Autoři uvádějí vlastní zkušenosti s karcinomem mléčné žlázy u nemocných ve stáří. Je uveden soubor 52 pacientů s nemetastazujícím karcinomem mléčné žlázy, kteří měli významnou komorbiditu, anebo odmídi chirurgickou léčbu. Všichni byh léčeni hormonální terapií (HRT), a to selektivními inhibitory aromatázy (SLA). Regresi nádoru zaznamenaH ve 45 případech (86,5 %), kompletní klinickou odezvu (cCR) v 8 případech (15,5 %). Senioři snášeli léčbu dobře. Byl konstatován významný léčebný benefit a udržení kvality života., The authors present their own experience with lacteal gland cancer in old age. There is given a set of 52 patients with nonmetastatic lacteal gland cancer having significant comorbidity or having refused the surgical treatment. They all have been treated by hormonal therapy (HRT), namely by selective aromatase inhibitors (SAI). The carcinoma regression was reported in 45 cases (86.5%), complete clinical response (cCR) in 8 cases (15.5%). The treatment was well-tolerated by the senior patients. There was stated a significant therapeutic benefit and the maintained quality of life., Pavel Jandík, Jindřiška Mergancová, Bohuslav Melichar, and Lit. 10
Cíl: předvést praktické využití protokolu, který vydal v roce 2006 CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) pod označením EP15-A2 Vol.25 No.17„User Verification of Performance for Precision and Trueness; Approved Guideline, Second Edition“ [1], dále jen EP15-A2, za účelem uživatelské verifikace preciznosti analytické metody deklarované výrobci IVD MD pro klinické laboratoře. Výsledky: verifikace preciznosti deklarovaná výrobcem se prováděla na koncentraci katalytické aktivity enzymu γ-glutamyltransferázy v lidském séru (měřená veličina), a měření se provádělo na dvou koncentračních hladinách vždy ve třech opakováních v průběhu pěti dní. Diskuse: upozornit na existenci potenciálního úskalí alternativního způsobu odhadu mezilehlé preciznosti měřicího postupu nazvaného „Varianta 1“ a uveřejněného v tomto časopise (dále jen KBM), č. 1/2011, ve sdělení českého kolektivu autorů „Doporučení k provádění validace a verifikace analytických metod v klinických laboratořích“ [2], dále jen „Doporučení“. Závěr: hodnocení čtyřkrokové aplikace protokolu EP15-A2 v praxi, přísliby nové verze EP15-A3, preciznost., Objective: to demonstrate the practical application of the EP15-A2 Vol. 25 No.17 CLSI document titled as „User Verification of Performance for Precision and Trueness; Approved Guideline, Second edition“ [1], next only EP15-A2, to the user verification („spot-checking“) analytical methods precision of manufacturer claims in clinical laboratories, which was published by CLSI 2006. Results: the precision manufacturer precision claims were tested on the gamma-glutamyltransferase catalytic concentration in human serum (measurand), at two levels, running 3 replicates on each of the 5 days. Discussion: the possible pitfalls of the analytical method precision alternative verification way when the intermediate precision is assessed as the „Option 1“ formerly published in „Recommendation to perform the analytical methods validation and verification in clinical laboratories“ [2], next only „Recommendation“, in this journal „Clinical biochemistry and metabolism“, next only KBM, No. 1/2011, by the Czech authors collective. Conclusion: the evaluation of 4-steps EP15-A2 protocol application in practice, the new version EP15-A3 promises., and Ambrožová J.
"The progress ot science is much more muddled thar is depicted in most history books. This is especially true of theoretic physics, partly because history is written by the victorious. Consequently, historians of science often ignore the many alternate paths that people wandered down, the many false clues they followed, the many misconceptions they had. These alternate points of view are less clearly developed than the final theories, harder to understand and easier forget, especially as these are viewed years later, when it all really does make sense. Thus reading history one rarely gets the feeling of the true riature of scientific development, in which the element of farce is as great as the element of triumph." This quotation from the Nobel Lecture of David Gross, who exemplified its meaning on the emergence of quantum chromodynamics is equally true for the emergence of quantum theory at the turn of 19th and 20th century. The article attempts to demonstrate this., Pokrok ve vědě jde často daleko složitějšími cestami, než jak se o tom dočítáme v knihách o historii vědy. To platí zvláště o teoretické fyzice, částečně proto, že dějny píší vítězové. Historikové často ignorují různé cesty, jimiž se vývoj ubíral, mnohé falešné stopy, po nichž fyzikové šli, a všechny chybné představy, jež měli. Četbou historických pramenů jen vzácně získáme správnou představu o skutečné podstatě vědeckého pokroku, do něhož patří fraška stejně jako triumf. Vznik a vývoj kvantové chromodynamiky je krásný příklad vývoje od frašky až k triumfu. David Gross, laureát Nobelovy ceny za fyziku v roce 2004., and Jiří Chýla.
