Sometimes intraorbital foreign bodies lead to unexpected findings. A 16-year old boy was referred due to ocular surface trauma. A conjunctival laceration was detected at the level of the left caruncle with associated left exotropia, reduced adduction as well as a preretinal hemorrhage along the nasal periphery of the fundus. A blow-out fracture of the medial orbital wall was suspected and a CT scan of the orbits was scheduled which revealed the presence of a large intraorbital foreign body. The removal of the intraorbital foreign body (which proved to be a bullet) and precautionary laser photocoagulation along the nasal periphery of the left eye were performed. Ocular surface trauma may reveal unexpected findings, such as an intraorbital foreign body, requiring investigation by a CT scan., Efstathios T. Detorakis, Emmanouil K. Symvoulakis, Eleni Drakonaki, Ekaterini Halkia, Miltiadis K. Tsilimbaris, and Literatura 7
This report describes a case of male patient with metastatic papillary carcinoma of unknown primary origin with unusual high levels of CA 125. Laboratory tests in serum and plasma (urea, creatinine, uric acid, sodium, potassium, total bilirubin, ALT, AST, GMT, ALP, C-reactive protein, and glucose) were normal except C-reactive protein (57.6 mg/l). Computer tomography scan showed tumorous formations situated in the area of both kidneys. According to the literature we performed more detailed laboratory investigation (CEA, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, AFP) and we found only serum level of CA 125 significantly elevated (> 600 kU/l). The results of recent studies suggest that CA 125 might be useful as a serum tumor marker also in patients with other carcinomas apart ovarian cancer., Kazuistika popisuje případ pacienta s metastatickým papilárním karcinomem z neznámého zdroje s neobvykle vysokou hodnotou CA 125. Analyty stanovené v séru a plasmě (urea, kreatinin, kyselina močová, sodný kation, draselný kation, celkový bilirubin, ALT, AST, GMT, ALP, C-reaktivní protein a glukóza) byly v referenčním rozmezí kromě C-reaktivního proteinu (57,6 mg/l). Pomocí počítačové tomografie byly prokázány tumorózní útvary v oblasti obou ledvin. V souladu s literaturou bylo provedeno podrobnější laboratorní vyšetření (CEA, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, AFP), kde byla prokázána významně zvýšená hladina CA 125 (> 600 kU/l). Výsledky některých studií poukazují na to, že CA 125 by mohl být vhodným nádorovým markerem také u pacientů s jinými druhy karcinomů než s karcinomem ovaria., Eva Klapková, Richard Průša, J. Kukačka, and Lit. 11
Mild hyperhomocysteinemia has been established as a new independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and thrombosis. The metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance is associated with a high risk of coronary heart disease. Our objective was to determine if any relationship exists between the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance in non-diabetic subjects and total serum homocysteine levels. Sixty-six healthy volunteers (33 males and 33 females) were selected from the population of Pilsen. Insulin resistance was measured by the Insulin Suppression Test using Octreotide. Steady-state plasma glucose concentrations at the end of the test period provided a quantitative measure of insulin resistance. Serum homocysteine level was estimated by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Serum folate and vitamin B12 were estimated using commercial kits on an Abbott IMx analyzer. All other laboratory tests were performed by standard methods in a routine biochemical laboratory. Subjects with the highest tertile of steady-state plasma glucose showed a significantly higher body mass index, blood pressure, fasting plasma triglyceride levels, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and lower HDL-cholesterol, i.e. an insulin resistance pattern. These subjects had significantly lower serum homocysteine levels compared with non-insulin resistant subjects. The negative association of insulin resistance and serum homocysteine was unexpected. The contribution of plasma folate levels to serum homocysteine levels and serum creatinine was significantly negative and positive, respectively., H. Rosolová, J. Šimon, O. Mayer Jr., J. Racek, T. Dierzé, D. W. Jacobsen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cílem této recenze je shrnout hlavní aspekty knihy