During monopolar monoaural galvanization the absolute value of body mass centre displacement angle did not depend on the stimulation electrode position. The angle value was always close either to 0° or to 180° (i.e. in the latero-lateral direction). However, some fine angle differences between different electrode positions occurred and they were statistically significant in two cases. During monoaural bipolar stimulation the body mass centre moved practically in all directions ( for all four used electrode positions) and the angles formed a more or less coherent rosette in the range of 0°-360°.
Four strains of non-encysting amoebae were isolated from organs of freshwater fishes and characterized using light and electron microscope. Morphology of three clonal strains was consistent with amoebae which had already been described from water habitats. Two strains, one isolated from kidney tissue of common goldfish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758), and the second one from brain of chub, Leuciscus cephalus Linnaeus, 1758, were identified with Vannella platypodia (Gläser, 1912) Page, 1976. Both strains were identical, except for the length of glycostyles. The strain isolated from the liver of perch, Perea fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758), was assigned to the genus Vexillifera Schaeffer, 1926 as Vexillifera expectata sp. n. The taxonomic position of the fourth non-encysting strain could not be safely established, although it shares some trophic cell structures with protostelids (Protostelia, Eumycetozoea). We present its detailed description here also to demonstrate that amoeba stages of this type of organisms are capable to infect fishes.
V prelimináriích: Collegium Europaeum - výzkumná skupina pro dějiny evropského myšlení Filozofické fakulty UK & Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, Kniha vychází při příležitosti 85. narozenin Zdeňka V. Davida, and Obálkový a hřbetní název: Via media - k poctě Zdeňka V. Davida
V prelimináriích: Collegium Europaeum - výzkumná skupina pro dějiny evropského myšlení Filozofické fakulty UK & Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, Kniha vychází při příležitosti 85. narozenin Zdeňka V. Davida, and Obálkový a hřbetní název: Via media - k poctě Zdeňka V. Davida