Traditionally, only two native localities of Ligularia sibirica have been reported from the Czech Republic. In the present paper, a correction is made as to the founder of the locality between Jestřebí and Staré Splavy near Doksy (50°36'23" N, 14°36'54" E) which was discovered by J. Ch. Neumann in 1814 the latest, i.e. earlier than thought. The species has been retreating from this locality because of changes in environmental conditions, with the decrease of groundwater level after amelioration in 1928 being the most important factor. However, the species is not yet endangered in the locality. The second locality is between Bělá pod Bezdězem and Bakov nad Jizerou (50°29'45" N, 14°54'39" E) and it was not discovered by anybody of those reported up to now but by V. J. Sekera; the discovery was not made in 1854 but as early as in 1843. This locality consists of several populations and its size has increased during the last 100 years. Bohemian localities, which are rather distant from the continuous distribution of the species, originated in the early postglacial period (Praeboreal) and represent remnants of former more extensive distribution in this region. The cultivation of the species and its secondary occurrence are rare and mostly unimportant events.
Ve čtvrtek 11. února 2016 na tiskové konferenci ve Washingtonu oznámili vědci z Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) [1], že na dvou detektorech nacházejících se na opačných koncích Spojených států se 14. září 2015 podařilo zaznamenat příchod gravitačních vln. Kromě důležitých astronomických dat toto pozorování představuje přímé potvrzení jedné z klíčových předpovědí Einsteinovy obecné teorie relativity (OTR) a přináší informace o událostech odehrávajících se za extrémních podmínek velmi silné gravitace, kdy se naplno projevuje nelinearita jako zásadní vlastnost této teorie., The existence of gravitational waves is a basic feature of general gravity but even Albert Einstein seriously doubted they actually exist. There is now indirect evidence that there are astrophysical sources, such as Binary pulsars, which generate gravitational waves, but their strength here on Earth was too small to be detected. However, after using advanced technologies to build large laser interferometric detectors (LIGO), detection sensitivity was significantly increased and, recently the profile of the first directly observed gravitational waves emitted by the inspiral and merger of two black holes was detected. It revealed surprisingly massive stellar black holes, which merged together a billion years ago., Tomáš Ledvinka, Jiří Bičák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Úvod: Neuritída zrakového nervu alebo optická neuritída (ON) je zápalová afekcia zrakového nervu, často asociovaná so sklerózou multiplex (SM). Redukcia axónov zrakového nervu ako následok ON sa prejavuje znížením hrúbky nervových vlákien sietnice (RNFL), čo možno zmerať pomocou optickej koherentnej tomografie (Optical Coherence Tomography; OCT). Cieľ: Pozorovanie hrúbky RNFL u pacientov po ON v rámci klinicky izolovaného syndrómu (CIS) a u pacientov so SM pomocou spektrálneho OCT (SD-OCT) a porovnanie výsledkov so zdravou kontrolnou skupinou. Súbor a metodika: Vyšetrenie 30 očí 15 pacientov s CIS, 94 očí 47 pacientov s SM (oči s manifestáciou ON v anamnéze i bez nej) a 30 očí zdravých kontrol pomocou SD-OCT. Výsledky: V skupine pacientov s CIS po jednostrannej ON bol preukázaný štatisticky signifikantný rozdiel v priemernej hrúbke RNFL (92,1 ?m; p = 0,007) oproti kontrolnej skupine (100,8 ?m). U nepostihnutých očí rovnakej skupiny pacientov nebol zaznamenaný rozdiel oproti kontrolnej vzorke (97,5 ?m; p = 0,25). Rovnako nebol preukázaný rozdiel pri porovnaní priemernej hrúbky RNFL očí postihnutých a nepostihnutých ON (p = 0,14). V skupine pacientov s manifestnou ON a klinicky definitívnou SM bol zaznamenaný štatisticky významný pokles hrúbky RNFL (73,1 ?m; p < 0,001) oproti kontrolnej skupine (100,8 ?m). Zároveň bol tento pokles preukázaný i u pacientov s SM bez manifestnej neuritídy (91,4 ?m; p = 0,002). Štatisticky významný rozdiel poklesu hrúbky RNFL bol zaznamenaný i porovnaním očí postihnutých a nepostihnutých ON v rámci SM (p = 0,04). Záver: Spektrálne OCT predstavuje vhodnú vyšetrovaciu metódu umožňujúcu sledovanie subklinických zmien hrúbky RNFL u pacientov so sklerózou multiplex., Background: Optic neuritis (ON) is an inflammatory optic nerve disease that is strongly associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). Axonal damage in the optic nerve is manifested as retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) deficits