The scolex surface of the mature spathebothriidean Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781), a parasite of the brown trout Salmo trutta fario L., was studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. A particular attention was paid to microtriches, unique structure on the surface of the Cestoda. The scolex of C. truncatus is covered with two types of filiform microtriches (filitriches): aciculate (≈ 3 µm long) and capillate (≈ 10 µm long). Capillate microtriches, which have never been reported in any other spathebothriideans, are described for the first time using transmission electron microscopy. The tegument covered with filiform microtriches only (no spiniform microtriches are present) is typical of cestode groups supposed to be the most basal, e.g., Gyrocotylidea, Spathebothriidea, and Caryophyllidea.
Ultrastructural characters of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Triaenorhina rectangula (Fuhrmann, 1908) are examined by transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis follows the Bâ and Marchand's Type III spermiogenesis of cestodes. The process begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing two centrioles and a cytoplasmic protrusion. The centrioles are associated with vestigial striated roots. One of the centrioles develops a free flagellum externally to the cytoplasmic protrusion. After a slight rotation, the free flagellum fuses with the cytoplasmic protrusion. In the final stage of spermiogenesis, a single crested body appears in the anterior part of the differentiating spermatozoon. The anterior extremity of the mature spermatozoon is characterised by an apical cone and a single crested body. The axoneme is of the 9+''1'' trepaxonematan type. A periaxonemal sheath and electron-dense rods are described in some parts of the mature spermatozoon. The nucleus is electron-dense and spirally coiled around the axoneme. The cortical microtubules are spirally arranged at an angle of about 40° to the spermatozoon axis. The present results show that the ultrastructural characters of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of T. rectangula resemble most closely those in taeniids and metadilepidids. The comparison of these results with the only previous spermiological description of a paruterinid species reveals differences relative to the occurrence of filamentous rods of electron-dense material versus intracytoplasmic walls in the mature spermatozoon that may reflect the polyphyletic character of the Paruterinidae.
Ultrastructural analysis revealed that the spermatozoon of Discocotyle sagittata (Leuckart, 1842) is composed of two parallel axonemes, mitochondrion, nucleus and cortical microtubules. The nucleus, which occupies a central/distal position and has an unusual crescent-shaped profile, is slightly shorter than the mitochondrial rod. The two axonemes, which are of unequal length, and the cortical microtubules (up to 68 forming a continuous ring in the principal region) extend almost the entire length of the spermatozoon. A fold of the plasma membrane creates a unilateral flange or undulating membrane. Epifluorescence microscopy indicated that spermatogenesis gives rise to clusters of 64 spermatids connected to a common cytophore. Spermiogenesis and the structure of the filiform sperm of D. sagittata conform to the typical polyopisthocotylean pattern.
Spermiogenesis in Phyllobothrium lactuca Beneden, 1850 begins with the formation of a differentiation zone bordered by cortical microtubules and containing a nucleus and two ccntrioles separated by an intercentriolar body and disposed one in the prolongation of the other. Later, formation of flagellar buds, striated roots and a median cytoplasmic extension takes place. Each centriole gives rise to a flagellimi that rotates and fuses with the median cytoplasmic extension. At this stage, arched membranes appear at the front of the differentiation zone. The nucleus elongates, becomes filiform and migrates between the striated roots into the spermatid. After the migration of the nucleus, the old spermatid separates from the residual cytoplasm by strangulation of the ring of arched membranes. Absence of striated roots, right at the beginning of spermiogenesis has never been described before in the Tctraphyllidea. Likewise, centrioles made up of doublets of microtubules and spermatids with two axonemes have never been reported before during spermiogenesis of a Phyllobothriidae. In this work we show, for the first time, the existence in cestodes of thick-walled microtubulcs surrounded by a layer of electron-dense material. In addition, we describe, for the first time, the existence of an accumulation of electron-dense granules around striated roots and an hour-glass-shaped constriction at the anterior extremity of a median cytoplasmic extension in a platyhelminth.
Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, ultrastructure of the anterior organ and posterior funnel-shaped canal of Gyrocotyle urna Wagener, 1852 (Cestoda: Gyrocotylidea) from ratfish, Chimaera monstrosa (Holocephali), was studied for the first time. The proper anterior organ is localised at a short distance (about 170 µm) from an apical pore surrounded by a receptor field, whereas its distal end is marked by a muscular sphincter. The tegumental surface of this organ is covered with short filitriches of irregular length; large area of muscle layers traverse beneath the tegumental layer. The funnel-shaped canal of G. urna (2.5-3.0 mm long) is a specialised, muscular part of the posterior attachment organ; it opens on the rounded elevation on the dorsal body surface. The tegumental layer bears conical sclerite-like structures (up to 1.5 µm long). It produces electron-dense bodies that are transported into a canal lumen and surrounded thick muscle area mixed with numerous nerve fibres. The present ultrastructural study of G. urna indicates that gyrocotylideans share some ultrastructural characters of the anterior organ with spathebothriidean cestodes with a single anterior attachment sucker-like organ. In contrast, the unique posterior rosette attachment organ with funnel-shaped canal of the Gyrocotylidea resembles the haptor of polyopisthocotylean monogeneans in its position at the posterior end of the body and presumed origin. The above-mentioned features add more clarity to support the basal position of the Gyrocotylidea Poche, 1926 among cestodes. In addition, they also indicate a possible relationship of gyrocotylidean ancestors with monogeneans., Larisa G. Poddubnaya, Roman Kuchta, Glenn A. Bristow, Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the apical glandular region of the adult Proteocephalus torulosus (Batsch, 1786), two types of eccrine gland cells are present. The first type of unicellular gland produces large electron-dense granules of various sizes. The second type contains small electron-dense granules. Most cells form glands with large granules; glands with small granules are infrequent. The secretion of both types of gland cells is concentrated in the apical parts of the cyton and in the ducts opening to the exterior. On the scolex of P. torulosus, there are regional structural differences of the microthrix border. The apical glandular region bears filamentous microtriches only. On the remaining frontal part, surrounding the glandular region, there are blade-like and filamentous microtriches. The lateral parts of the scolex and suckers bear blade-like microtriches. Possible functions of both types of gland cells and different parts of the scolex microthrix border are discussed. The unique structure of the frontal part of the scolex of P. torulosus and its differences from Proteocephalus macrocephalus, P. longicollis and P. percae correlate well with the putative basal phylogenetic position of P. torulosus among European species of Proteocephalus.
The ‘buccal complex’ of Pricea multae Chauhan, 1945 consists of two buccal suckers, the pharynx, a putative taste organ and the mouth cavity. The two suckers are dorsal to the mouth cavity, and the pharynx posterior to them. The septum in each sucker consists of connective tissue containing muscle filaments, lined by tegument with short irregular microvilli. The mouth cavity and the lumen of the suckers are lined by tegument with short irregular lamellae and by tegument with long bulbous, interconnected lamellae, separated from each other and from the body surface tegument by septate junctions. A ventral extension of the mouth cavity is also lined by tegument with short irregular lamellae. An anterior ‘taste organ’ is lined by ‘normal’ (body) tegument and tegument with short irregular lamellae. Glandular ducts open into it, and it contains many small uni-ciliate and multiciliate receptors, as well as two receptor complexes each consisting of a large non-ciliate receptor surrounded by small and large uniciliate receptors, with multiciliate receptors closeby. The four types of receptors are described in detail. The anterior part of the pharyngeal lumen is lined by an epithelium with dense surface lamellae and is penetrated by non-ciliate receptors. Attention is drawn to significant differences between the buccal complexes of the polyopisthocotylean monogeneans Pricea multae (Gastrocotylidae), Gotocotyla secunda (Tripartii, 1956) (Gastrocotylidae), Pulylabroides australis (Murray, 1931) (Microcotylidae), Zeuxapia serialae (Meserve, 1938) (Axinidae) and Diclidophora merlangi (Kuhn, 1832) (Diclidophoridae).
The forebody and foregut of Crepidostomum metoecus Braun, 1900 are invested with a tegument bearing regularly arranged surface tubercles comparable with the aspidogastrean surface structures. The tegument of the ventrolateral lobes and of the prepharynx is penetrated by ducts of eccrine gland cells. The frontal and prepharyngeal gland cells, localised in the parenchyma, discharge electron-dense granules. Their ducts are lined by peripheral microtubules and fixed to the tegument plasmalemma by a septate junction. The functional roles of these glands are discussed.
The frontal gland as a sac-like organ in Prorhinotermes simplex is present only in presoldiers, soldiers, and imagoes, but exists also in nymph-soldier intercastes. The secretory epithelium consists of a single type of secretory cells adhering directly to the cuticular intima. Secretory vacuoles originate in electron dense vesicles, which are transformed into large electron lucent vacuoles. Intermediate vacuoles frequently contain lipid droplets. The frontal gland cells in presoldiers reveal modifications connected with the production of a new cuticle; the new cuticle is thin and compact, whereas the old one is thick, porous, and wrinkled. None of these cuticles is present in soldiers (sic!). In soldiers, the cuticular intima is of endocuticular origin and is formed by dispersed dense material; the apical parts of secretory cells are formed by numerous irregular finger-like projections, true microvilli are completely lacking. In imagoes, the cuticle is composed of an epicuticle, a layer of epicuticular filaments, and one more basal layer; sexual differences were not observed. In nymph-soldier intercastes, the structure of the gland differs in the head and in the metathorax; the head part of the gland resembles the imaginal gland whereas the thoracic part resembles more that of the soldier; the development of secretory vacuoles stops at the stage of presence of lipid droplets. E-1-nitropentadecene was found in the highest amount in soldiers (comparable to P. inopinatus soldiers), in moderate amount in imagoes, and it is missing in both presoldiers and intercastes.