Let $R$ be an integral domain with quotient field $K$ and $f(x)$ a polynomial of positive degree in $K[x]$. In this paper we develop a method for studying almost principal uppers to zero ideals. More precisely, we prove that uppers to zero divisorial ideals of the form $I = f(x)K[x] \cap R[x]$ are almost principal in the following two cases: – $J$, the ideal generated by the leading coefficients of $I$, satisfies $J^{-1} = R$. – $I^{-1}$ as the $R[x]$-submodule of $K(x)$ is of finite type. Furthermore we prove that for $I = f(x)K[x] \cap R[x]$ we have: – $I^{-1}\cap K[x]=(I:_{K(x)}I)$. – If there exists $p/q \in I^{-1}-K[x]$, then $(q,f)\neq 1$ in $K[x]$. If in addition $q$ is irreducible and $I$ is almost principal, then $I' = q(x)K[x] \cap R[x]$ is an almost principal upper to zero. Finally we show that a Schreier domain $R$ is a greatest common divisor domain if and only if every upper to zero in $R[x]$ contains a primitive polynomial.
Autor zdůvodňuje nutnost individuálního přístupu k edukaci o fyzické aktivitě. Individuální přístup se týká vhodné pohybové aktivity, intenzity a trvání pohybu, ale také úprav terapie. Autor ukazuje rámcová doporučení, týkající se úprav diety a také úprav dávek inzulinu tak, jak jsou v procesu edukace předkládány nemocným s diabetes mellitus na jeho pracovišti., Jindřich Olšovský, and Lit. 6
Disordered motility is one of the most important pathogenic characteristics of functional dyspepsia (FD), although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Since the sympathetic system is important to the regulation of gastrointestinal motility, the present study aimed to investigate the role of norepinephrine (NE) and adrenoceptors in disordered gastric motility in a rat model with FD. The effect of exogenous NE on gastric motility in control and FD rats was measured through an organ bath study. The expression and distribution of β-adrenoceptors were examined by real-time PCR, Western blotting and immunofluorescence. The results showed that endogenous gastric NE was elevated in FD rats, and hyperreactivity of gastric smooth muscle to NE and delayed gastric emptying were observed in the rat model of FD. The mRNA levels of β1-adrenoceptor and norepinephrine transporter (NET) and the protein levels of β2-adrenoceptor and NET were increased significantly in the gastric corpus of FD rats. All three subtypes of β-adrenoceptors were abundantly distributed in the gastric corpus of rats. In conclusion, the enhanced NE and β-adrenoceptors and NETs may be contributed to the disordered gastric motility in FD rats.
Genes encoding enzymes involved in fatty acids (FA) and glucose oxidation are transcriptionally regulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR), members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Under conditions associated with O 2 deficiency, PPAR-α modulates substrate switch (between FA and glucose) aimed at the adequate energy production to maintain basic cardiac function. Both, positive and negative effects of PPAR-α activation on myoc ardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury have been reported. Moreover, the role of PPAR-mediated metabolic shifts in cardioprotective mechanisms of preconditioning (PC) is relatively less investigated. We explored the effects of PPAR-α upregulation mimicking a delayed “second window” of PC on I/R injury in the rat heart and potential downstream mechanisms involved. Pretreatment of rats with PPAR-α agonist WY-14643 (WY, 1 mg/kg, i.p.) 24 h prior to I/R reduced post-ischemic stunning, arrhythmias and the extent of lethal injury (infarct size) and ap optosis (caspase-3 expression) in isolated hearts exposed to 30-min global ischemia and 2-h reperfusion. Protection was associated with remarkably increased expression of PPAR- α target genes promoting FA utilization (medium-chain acyl-CoA de hydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I) and reduced expression of glucose transporter GLUT-4 responsible for glucose transport and metabolism. In addition, enhanced Akt phosphorylation and protein levels of eNOS, in conjunction with blunting of cardioprotection by NOS inhibitor L-NAME, were observed in the WY-treated hearts. Conclusions: upregulation of PPAR-α target metabolic genes involved in FA oxidation may underlie a delayed phase PC-like protection in the rat heart. Potential non-genomic effects of PPAR-α-mediated cardioprotection may involve activation of prosurvival PI3K/Akt pathway and its