that can be detected by the optical coherence tomography (OCT). Aim:To characterize the inner retinal layer changes in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and MS while utilizing the spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) and a comparative sample of healthy controls. Participants and methods: 30 eyes of 15 patients with CIS, 104 eyes of 52 MS patients with or without history of ON and 30 eyes of healthy patients that underwent SD-OCT examination. Results: CIS ON eyes had lower mean RNFL thickness (92.1 ?m; p = 0.007) compared to the comparative sample (100.8 ?m). The mean RNFL thickness decrease (97.5 ?m; p = 0.25) was not detected in the eyes unaffected by CIS ON. Reduction of the mean RNFL thickness was not found in the post-ON eyes compared to unaffected eyes of CIS patients (p = 0.14). Eyes of MS patients with a history of ON showed significantly reduced mean RNFL thickness (73.1?m; p < 0.001) compared to the comparative sample (100.8 ?m). Patients with MS with no history of ON also had lower mean RNFL thickness (91.4?m; p = 0.002). Statistically significant RNFL thinning was detected in the ON eyes compared to unaffected eyes (p = 0.04). Conclusions: SD-OCT is a promising tool designed to detect subclinical changes in RNFL thickness in patients with MS. Key words: multiple sclerosis – optic neuritis – clinically isolated syndrome – optical coherence tomography – retinal nerve fiber layer The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and M. Michalec, P. Praksová, M. Hladíková, V. Matušková, E. Vlková, P. Štourač, L. Michalcová
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors. PPAR-α
, first of its three subtypes (α, β, γ) has traditionally been considered an important regulator of lipid metabolism while its role in the regulation of insulin sensitivity has not been recognized until recently. Here we summarize the experimental and clinical studies focusing on the role of PPAR-α in the regulation of insulin sensitivity. In most of the experimental studies the activation of PPAR-α in rodents leads to improvement of insulin sensitivity by multiple mechanisms including improvement of insulin signaling due to a decrease of ectopic lipids in
non-adipose tissues and decrease of circulating fatty acids and triglycerides
. In contrast, the effect of PPAR-α agonist in humans is much less pronounced probably due to a lower expression of PPAR-α relative to rodents and possibly other mechanisms. Further clinical studies using more potent PPAR-α agonists on a larger population need to be performed to
evaluate the possible role of PPAR-α in the regulation of insulin sensitivity in humans.
Free fatty acids (FFAs) are natural ligands of the PPARγ2 receptor. FFA plasma concentration and composition may represent one of the factors accounting for high heterogeneity of conclusions concerning the effect of the Pro12Ala on BMI, insulin sensitivity or diabetes type 2 (DM2) susceptibility. Our objective was to investigate the relation and possible interactions between the Pro12Ala polymorphism and FFA status, metabolic markers, and body composition in 324 lean nondiabetic subjects (M/F: 99/225; age 32±11 years; BMI 23.9±4.0 kg/m2) with and without family history of DM2. Family history of DM2 was associated with lower % PUFA and slightly higher % MUFA. The presence of Pro12Ala polymorphism was not associated with fasting plasma FFA concentration or composition, anthropometric or metabolic markers of glucose and lipid metabolism in tested population. However, the interaction of carriership status with FFA levels influenced the basal glucose levels, insulin sensitivity and disposition indices, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol and leptin levels, especially in women. The metabolic effects of 12Ala carriership were influenced by FFA levels – the beneficial role of 12Ala was seen only in the presence of low concentration of plasma FFA. Surprisingly, a high PUFA/SFA ratio was associated with lower insulin sensitivity, the protective effect of 12Ala allele was apparent in subjects with family history of DM2. On the basis of our findings and published data we recommend the genotyping of diabetic patients for Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPARγ2 gene before treatment with thiazolidinediones and education of subjects regarding diet and physical activity, which modulate metabolic outcomes., B. Bendlová, D. Vejražková, J. Včelák, P. Lukášová, D. Burkoňová, M. Kunešová, J. Vrbíková, K. Dvořáková, K. Vondra, M. Vaňková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy