This article deals with pairs of synonymous words in Tamil. These pairs are very frequent in modern Tamil but only a few words constituting these pairs can be considered complete synonyms. Most of them differ in meaning, emotive charge or source of origin. The pairs are arranged into several major groups according to their nature and then commented upon. The article also touches upon the question of the function of these pairs in the language.
The name Carex muricata subsp. lamprocarpa “Čelak.” (1879) is frequently used in floras for C. pairae F. W. Schultz when it is treated as a subspecies of C. muricata L. However, the combination C. muricata var. lamprocarpa was published by Wallroth in 1822. The corresponding specimen in Wallroth’s collection in PR, studied by L. Čelakovský and designated here as a lectotype, is C. muricata as it has the characteristic shiny utricles. So the combination C. muricata subsp. pairae (F. W. Schultz) Čelak. (1870) has to be used.
The Typological Database System (TDS) is a web-based service that provides integrated access to a collection of independently created typological databases. It was developed with support from NWO grant 380-30-004 / INV-03-12 and from participating universities, and provides continued availability and extended documentation for its component databases, through a uniform structure and search interface. Web technologies evolve rapidly, and the system had begun to show its age even before the end of the project in 2009, motivating migration of the data collection to an archival platform. Through its Project Call 1, CLARIN-NL granted funding for migrating the resource to a durable, archival environment and converting it to a true web service architecture.
Cílem článku je uvést informace o typech validity a validizačních studiích v oblasti diagnostiky NANDA International, akcentovat jejich význam pro rozvoj ošetřovatelské vědy a poukázat na badatele, kteří se problematice věnují. Autorky vycházejí z teze, že validita je nezbytnou komponentou bádání a má významný dopad na věrohodnost výzkumu diagnostických pojmů NANDA International. Předkládají názor, že k posílení vědecké úrovně validizace diagnostiky NANDA International bude prioritní realizovat studie s užitím konstruktové validity., The article aims to give information about types of validity and validation studies of diagnostic NANDA International, emphasize their importance for the development of nursing science and point out the researchers who deal with this issue. The authors suppose that validity is an essential component of research and has a signifi cant impact on the credibility of the research diagnostic concepts of NANDA International. Authors claim that in order to strengthen the scientifi c validation of NANDA International diagnostics, the priority will be to implement studies using the construct validity., Lenka Mazalová, Jana Marečková, and Literatura 20
The author in her essay briefly visits the history of thinking about democracy. However, the focus ofher contemplations is on describing the limits of contemporary democracy. One of the perils threatening thedemocratic parliamentary system is the “tyranny of the majority” in parliaments, which means that the opinionsand proposals of political minorities are being overlooked.It was Alexis de Tocqueville who defined the term “tyranny of the majority” and the author of this work tookthis term and its definition as the cornerstone of this article and applied it to the current democratic model.She also indicated what means could be used to weaken the tyranny of the majority (as well as the tyrannyof the minority) and strengthen democracy.