downstream targets such as eNOS and subsequently reduced apoptosis., T. Ravingerová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The uptake, reflux and excretion of bromosulfophthalein (BSP) were studied on a model of total warm ischaemia for 30 min (group 1) or 60 min (group 2) followed by reperfusion for 45 min in the isolated perfused rat liver of unfasting rats. In group 1, the BSP hepatic uptake was comparable to control livers (30 s ischaemia plus 45 min reperfusion), but was significantly reduced in group 2. The reflux of BSP from liver to perfusate in group 1 and group 2 resulted in the appearance of secondary concentration time peaks of BSP in the reservoir perfusate. This result suggests that ischaemia-reperfusion induced a qualitative change in BSP pharmacokinetics. Excretion of the dye into bile was significantly impaired in group 2 only. The leakage of lactate dehydrogenase into the perfusate was increased moderately in both group 1 and group 2 in comparison to the controls, suggesting a low degree of liver parenchymal injury. In conclusion, the results of this investigation showed that BSP pharmacokinetics were not only undergoing quantitative changes but also a qualitative change in the model of ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the liver obtained from fed rats and may thus serve as a highly sensitive indicator of liver viability.
This study deals with the changes in position of the office of moravian land captain during the reign of last members of house Luxemburg in Moravia, since the ascension of king Venceslaus IV. in the year 1411, over the reign of Sigismund of Hungary, to the granting of Moravian margravate to Albrecht V. of Habsburg in october 1423. The author corrects some deficiencies of existing literature and specifies the chronology of holders of this office. Based on the analysisi of sources are also reconstructed purviews and areas, in which the land captain could intervene and their changes in time of hussite wars and reign of different margraves. This work also captures the way of appointment and deposition of land captains by the ruler and different strategies and attempts to alternate arrangement of administration of Moravian margravate by Sigismund of Hungary, when he tried to sideline this office, which became more and more dependent on the forming high nobility estate.
Úraz podtlakem v bazénu je skupina specifických raritních poranĕní s velkým rizikem fatálních důsledků. Častĕjší obĕtí s častĕji vážnějšími důsledky jsou zejména malé dĕti. Při tomto druhu poranĕní dochází ve vĕtší či menší míře k tonutí postiženého. Případ 19-letého pacienta zachyceného v oblasti hýždí nezajištěným otvorem sací drenáže zajímavĕ ilustruje nĕkteré zvláštnosti této problematiky. Preventivní opatření jsou v současnosti již známá, problém bývá vĕtšinou s jejich důslednou aplikací. K fatálním příčinám patří kromĕ utonutí, hypovolemický šok z náhlé redistribuce tekutin třetího prostoru a eviscerace s devastací vnitřních orgánů. Lokalizované často bizardní a velké otoky a sufúze lze v naprosté vĕtšinĕ případů řešit konzervativnĕ. Pro prevenci je klíčové rozšíření informace o existenci těchto poranĕní do obecného povědomí. Pro jejich správný management je pak důležité prohlubování povědomí a sdílení zkušeností s řešením těchto raritních poranĕní v odborné veřejnosti., Swimming pool suction injuries are unique and rare with a substantive risk of fatal consequences. Little children under the age of 8 are the most frequent victims with serious injuries. Drownings of different seriousness are also a usual part of accidents. The case of a 19 year old man trapped in the gluteal area by a unsecured suction drainage hole illustrates the uniqueness of this problem in an interesting way. Prophylactic arrangements are well known but the problem is with their strict application. Fatal causes excluding drowning include hypovolemic shock from the sudden redistribution of intersticial fluid and blood and also the evisceration of the bowel and other abdominal organs. Localised often bizarre and large swellings and sufusions can be treated nonoperatively in the vast majority of cases. For the prevention of these injuries it is important to inform the public and increase their awareness to these injuries. It is also crucial for the correct management of these injuries a deeper awareness of this issue and a sharing of experiences and solutions with other experts., and J. Škach, P. Kašák, J. Šrám