This work examines the main features of the flash flood regime in Central Europe as revealed by an analysis of flash floods that have occurred in Slovakia. The work is organized into the following two parts: The first part focuses on estimating the rainfall-runoff relationships for 3 major flash flood events, which were among the most severe events since 1998 and caused a loss of lives and a large amount of damage. The selected flash floods occurred on the 20th of July, 1998, in the Malá Svinka and Dubovický Creek basins; the 24th of July, 2001, at Štrbský Creek; and the 19th of June, 2004, at Turniansky Creek. The analysis aims to assess the flash flood peaks and rainfall-runoff properties by combining post-flood surveys and the application of hydrological and hydraulic post-event analyses. Next, a spatially-distributed hydrological model based on the availability of the raster information of the landscape’s topography, soil and vegetation properties, and rainfall data was used to simulate the runoff. The results from the application of the distributed hydrological model were used to analyse the consistency of the surveyed peak discharges with respect to the estimated rainfall properties and drainage basins. In the second part these data were combined with observations from flash flood events which were observed during the last 100 years and are focused on an analysis of the relationship between the flood peaks and the catchment area. The envelope curve was shown to exhibit a more pronounced decrease with the catchment size with respect to other flash flood relationships found in the Mediterranean region. The differences between the two relationships mainly reflect changes in the coverage of the storm sizes and hydrological characteristics between the two regions.
The main views on the nature of narrative in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy are analyzed. It is shown how, realizing the research narrative, he paid attention to the linguistic means of expression of our thoughts, reference to the actual reality, the logical component of argumentation. It is shown that in order to place worldview ac-cents more clearly and strengthen the expressive effect of thought, Wittgenstein pragmatized the narrative, in particular, used metaphors, images of learning, took into account the historico-cultural context. It is important for him to show that the form of the narrative influences what meanings the interlocutor will comprehend. Through a system of micro- and macro-narratives, Wittgenstein intended to express his opinion as clearly as possible, although he made the reader an active participant in the narrative. The thinker did not deviate from the analytico-scientific standards of philosophizing, although he showed that the relevant analysis of the narrative is significantly complicated by the ambiguities of its interpretation, the uniqueness of human experience and the identity of each narrator’s value system. It is argued that a pragmatic approach to narrative analysis significantly expands the research methodology of the analytic thinker and, accordingly, makes it possible to deepen our understanding of reality and human existence, as well as more clearly define the specifics of their knowledge.
In the present work, existing empirical expressions for longitudinal dispersion coefficient of rivers (K) are evaluated. They are found inadequate primarily because these expressions ignore the channel sinuosity, an important parameter representing a river’s transverse irregularities that affect mixing process. Hence, a new expression for K is derived taking into account the sinuosity besides few of other hydraulic and geometric characteristics of a river. The model makes use of genetic algorithm (GA) on published field data. Based on several performance indices, the new expression is found superior to many existing expressions for estimating K. The sensitivity and error analysis conducted on parameters of the new expression show the channel sinuosity an important input for predicting K accurately. Any error in measurement of sinuosity would lead to significant deviation in the longitudinal dispersion coefficient in sinuous rivers.
The role of groundwater resurgence on runoff coefficients was investigated in the Alzette river floodplain, upstream of Luxembourg-city (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg). A threshold in the saturation level was identified through the calculation of a water balance at daily time step. This threshold appeared to coincide with groundwater resurgence in the Alzette river floodplain. Once groundwater resurgence appears, runoff coefficients reach their maximum level of approximately 70%, regardless of individual rainfall event totals. Groundwater level monitoring can thus serve as a tool for evaluating the overall saturation level, as well as the runoff coefficients that are to be expected in case of rainfall. The water balance and groundwater levels having been identified as indicators of the overall soil moisture in the basin prior to a flood, these variables were used to develop an empirical tool for the estimation of peak discharge in the Alzette river basin for rainfall events of a given return period. and Príspevok analyzuje vplyv prelivu hladiny podzemnej vody na odtokové koeficienty v inundačnom území rieky Alzette v hornej časti povodia nad mestom Luxemburg. Na základe hydrologickej bilancie (určenia zásoby vody v povodí) v dennom kroku bolo určené prahové nasýtenie povodia, ktoré sa časovo zhoduje s výskytom prelivu podzemnej vody v inundačnom území rieky Alzette. Po vzniku prelivu odtokové koeficienty dosahujú svoju maximálnu hodnotu približne 70 %, bez ohľadu na celkový úhrn jednotlivých zrážkových udalostí. Monitoring hladiny podzemnej vody teda môže byť použitý pri určení celkového nasýtenia povodia aj odtokových koeficientov, ktoré sa v takom prípade pri výskyte zrážok dajú očakávať. Hydrologická bilancia a hladiny podzemnej vody ako indikátory stavu nasýtenia povodia pred udalosťou boli použité na odvodenie empirického spôsobu odhadu kulminačného prietoku v povodí Alzette pre zrážkové udalosti s danou dobou opakovania.
