Let SP be the set of upper strongly porous at 0 subsets of \mathbb{R}^{+} and let Î(SP) be the intersection of maximal ideals I\subseteq SP. Some characteristic properties of sets E \in Î(SP) are obtained. We also find a characteristic property of the intersection of all maximal ideals contained in a given set which is closed under subsets. It is shown that the ideal generated by the so-called completely strongly porous at 0 subsets of \mathbb{R}^{+} is a proper subideal of Î(SP). Earlier, completely strongly porous sets and some of their properties were studied in the paper V.Bilet, O.Dovgoshey (2013/2014)., Viktoriia Bilet, Oleksiy Dovgoshey, Jürgen Prestin., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Let $q$ be a positive integer, $\chi $ denote any Dirichlet character $\mod q$. For any integer $m$ with $(m, q)=1$, we define a sum $C(\chi, k, m; q)$ analogous to high-dimensional Kloosterman sums as follows: $$ C(\chi, k, m; q)=\sum _{a_1=1}^{q}{}' \sum _{a_2=1}^{q}{}' \cdots \sum _{a_k=1}^{q}{}' \chi (a_1+a_2+\cdots +a_k+m\overline {a_1a_2\cdots a_k}), $$ where $a\cdot \overline {a}\equiv 1\bmod q$. The main purpose of this paper is to use elementary methods and properties of Gauss sums to study the computational problem of the absolute value $|C(\chi, k, m; q)|$, and give two interesting identities for it.
Dva dopisy Alexandra Dubčeka a Oldřicha Černíka z června 1989 adresované Ústřednímu výboru Polské sjednocené dělnické strany a vládě Polské lidové republiky.
The Fibonacci Cube is an interconnection network that gets many desirable properties that are very important in the network design, network stability and applications. The extended Fibonacci Cube is a new network topology. The vulnerability value of a communication network shows the resistance of the network after the disruption of some centres or connection lines until the communication breakdown. In a network, as the number of centres belonging to sub networks changes, the vulnerability of the network also changes and requires greater degrees of stability or less vulnerability. If the communication network is modelled by graph G, the deterministic measures tend to provide a worst-case analysis of some aspects of overall disconnection process. Many graph theoretical parameters have been used in the past to describe the stability of communication networks. There are few parameters such as integrity, neighbour-integrity and tenacity number giving the vulnerability. Also, in the neighbour-integrity, if a station is destroyed, the adjacent stations will be betrayed so that the betrayed stations become useless to network as a whole.
In this paper we study the stability of the Extended Fibonacci Cube using the integrity and neighbour-integrity. We compared the obtained results with the results of the other network topologies. We saw that, for two graphs G1 and G2 that have same number of vertices if k(G1) > k(G2), then I(G1) > I(G2) and NI(G1)< NI(G2).