Základním předpokladem dobré prezentace výsledků klinických a laboratorních studií je správně provedená studie. V medicíně založené na důkazech (EBM – evidence based medicine) existují různé typy studií s rozličným významem a odlišnou výpovědní hodnotou. Každý typ studie má svá specifika, kterých je nutno se při realizaci držet – originální hypotéza, design studie, vhodná metodika, výběr nemocných včetně jejich počtu, kontrolní skupina a náležité statistické zpracování. Výsledky studie je pak třeba prezentovat přijatelnou a srozumitelnou formou, nejlépe názorně s využitím přehledných tabulek, grafů a obrázků. Podrobnější prezentace bude jistě v článku, naproti tomu přednáška či poster mají být především názorné a zaujmout posluchače., A well performed study is an indispensable prerequisite for a good presentation of results of clinical and laboratory studies. In evidence based medicine (EBM) several types of studies exist, each of them with different significance. Each study type has its specific features which have to be respected when realizing the study – original hypothesis, study design, convenient methods, and selection of patients including their number, control group and adequate statistical evaluation. Study results have to be presented in an understandable form, if possible with tables, graphs and figures. A more detailed presentation is usually provided in a paper while a lecture or a poster should be mainly interesting and attractive for the audience., Kalousová M., Zima T., and Lit.: 3
In the context of Maria Theresa’s educational reforms, the article analyses the introduction of new school textbooks in Bohemia as an attempt to build a new type of state economic enterprise. For the first twenty years after compulsory education was introduced in 1774, a balance had to be struck for the publication of textbooks between standardization and adaptability, in order to over- come the obstacles and conflicts inherent in the reforms. In implementing the reforms it was thus necessary to deviate from certain fundamental principles - dirigism, uniformity and centralization. An economic system based on the awarding of privileges was faced with the challenge of meeting public order on an unprecedented scale. Moreover, an economic model for publishing schoolbooks had to be devised that could function as an instrument of social policy while remaining financially sustainable. The new publishing house had to ensure regular high-volume distribution of the new product throughout a territory that lacked any commercial infrastructure in the field of bookselling., Claire Madl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The study analyzes the communicative strategies adopted by the participants (moderator, caller and guest) in conducting the opening phases of the Nočné dialógy radio phone-ins broadcast by the Slovak public radio. The programme is approached as a specific type of institutional interaction characterized by a unique patterning of communicative asymmetries. The importance of the initial turn, invariably a moderator’s privilege granted to him by his institutional as well as interactional status, is stressed as having some important structural implications as to the subsequent course of the interaction; a structural archetype of the opening turn consists of four stages - structure orientation, self-identification, caller identification and summons. Openings span over several sequences of turns with the main task of establishing a caller in the on-air interaction and preparing him/her for the delivery of his/her topic. The bulk of interaction is composed of the four main types of interactional activity in which the participants are engaged - opening a technical and social contact, identification, recognition and categorization. This instance of a radio programme is seen as a means of bringing the media closer to the public, which, upon its introduction early in the 1990s, was an unprecedented example of the process of democratization of the mass media. By their opportunity to bring forward relevant political-social agenda the public have been given a direct access to the creation of political discourse.