In this paper the idea of the Loebner contest as a practical implementation of the Turing test is presented. The Brian Plüss’ measure of the degrees of non-cooperation in a dialogue is applied to the dialogues of the Loebner contest. The proposal of a typology of non-cooperative features in the contest’s dialogues is discussed and the reliability of annotation with the use of this typology of features is analyzed. The degrees of non-cooperation of judges and programs for the Loebner contest (editions 2009 – 2012) are presented and discussed. On the basis of the results the role of a judge and the strategies used by programs are discussed for the contest and the Turing test., V tomto příspěvku je představena myšlenka soutěže Loebner jako praktické realizace Turingova testu. Míra míry nespolupráce Briana Plüssa v dialogu se vztahuje na dialogy soutěže Loebner. Diskutuje se o návrhu typologie nekooperativních prvků v dialogu soutěže a analyzuje se spolehlivost anotace s využitím této typologie prvků. Jsou prezentovány a diskutovány stupně nespolupráce soudců a programů pro soutěž Loebner (edice 2009 - 2012). Na základě výsledků se pro soutěž a Turingův test projednává role soudce a strategie používané programy., and Paweł Łupkowski
Normative naturalism is primarily a metaphysical doctrine: there are normative facts and properties, and these fall into the class of natural facts and properties. Many objections to naturalism rely on additional assumptions about language or thought, but often without adequate consideration of just how normative properties would have to figure in our thought and talk if naturalism were true. In the first part of the paper, I explain why naturalists needn’t think that normative properties can be represented or ascribed in wholly non-normative terms. If so, certain prominent objections to normative naturalism fail. In the second part, I consider the objection that normative properties are “just too different” from (other) natural properties to themselves be natural properties. I argue that naturalists have no distinctive trouble making sense of thought and talk involving forms of “genuine” or “authoritative” normativity which can drive a non-question-begging form of the objection.
Epidemiologické práce ukazujú zvyšujúci sa výskyt diabetickej nefropatie. Diabetici s chronickou obličkovou chorobou sú najväčšou skupinou z pacientov na liečbe nahradzujúcej renálne funkcie. Renal Pathology Society zostavila patologicko-anatomickú klasifikáciu diabetickej nefropatie. Základnými biochemickými diagnostickými parametrami sú albuminúria a odhad glomerulovej filtrácie. Pracovná skupina European Renal Best Practice vypracovala Usmernenia o manažmente diabetikov s chronickou obličkovou chorobou v štádiu 3b CKD a vyššom. Kľúčové slová: diagnostika diabetickej nefropatie – liečba chronickej obličkovej choroby u diabetikov – výskyt diabetickej nefropatie, Epidemiological studies show increasing prevalence of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease are the biggest group from among patients on renal replacement therapy. Renal Pathology Society developed pathological classification of diabetic nephropathy. The cardinal biochemical diagnostic parameters are albuminuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate. European Renal Best Practice work group developed Clinical Practice Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease stage 3b or higher. Key words: epidemiology of diabetic nephropathy – diagnostics of diabetic nephropathy – therapy of chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients, and Peter Ponťuch