In this paper, tracking control design for a class of nonlinear polynomial systems is investigated by augmented error system approach and block pulse functions technique. The proposed method is based on the projection of the close loop augmented system and the associated linear reference model that it should follow over a basis of block pulse functions. The main advantage of using this tool is that it allows to transform the analytical differential calculus into an algebraic one relatively easy to solve. The developments presented have led to the formulation of a linear system of algebraic equations depending only on parameters of the feedback control. Once the control gains are determined by solving the latter optimization problem in least square sense, the practical stability of the closed loop augmented system is checked through given conditions. A double inverted pendulums benchmark is used to validate the proposed tracking control method.
In this work, an alternative solution to the tracking problem for a SISO nonlinear dynamical system exhibiting points of singularity is given. An inversion-based controller is synthesized using the Fliess generalized observability canonical form associated to the system. This form depends on the input and its derivatives. For this purpose, a robust exact differentiator is used for estimating the control derivatives signals with the aim of defining a control law depending on such control derivative estimates and on the system state variables. This control law is such that, when applied to the system, bounded tracking error near the singularities is guaranteed.