autora Neala C. Hogana Unhealed wounds: medical malpractice in the twentieth century, která vyšla v roce 2003 v New Yorku. Jak název napovídá, kniha se zabývá chronologickým vývojem problematiky profesního pochybení lékařů v USA v minulém století. Tato recenze stručně informuje o autorovi, nicméně její podstatná část se zabývá obsahem publikace. Recenze se zabývá popisem jednotlivých kapitol ve stejném pořadí, jak jsou uvedeny v knize. Zdůrazněny jsou hlavní historické milníky problematiky profesního pochybení lékařů. V závěru je recenzentem provedeno zhodnocení publikace a zamyšlení nad případnou aplikací americké právní doktríny týkající se profesního pochybení lékaře v českém právním systému., The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book Unhealed wounds: medical malpractice in the twentieth century written by Neal C. Hogan, published in 2003 in New York. As the title suggests the book itself is focused on chronological development of medical malpractice in the USA in previous century. This review briefly informs about the author but it´s mainly concentrated on the publication´s content. Paper itself descripts component chapters in the same order as it is written in the book. Break points of malpractice history are highlighted. In conclusion of the review author evaluates the book and presents his own reflection about application of the American legal doctrine of medical malpractice in the Czech legal system., and Jan Kotula
A graph is nonsingular if its adjacency matrix $A(G)$ is nonsingular. The inverse of a nonsingular graph $G$ is a graph whose adjacency matrix is similar to $A(G)^{-1}$ via a particular type of similarity. Let $\mathcal{H}$ denote the class of connected bipartite graphs with unique perfect matchings. Tifenbach and Kirkland (2009) characterized the unicyclic graphs in $\mathcal{H}$ which possess unicyclic inverses. We present a characterization of unicyclic graphs in $\mathcal{H}$ which possess bicyclic inverses., Swarup Kumar Panda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Terminology for microtriches, the surface features both unique to and ubiquitous among cestodes, is standardised based on discussions that occurred at the International Workshops on Cestode Systematics in Storrs, Connecticut, USA in 2002, in České Budějovice, Czech Republic in 2005 and in Smolenice, Slovakia in 2008. The following terms were endorsed for the components of individual microtriches: The distal, electron-dense portion is the cap, the proximal more electron-lucent region is the base. These two elements are separated from one another by the baseplate. The base is composed of, among other elements, microfilaments. The cap is composed of cap tubules. The electron-lucent central portion of the base is referred to as the core. The core may be surrounded by an electron-dense tunic. The entire microthrix is bounded by a plasma membrane, the external layer of which is referred to as the glycocalyx. Two distinct sizes of microtriches are recognised: those <= 200 nm in basal width, termed filitriches, and those >200 nm in basal width, termed spinitriches. Filitriches are considered to occur in three lengths: papilliform (<= 2 times as long as wide), acicular (2-6 times as long as wide), and capilliform (>6 times as long as wide). In instances in which filitriches appear to be doubled at their base, the modifier duplicated is used. Spinitriches are much more variable in form. At present a total of 25 spinithrix shapes are recognised. These consist of 13 in which the width greatly exceeds the thickness (i.e., bifid, bifurcate, cordate, gladiate, hamulate, lanceolate, lineate, lingulate, palmate, pectinate, spathulate, trifid, and trifurcate), and 12 in which width and thickness are approximately equal (i.e., chelate, clavate, columnar, coniform, costate, cyrillionate, hastate, rostrate, scolopate, stellate, trullate, and uncinate). Spiniform microtriches can bear marginal (serrate) and/or dorsoventral (gongylate) elaborations; they can also bear apical features (aristate). The latter two modifiers should be used only if the features are present. The terminology to describe the overall form of a spinithrix should be used in the following order: tip, margins, shape. Each type of microthrix variation is defined and illustrated with one or more scanning electron micrographs. An indication of the taxa in which each of the microthrix forms is found is also provided.