BI A TRI-chromatické excitaci s tvarovanými laserovými impulzy") [1]., This article presents a brief introduction to, and the current state of, available laser systems for the study of both fundamental and advanced aspects of laser-matter interaction. The planned research work is mainly organized under the framework of project BIATRI (“Advanced designing of functional materials: From mono- to BI- And TRI-chromatic excitation with tailored laser pulses”). The strategic aim of BIATRI is to explore novel pathways of matter evolution, for designing materials with new unique properties and to find specific conditions for the most efficient coupling of laser light with matter. A key role in BIATRI work packages is hot plasma effects, which create extreme heating conditions, and which are difficult to reach by other means. This can be achieved by finding specific conditions with programmed coupling of laser light with matter. It is planned to use both mono-chromatic light with specific focusing conditions and combinations of two or three laser beams with different wavelengths. The first pulse will generate a free carrier population within the irradiated material enabling the efficient absorption of photons from a second or/and third pulse. Planned research work is also supplementary by the large-scale project HiLASE CoE, providing synergy for the whole scope of lab research work., Nathan Goodfriend, Juraj Sládek, Miroslava Flimelová, Wladimir Marine, Inam Mirza, Nadezhda M. Bulgakova., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Svetlo je využívané pre manipuláciu s atómami a na štúdium ich vlastností. Počas posledných desaťročí táto oblasť výskumu výrazne expandovala a priniesla dramatické objavy, ktoré viedli k možnostiam chladenia atómov do extrémne nízkych kinetických energií, či k udržaniu izolovaných atomárnych obláčikov vo vákuových systémoch desiatky sekúnd. V tomto článku uvádzame základné princípy chladenia elementárnych častíc svetlom., The laser cooling of elementary particles has become an essential part of quantum optics experiments studying the interaction of light and matter at its fundamental level. Over the last few decades, laser cooling has enabled dramatic developments in several research areas, including the understanding of new regimes of matter or the unprecedented accuracy of atomic clocks. We present a brief introduciton to laser cooling techniques by the explanation of basic underlying principles, followed by the discussion of Doppler cooling and a few prominent sub-Doppler cooling techniques., Lukáš Slodička., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Rukopis představuje krátký přehled možností využití nových zdrojů laserového záření. Pozornost je soustředěna zejména na laserové systémy vyvíjené v centru HiLASE. Cílem přehledu je poskytnout čtenáři informace o vývoji laserových systémů a upozornit na rozvoj výzkumu v oblasti interakce laserového záření s hmotou, jež je právě díky novým laserovým systémům umožněn., This article presents a short review of the new possibilities, which are offered by new laser sources, in particular those developed at the HiLASE centre. The aim of this review is to provide the reader with information on new laser developments and demonstrate its tremendous potential for advancement in the field of laser-matter interaction, which can be accessed due to novel laser systems., Marek Stehlík, Nadezhda M. Bulgakova., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Light is not only a subject of measurement but can be a very useful tool for measuring. It plays a dominant role in the measurement of dimensional quantities. Coherent light from a highly stable laser source is represented by a precise wavelength which can be seen as an elementary etalon of length. Metrology of length is in fact metrology of optical frequencies and a broad family of interferometric techniques converting a precise wavelength into the measurement of real objects. The precision (stability) of the best optical oscillators are now close to overcoming the stability of an atomic clock. This, with help of femtosecond optical frequency synthesis, will most likely lead to unification of standards of time and length into one precise laser, called an optical clock. and Josef Lazar a kolektiv oddělení koherenční optiky.
Část lékařské biofyziky studuje působení fyzikálních faktorů na zdraví člověka. Významným faktorem životního prostředí je ultrafialová složka slunečního záření, která hraje důležitou roli při vzniku a rozvoji maligního melanomu. Dalším významným rizikovým faktorem životního prostředí je degradace ozonové vrstvy, zejména ve stratosféře., There is a branch of medical biophysics studying the impact of physical factors on human health. The important environmental factor playing a significant role in formation and development of cutaneous melanoma is ultraviolet solar radiation. This risk factor is enhanced by the depletion of the ozone layer., Jozef Rosina, Jana Vránová, Kateřina Olefirenko., and Obsahuje bibliografii