Sustained orthostasis elicits the elevation of arterial blood pressure (BP) via sympathetic activation in conscious Wistar rats for at least 2 hours. We tested the hypothesis whether vestibular apparatus plays a role in BP and heart rate (HR) control in response to prolonged gravitational stress. BP and HR responses to 45º head-up for either 2 or 24 hours were monitored by telemetry. Vestibular lesions (VL) were performed by a modified microsurgical-chemical technique. Horizontal BP and HR were not influenced by VL preceding 2-hour tilt. VL abolished the sustained 2-hour BP response to head-up tilt (8.3±0.9 mm Hg relative to horizontal values) while suppressed HR transiently only. VL eliminated diurnal BP fluctuations and decreased HR in horizontal position for 24 hours. Head-up tilt for 24 hours increased BP and HR progressively in intact animals, raising their daily average value by 5.6±0.7 mm Hg and 22.2±6 BPM, respectively. VL resulted in an initial BP rise followed by progressive BP reduction in response to long-term head-up tilt (4±2.2 mm Hg) without eliminating the tachycardia (34.4±5.4 BPM). Thus, blockade of labyrinthine inputs attenuates the BP responses elicited by both intermediate and long-term gravitational stress of orthostatic type. However, other sensory inputs derived from non-vestibular cues (e.g. proprioceptive, visual, visceral, cutaneous etc.) seem to be effective enough to maintain BP normal., G. Raffai ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
During monopolar monoaural galvanization the absolute value of body mass centre displacement angle did not depend on the stimulation electrode position. The angle value was always close either to 0° or to 180° (i.e. in the latero-lateral direction). However, some fine angle differences between different electrode positions occurred and they were statistically significant in two cases. During monoaural bipolar stimulation the body mass centre moved practically in all directions ( for all four used electrode positions) and the angles formed a more or less coherent rosette in the range of 0°-360°.
Four strains of non-encysting amoebae were isolated from organs of freshwater fishes and characterized using light and electron microscope. Morphology of three clonal strains was consistent with amoebae which had already been described from water habitats. Two strains, one isolated from kidney tissue of common goldfish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758), and the second one from brain of chub, Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758, were identified with Vannella platypodia (Gläser, 1912) Page, 1976. Both strains were identical, except for the length of glycostyles. The strain isolated from the liver of perch, Perea fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758), was assigned to the genus Vexillifera Schaeffer, 1926 as Vexillifera expectata sp. n. The taxonomic position of the fourth non-encysting strain could not be safely established, although it shares some trophic cell structures with protostelids (Protostelia, Eumycetozoea). We present its detailed description here also to demonstrate that amoeba stages of this type of organisms are capable to infect fishes.
Water-borne transmission of the coccidium Cryptosporidium parvum Tyzzer, 1912 is frequently responsible for outbreaks of human cryptosporidiosis. One of the most important was reported in 1993 in Milwaukee in the United States, where 403,000 cases were recorded. The determination of the percentage of oocysts excystated is the first step in evaluating their viability, but it alone is not sufficient. This percentage depended on the conditions of storage and also the presence of oxidant or disinfectent agents in water. The percentage of excystation is not always related to viability. Therefore, determination of the viability of excysted sporozoites by determining their infectivity for enterocytic Caco2 cell lines in culture provides information essential for evaluating the risk of contaminated drinking water.
This is a followup report on the viability of pathogenic Acanthamoeba castellami, Naegleria australiensis, and N. fowleri during 5 years of cryopreservation and the virulence of N. fowleri during 30 months of cryostorage, all at -70’C. The greatest decrease in viability occurred during the first year of freezing and was 10-fold greater than the average yearly decrease during years 2-5. At 5 years of cryostorage, viability was 33 % for A. castellana, 38 % for N. fowleri and 51% for N. australiensis. Virulence of N. fowleri did not decrease during 30 months of freezing and what appeared to be an increase in virulence during cryopreservation may be the result of reduced viability of the less virulent amebae in a culture.
This is a follow-up report on the viability of pathogenic Naegleria fowleri, Naegleria australiensis and Acanthamoeba castellanii isolates during 5 to 10 years of cryopreservation at –70°C. The greatest decrease in viability occurred with N. fowleri and the least occurred with N. australiensis. At 10 years of cryostorage, viability was 21% for N. fowleri, 32% for A. castellanii and 51% for N. australiensis.
The influence of water environment on natural frequencies of a Francis pump-turbine runner with the shaft is analyzed. The computations are executed by ANSYS program package based on finite element method. The fluid ‘equivalent mass‘ matrix concept is used. For solution, the Euler approach is used. Obtained natural frequencies and vibration mode shapes of the turbine runner with shaft in vaccum, in air and in water are presented. Computed natural frequencies and vibration mode shapes of the turbine runner with shaft in vacuum are compared to computed natural frequencies and vibration mode shapes of the turbine runner without shaft. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
A detailed analysis of dynamical properties of five-blade-bundle mathematical model was carried out with the aim to investigate how the damping elements made of rubber inserted into slots between blades heads influence the response curves at different distribution of exciting harmonic forces. Viscous-elastic linear Voigt-Kelvin model was used for modeling the rheological properties of damping elements. Constant values of stiffness and damping parameters were supposed at analysis. The orthogonality of excitation forces distribution to the other eigenmodes of blades bundle is applied at insulated selected resonance. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Caterpillars of the poplar lutestring moth, Tethea or, construct leaf shelters that they defend against intruding conspecifics using a combination of vibratory signals and physical aggression. Staged interactions between a resident caterpillar and introduced conspecific were recorded with a video camera and laser vibrometer. Residents crawl towards the intruder and perform three behaviours: lateral hitting, pushing, and mandible scraping. Vibrations caused by mandible scraping result from the caterpillar repeatedly scraping opened mandibles laterally against the leaf surface in bouts lasting 1.16 ± 0.39 s, with an average of 4 ± 1 scrapes per bout. We propose that these scrapes function in leaf shelter defense against conspecifics for the following reasons: Mandible scrapes are produced only by residents; they are generated when a resident is approached by an intruder; the rate of scraping increases as the intruder approaches the shelter; and residents in all trials retain their shelters, with the intruder leaving the leaf within 127.9 ±104.3s from the beginning of the trial. The function and evolutionary origins of vibration-mediated territoriality in caterpillars are discussed. and Jaclyn L. Scott, Jayne E. Yack.