The main objective of this study is to develop a model procedure for predicting low flows for a large set of gauged basins located in the Rhine-Meuse area. The methodology is primarily based on the analysis of recession curves, river discharges being essentially provided by groundwater flow during drought period. Our objective is to use recession coefficients in order to calibrate base flow predictions coming out from a groundwater reservoir. Problems related to the temporal variability of recession coefficients are discussed. We come to the conclusion that lows flows prediction can be improved by implementing a new groundwater reservoir into the RR model based on our knowledge of low flow processes. and Jednou z požiadaviek Rámcovej smernice o vode (WFD, 2000/60/EC) je analýza trendov a dlhodobá predpoveď vývoja znečistenia povrchových tokov. Pri odhade vývoja znečistenia toku je potrebné brať do úvahy nielen možné zdroje znečistenia, ale je potrebné uvažovať aj s vývojom množstva vody v tokoch a so zvyšovaním teploty tokov v dôsledku očakávanej klimatickej zmeny a zmeny vo využívaní vodných zdrojov. V príspevku je analyzovaný vývoj mesačných koncentrácií vybraných ukazovateľov kvality vody v toku Dunaja v stanici Bratislava (napr. Chl-a, Ca, EC, SO4 2-, Cl- , O2, BSK5, N-celk, PO4-P, NO3-N, NO2-N a pod.) za obdobie r. 1991-2005. Za účelom dlhodobej predpovede koncentrácií každého ukazovateľa kvality vody sme na základe štatistických testov vybrali najlepší autoregresný Box-Jenkinsov model s dvoma regresormi: 1. prietokmi a 2. teplotami vody. Scenáre pre mesačné prietoky a mesačné teploty vody boli vytvorené pre tri stavy: i) priemerné podmienky - medián prietokov a teploty vody; ii) nízke prietoky a vysoké teploty vody; a iii) vysoké prietoky a nízke teploty vody. Tieto scenárové podmienky boli vypočítané z denných údajov z obdobia 1931-2005 ako percentily (1. percentil, medián, 99. percentil). Použijúc tieto scenáre sme vybranými Box-Jenkinsovými modelmi s dvoma regresormi simulovali extrémne mesačné hodnoty vybraných ukazovateľom kvality vody v Dunaji pre extrémne hydrologické a teplotné podmienky.
The study on bedload transport behaviour is widely explored from the last few decades and many semiempirical or empirical equilibrium transport equations are developed. The phenomenon is a very complex due to its varied physical properties like velocity, depth, slope, particle size in the alluvial system. In practical applications, these formulae have appreciable deviation from each other in derivation and also their ranges of applications are different. Here, bedload transports have been categorized into moderate bedload transport and intense bedload transport depending upon the Einstein bedload transport parameter. Based on large database of different bedload measurements, a comparative analysis has been performed to ascertain prediction ability of different bedload equations based on various statistical criteria such as the coefficient of determination, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient and index of agreement. It has been found that equations based on shear stress have worked better than other approaches (discharge, probabilistic and regression) for flume observations. and Výskum transportu splavenín počas posledného obdobia bol relatívne intenzívny; jeho výsledkom bolo množstvo empirických a poloempirických rovníc kvantifikujúcich rovnovážny transport splavenín. Je to zložitá problematika; je to tak v dôsledku meniacich sa fyzikálnych vlastností ako je rýchlosť, hĺbka, sklon, zrnitostné zloženie splavenín v aluviálnom systéme. Výsledky výpočtu z týchto rovníc sa významne líšia a líši sa tiež oblasť ich možnej aplikácie. V tejto štúdii je transport splavenín rozdelený na priemerný a intenzívny, podľa Einsteinovho parametra transportu splavenín. S využitím štatistických metód sme uskutočnili komparatívnu analýzu presnosti rozdielnych rovníc transportu splavenín. Pri analýze bola použitá rozsiahla databáza výsledkov meraní. Výsledkom je, že rovnice založené na informácii o tangenciálnom napätí dávajú lepšie výsledky ako tie, ktoré využívajú pre výpočet transportu splavenín prietoky, pravdepodobnostný prístup a regresie.